
  • 网络Ying State
  1. 本文公布了应国墓地八号墓的发掘资料,并对相关问题进行了初步研究。

    This paper publicizes the excavation data of Tomb 8 at the Ying State cemetery and studies correlative issues .

  2. 我们应联合国的要求前去救援索马里的民众。

    We 're coming to the aid of the people of Somalia at the request of the United Nations

  3. 迄今为止,这家法院一般都是应所在国政府的请求而对疑犯进行起诉,如在乌干达、中非共和国(car)和刚果就是这样。

    Hitherto , this has usually been done at the request of the state itself , as in Uganda , the Central African Republic ( car ) and Congo .

  4. 经受了失败的考验之后,萨达姆于1991年开始应联合国要求,准备撤销制造大规模杀伤性武器计划。

    Chastened by defeat , Saddam actually did move in 1991 , as demanded by the UN , to dismantle his programmes to build weapons of mass destruction .

  5. 第四联由管制药品管理局依国际公约之规定或应输入国政府之管制需要,寄输入国政府签署后寄回;

    The fourth copy is sent to the importing countries in accordance with the provisions of international treaties or the regulations of the importing countries , and returned after signature .

  6. 要使社会更健康快速地发展,就应转变国人刻板、僵化、落后的传统性别价值观念,营造和谐、公平的性别环境。

    If we want to make society develops more healthily and fast , we should change compatriots mechanical , rigid , backward traditional gender values , build the harmonious , fair gender environment .

  7. 应联合国教科文组织、亚太发展中心和联合国大学的要求,中国多次承担了关于中国妇女问题的研究项目,提交的报告受到普遍好评。

    At the request of unesco , the Asia-Pacific Development Center and United Nations university , China has undertaken research projects on Chinese women and submitted many reports which have all been well received .

  8. 相对应我国住房市场化而言,廉租房具有保障低收入家庭的天然优势,有利于促进社会稳定和公平正义,但是其作用和功能没有充分显现。

    The corresponding terms of the housing market , low-rent housing has the protection of the natural advantage of low-income families , and promoting social stability and justice , but its role and function is not fully apparent .

  9. 高等教育内涵发展研究是对大学精神、大学文化乃至整个社会进程的关系性反应研究,是应我国社会与教育的发展需要而出现并被人们重视的。

    The research of the higher education connotation development is the relative response research to the university spirit , the university culture and even the entire social advancement . It appears for the needs of our society and education development and is taken seriously by the people then .

  10. 我们认为一国不应干涉他国内政。

    We hold that no country should interfere in the internal affairs of other countries .

  11. 加入WTO后应继续发挥国储糖的调控作用

    To Continue Playing the Regulation Role of Sugar Marketing State Sugar Reserve System after Joining WTO

  12. K法粗苯加氢精制应作为我国焦化企业的首选方法。

    K process for benzol hydrorefining should be taken as the preferred process for benzol hydrorefining in the coking enterprises in our country .

  13. 我们还应在联合国安理会(securitycouncil)决议中,阐明我们认为巴以协议应包括的内容,然后努力促成这样的协议。

    We should also set out in a Security Council resolution what we think an agreement in Palestine and Israel should comprise , and then work to achieve it .

  14. 与这一系列经济活动的周期性变化特征相对应,我国GDP增长正处于短周期波动的扩张期、中周期波动的复苏期和中长周期波动的谷底。

    Adapting to all these periodic waving features of different economic activities , Chinese GDP growth is just on the overspreading stage of its short-term circle , the recovering stage of its medium term circle and the bottom of its long medium term circle .

  15. 河北省是中国鸟类分布的重要地区,应成为我国野生动物重点保护和监测地区

    The wildlife in this area should be preserved and be monitored

  16. 知情权应是一国公民的基本权利之一。

    The right of know is a basic right of a citizen .

  17. 可见,保险至少应成为我国工薪阶层理财的一部分。

    And insurance should be one part of personal finance in China .

  18. 一场关于澳大利亚是否应变成共和国的争论。

    A debate about whether or not Australia should become a republic .

  19. 充分就业应是我国宏观经济调控的首要目标

    Adequate employment is the prior target for the macro economic control in China

  20. 满足公共需求应是我国经济发展的主流特征

    Meeting the Public Demand Should be a Mainstream Characteristic of China Economic Development

  21. [结论]应加强我国实验性护理研究的规范性。

    Conclusion : One should strengthen the specification of nursing experimental research in China .

  22. 无论你去哪个国家,你都应遵守该国法律。

    Whichever country you travel , you should observe the law of the country .

  23. 过错推定原则应为我国侵权行为法中的一项独立的归责原则。

    Presumed-default liability principle should be a self-existent liability principle in Chinese tort law .

  24. 同时认为统一监管应是我国银行业监管的必然趋势。

    And also thinks the united supervision is the orientation of our country banking supervision .

  25. 国有制应是我国现阶段社会主义公有制的特殊形式

    State-owned system should be a special form of socialist public-owned system of China at present

  26. 因此,行政垄断应成为我国反垄断法规制的主要对象。

    Therefore , the regulation of administrative monopoly becomes the main target of Anti-monopoly law .

  27. 我们应借鉴他国先进成熟的立法经验。

    Therefore , we should learn from the advanced experience of other countries in legislation .

  28. 高校应成为我国竞技体育高级人才培养基地可行性的探讨

    Discussion on the Feasibility that Universities and Colleges Being the Sports Talents ' Cultivating Base

  29. 应重视我国地下水的保护和管理

    Groundwater Protection and Management in China

  30. 首先,应明确我国证券监管的指导思想。

    First of all , we should define the guidelines of security supervision of our country .