
  • 网络applied statistics
  1. 资源评估是应用各种统计和数学方法量化地研究鱼类种群形态对渔业管理选择的反应。

    Fish stock assessment is to use various statistical and mathematical methods to quantify the reactions of fish population to fisheries management choices .

  2. 以CO和NO2为监测气体,应用数理统计和模糊数学方法,对城市街道峡谷机动车排放的日监测时段进行了优化。

    In the paper , mathematical statistics and fuzzy mathematics method were utilized to optimize the monitoring time with CO and NO2 as the monitoring gas in urban street canyons .

  3. 提出了关于扫气效率同扫气过量空气系数之间关系的修改数学模型及应用概率统计理论确定数学模型中参数b1和b2的方法。

    A correcting of the mathematical model indicating the relation between the scavenging efficiency and the scavenging ratio has put forward . A method has also been elicited by which the parameter of the given model b1 and b2 has been prescribed in the light of probability theory .

  4. 对于可定性分析指标,采用离散语言值标尺确定单因素评价向量;对于可定量分析指标,应用数理统计与模糊数学相结合的方法,根据离散抽样模型,定量计算单因素评价向量。

    The vectors of qualitative indexes are obtained from discrete value scale evaluation and the vectors of quantitative indexes are derived from discrete sample model based on the principle of statistics and fuzzy mathematics .

  5. 数学:应用数学,应用统计,数学教育。

    Mathematics : General and Applied , Applied Statistics , Education .