
guǎng mào
  • Vastness;length and breadth of land
广袤 [guǎng mào]
  • [length and breadth of land] 土地的面积。东西的宽度为广,南北的长度为袤

  • 广袤可千里。--《汉书.贾捐之传》

广袤[guǎng mào]
  1. 黑龙江省广袤的森林资源对东北、华北乃至全国生态平衡起着至关重要的作用。

    Here the length and breadth of land forest resources is very important to balance of ecology in northeast , north and even all over China .

  2. 中国自古地域广袤,自然环境多样,为自然灾害的爆发提供了有利条件。

    China has had a wide length and breadth of land as well as a variety of natural environment from ancient times , which provides advantages for the eruption of natural disaster .

  3. 我们乘车穿越这片有着湖泊及森林的广袤而神奇的土地。

    We were driven across this wondrous vast land of lakes and forests .

  4. 埃塞俄比亚广袤的国土上生活着4,000多万人口。

    Ethiopia 's large territorial area takes in a population of more than 40 million people .

  5. 又干完了一天的活,菲利普满心愉悦地离开了广袤的乡村,前往自己位于伦敦的公寓。

    With another day 's work in the can , Philip is happy to leave the open countryside and head for his London flat .

  6. 登上山顶,一片广袤的平原进入视野。

    When we reached the top of the mountain , a wide plain came into view .

  7. 此外,南极洲过于广袤,一些矿藏所在地饱受暴风吹袭。这片大陆的面积比欧洲还要大,冬天的气温在零下55度左右。

    Then there is Antarctic 's remoteness , with some mineral deposits found in windswept locations on a continent that is larger the Europe and where winter temperatures hover around minus 55 degrees Celsius .

  8. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand .

  9. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。经过多次尝试,她还是失败了。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand.After many tries , she still failed .

  10. 在这些NPC被移除之后,一个小小的遗憾是,这片广袤的战场现在有点空荡荡了!

    While removing most of the NPCs has made way for more PvP , my one small regret is that is has left the immense zone feeling a bit empty .

  11. 狮子过去生活在非洲广袤的地区。

    The lion used to live in vast areas of Africa .

  12. 中国的西部,广袤而神奇。

    West region of China , is an amazing place .

  13. 发生地点在广袤的黄土高坡上一个叫做双水村的地方。

    Occurred in the vast loess altiplano a village called dual-water areas .

  14. 广袤黑暗的宇宙中一颗璀璨的宝石。

    A shining jewel in a vast , dark universe .

  15. 我们从未踏进这个广袤渊深的宇宙。

    We had never stepped into such a cavernous space .

  16. 在广袤的俄罗斯大地上你何必匆匆赶路?

    Though why would you rush it when journeying through far-flung Russia ?

  17. 潜伏在广袤森林的最深处或影界通道的最暗角落的掠食者。

    Predators that stalk the deepest woods and the darkest urban alleyways .

  18. 这是首批定居者见到我们广袤大陆时的承诺

    That is the promise the first settlers saw in our vast continent

  19. 广袤对于笛卡儿,乃是一个形容词,而不是一个实体字;

    For him , extension is an adjective , not a substantive ;

  20. 新疆广袤大地1/5的面积,都是天然气资源富集区。

    One-fifth of the land in Xinjiang is rich in natural resources .

  21. 他花了1500万美元买了这片广袤的土地。

    He paid 15 million dollars for this immense piece of land .

  22. 目光扫过一片广袤的蛮荒。

    The eye ranged over an immense extend of wilderness .

  23. 在那时,美国是一片广袤的荒野,印第安人居住于此。

    At that time America was an enormous wilderness and Indians lived there .

  24. 广袤的平原延伸几百里。

    The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles .

  25. 其实面积广袤并不是伊犁的最大特点。

    In fact , vastness isn 't the most salient feature of Ili .

  26. 让我们用整个身心去拥抱大自然的广袤和慷慨。

    Let us embrace the wide and generous nature .

  27. 在这块广袤的土地上,生活着众多的民族。

    There are many nations living on this land of length and breadth .

  28. 美国西南部地区,广袤的沙漠。美国犹他州。

    Southwestern of North America , vast area of desert . Utah , USA.

  29. 法国的平原在欧洲广袤的平原上是一个凸起,它突出的特点就是河流广布。

    The plains region is a projection of the great plain of Europe .

  30. 这片广袤而未开发的荒原把美国一分为二

    Vast , untouched , a wilderness dividing America .