
  1. 量子启发数学形态学的研究

    Research on Quantum - Inspired Mathematical Morphology

  2. 针对在微光成像过程中起主要影响作用的噪声成分,建立了微光成像系统的量子噪声数学模型。

    A Mathematical model of quantum noise having much effect on the low-light-imaging system is set up .

  3. 本文对于公认的量子力学数学基础&冯·诺意曼概率论提出了两点质疑。

    The paper raises two queries about the generally accepted mathematical foundation of quantum mechanicsvon Neumann 's quantum probability .

  4. 事实上,基于实验数据总体的氢原子的结构,是量子力学数学上精确性的最好描述。

    In fact , quantum mechanics has represented in a numerically exact way the totality of experimental data on the structure of the Hydrogen atom .

  5. 谈量子力学的数学基础

    On the mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics

  6. 量子理论的数学公式需要运用虚数。

    The mathematical formulation of the quantum theory has required the use of imaginary numbers .

  7. 它是量子力学、数学物理方程及其它技术领域的有力的数学工具。

    It is also a forceful tool in modern quantum mechanic , mathematics-physics equations and other technology fields .

  8. 解决薛定谔猫佯谬的一个途径及量子力学的数学方法在概率论中的应用

    The way to solve the paradox of schrodinger 's cat and the usage of mathematical methods of quantum mechanics in probability

  9. 他自己抽时间学习数学,学习诺伊曼的《量子力学的数学基础》。

    And he found time for mathematical study of his own , taking up von Neumann 's Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics again .

  10. 伴随着量子力学、数学、信息学的飞速发展,出现了量子信息学这门交叉学科。

    With the rapid development of quantum mechanics , mathematics and information science , the cross-disciplinary subject of quantum information has been established .

  11. 充足的证据已经驳斥了那种认为女性大脑根本不能进行空间思维,量子飞跃和数学题运算的观点。

    Ample evidence refutes the notion that female brains just can 't rotate the object , leap the quantum , do the math .

  12. 这是一个很有雄心的选择,该书出版于1932年,题为《量子力学的数学基础》,作者是年轻的匈牙利数学家,约翰.冯.诺伊曼。

    It was an ambitious choice of study , a book only published in 1932 . It was the Mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik , the Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics , by the young Hungarian mathematician John von Neumann .

  13. 如果用量子力学的数学方法来描述原行星星云中的微观粒子的混沌行为,则星云中最丰富的粒子的径向分布几率密度峰与行星的位置很好地对应。

    If the chaotic behavior of particles in the proto planetary nebula can be described in terms of the mathematics method in quantum mechanics , the good correspondences between the planetary distances and the radial probability density peaks of the most abundant nebular particles can be found .

  14. 无疑,在1933年末,艾伦·图灵致力于量子物理和纯数学这两个领域,进行了非常深入的思考,试图建立抽象与具体,符号与实物之间的联系。

    Certainly , by the end of 1933 , Alan Turing had his teeth into two parallel problems of great depth . Both in quantum physics and in pure mathematics , the task was to relate the abstract and the physical , the symbolic and the real .

  15. 量子系统的特性可以由量子系统的数学描述来表示。

    The characteristics of a quantum system can be characterized by its mathematical description .

  16. 量子力学是一套构造物理学理论的规则,而量子逻辑是量子力学存在的数学基础。

    It is well-known that quantum mechanics is a set of rules to construct physical theories , and quantum logics is its mathematical foundation .

  17. 量子计算是近十多年来物理学研究中最热门的领域之一,已形成了集量子物理学、数学、材料科学和工程科学等多学科交叉研究的局面,吸引了大量的科研人员投身其中。

    Quantum computation research has the multidisciplinary character that combines quantum physics , mathematics , material science , and engineering etc. It has become one of the most active areas in physical research , and attracted lots of the most brilliant brains in the world .

  18. 本文介绍了量子力学中效应代数的研究进展。指出利用无穷矩阵理论研究其上的收敛理论和不变量,对建立量子力学的数学基础有重要意义。

    This paper introduces the research development of the important effect algebra in quantum mechanics , and points out that it is of great significance to the establishment of mathematical foundation of quantum mechanics by making use of infinite matrix theory to study its convergent theory and invariants .