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  • 网络CUP
  1. 全国报纸优秀广告奖广州日报杯评选获奖作品选登

    2005 Guangzhou Daily Cup National Newspaper Excellent Advertisements Award Collection

  2. 我们需要一个高收视率的电视广告时段。超级杯怎么样?

    We need a high-profile television slot . How about the Super Bowl ?

  3. 奇虎推出搜索引擎,是要将自己庞大用户群中的很大一部分导向自己的搜索引擎,从而在中国利润丰厚的搜索广告领域分得一杯羹。

    With the introduction of its search engine , Qihoo aims to funnel much of its large user base into its own search , giving the company a piece of China 's highly profitable search advertising .