
yìnɡ jí diàn yuán
  • emergency supply;emergency electric power source
  1. 新型三相应急电源系统的DSP控制方法

    DSP Control Strategy for a Novel Three-phase Emergency Power Supply System

  2. 基于DSP全数字控制应急电源设计

    The Design of Full Digital-Controlled Emergency Power System based on DSP

  3. 基于DSP的应急电源系统的研究

    The Research on Emergency Power Supply System Based on DSP

  4. 第四章介绍了基于DSP控制的新型三相应急电源的控制系统的软、硬件设计。

    Chapter four introduces the software and hardware design of the control systems .

  5. UPS应急电源在气象部门的使用及维护

    Application and Maintenance of the UPS Power in the Meteorological Departments

  6. 提出了相应的解决方案和部分EPS应急电源的接线方法。

    The connection of part circuit is discussed in this paper .

  7. 在线监测式EPS应急电源系统的研制

    Research and Development of On-Line Monitoring EPS Emergency Power Supply System

  8. 说明了EPS作为理想的应急电源在军用机场领域的应用;

    The EPS is used in airbase as an ideal supply .

  9. EPS应急电源在电气设计中的运用

    The application of EPS emergency power in electrical design

  10. EPS应急电源在高速公路长隧道中的应用研究

    Application of Emergency Power Supply in Highway Long Tunnel

  11. EPS智能应急电源在军用机场中的应用飞机用浮标应急电源的改进

    Application of EPS in Airbase Improvement of the emergency power source of aircraft buoy

  12. 基于高性能数字信号处理器(DSP)设计了全数字控制的智能型应急电源。

    Full digital-controlled Emergency Power System ( EPS ) based on high-performance Digital Signal Processor ( DSP ) is designed in this paper .

  13. 试论EPS应急电源的应用

    Application of Emergency Power Supply

  14. 基于虚拟仪器的大型FPSO应急电源监测研究

    The Monitoring and Research of Huge FPSO Based on the Virtual Instrument

  15. 对新型EPS应急电源的工作过程进行深入的分析,并给出Matlab的仿真结果。

    The paper analyzes the operating process of the new-type emergency power supply profoundly , and shows out the result of Matlab simulation .

  16. 对进一步深入研究和设计EPS应急电源具有重要意义。留学乌克兰不错的选择

    And it will take a important meaning in the process of the profoundly studying and designing EPS emergency power supply . Studying in Ukraine

  17. 第五章介绍了怎样使用TMS320LF2407ADSP芯片实现三相应急电源的控制,并给出了控制程序流程图,总结了本控制系统的特点。

    Realization of the digital control of EPS using TMS320LF2407A DSP is introduced in chapter five with flow chart of the programme set out .

  18. 由于传统应急电源(EPS)的局限性,本文研究了一种新型的单相应急电源系统。

    This thesis gives research on a novel single-phase emergency power supply ( EPS ) in order to overcome the limitations of the traditional emergency power supply .

  19. 对常用的应急电源装置:自备柴油发电机组、不间断电源装置UPS和应急电源装置EPS容量选择的方法、依据进行了论述。

    It elaborates over the method and the reasons to choose the regular emergency power facilities-self-provided diesel generator unit , uninterrupted power source ( UPS ) and emergency power source ( EPS ) .

  20. 平时,我把这个32磅的应急电源放在车里,但它在家里的作用同样明显,可以给手机、iPad和电脑充电。

    Normally , I keep this 32-pound emergency power source in the car , but it works just as well at home to keep mobile phones , iPads , and computers charged .

  21. 简述了EPS应急电源的工作原理,探讨了它的适用领域,给出了EPS应急电源常见的接线方式和容量选择方法。

    The principle of Emergency Power Supply system is presented , its field of practical application and the connection method of normal circuit and the capacity choice of EPS are discussed in this paper .

  22. 交流不间断电源(UPS)是应急电源,但其不同于柴油机应急发电机组和蓄电池组。单元220V交流不间断电源系统事故分析

    The AC Uninterrupted Power Supply ( UPS ) is a kind of emergency power , but it is different from emergency diesel generator and DC batteries . Accident Analysis on AC UPS for Section 220 V

  23. 本文研究了一种三相应急电源系统,该系统采用双向PWM变流器,双向DC/DC电路,使用DSP全数字控制,实现了EPS产品的绿色化、智能化和低成本的要求。

    A three-phase Emergency Power Supply ( EPS ) is introduced in this dissertation . A bidirectional DC / DC converter , bidirectional PWM converter and absolute digital control technique with DSP are applied to this EPS system . It is green , intelligent and with low cost .

  24. 接着具体介绍了应急电源的工作原理和设计要求,详细制定了全数字式6kW三相应急电源的设计方案。

    Secondly , the paper laboured its working principle and design requests , and made its design scheme .

  25. 用户自备应急电源应对电力突发事件

    The self-prepared emergency power sources to deal with sudden electric events

  26. 应急电源在大型体育场所的应用及有关问题的处理

    Application of Emergent Power Supply to Large Stadium and Relevant Trouble-Shooting

  27. 浅谈海洋平台应急电源系统检验

    On the Test of Emergency Power Supply System for Offshore Platform

  28. 超高层建筑应急电源供电时间的研究

    Study of Supply Time of Emergency Power in Super High-Rise Buildings

  29. 统一型客车应急电源简介

    Brief Introduction of Emergency Power Supply on Unified Type Passenger Cars

  30. 三相应急电源和并联型有源滤波器复合系统

    Combined Three-phase Emergency Power Supply System with Parallel Active Power Filter