
  • 网络Nominal value;Value;nominal
  1. 对氚水的测量,在NBS标称值的总测量不确定度±0.63%内一致。

    The measured result for tritiated water coincides with the nominal value of the NBS standard within an uncertainty of ± 0.63 % .

  2. 前者是在假定非故障组件的实际值与其标称值完全相同的前提下导得的。

    The former is formulated under the assumption that the actual value of thenon-faulty components is just equal to its nominal value .

  3. 因此,系统管理程序会动态地把CPU标称值减少一半儿。

    So , the hypervisor would dynamically reduce the CPU entitlement by half .

  4. 谱分辨率(E/ΔE)标称值3000,并可根据不同实验调整。

    The nominal spectral resolution ( E / Δ E ) is 3000 , and can be adjusted according to different experimental requirements .

  5. 考察船舶水动力参数在标称值附近按均匀分布发生随机变化时,船舶横向运动姿态及受扰kalman估计的统计性能。

    It is mainly talked about the statistical capability of Kalman estimation method for latitudinal Movement of ship , when its hydrodynamic parameters fluctuate around criterion value at random after the proportional distributing .

  6. 当船舶水动力系数在标称值附近独立地按均匀分布发生随机变化时,船舶横向运动姿态及受扰kalman估计精度和LQG控制效果都将发生变化。

    When the hydrodynamic parameters of ship fluctuate around criterion value at random after the proportional distributing , the kalman estimation precise and relative controlling effect of LQG designing all will change .

  7. 实验结果显示,随CCD工作温度降低并超过其最小标称值后,虽然暗流则明显减小,但CTE性能快速变差。

    The results indicate that , when the CCD operating temperature is reduced below its absolute minimum rating , although the dark current performance improves obviously , the CTE performance degrades rapidly .

  8. 不同于传统MCXO对振荡器进行压控补偿的原理,这种新型的MCXO根据温度的变化通过计算机以数据的形式不断修正振荡器的输出频率的标称值,从而达到对振荡器补偿的目的。

    Different from conventional MCXO , this MCXO corrects the value of the frequency output signal of the oscillator in form of data by computer when temperature changes .

  9. 如果未得到标称值,请更换蓄电池。

    If the nominal values are not achieved , replace battery .

  10. 标称值正常,且空调系统没有噪音。

    Nominal values OK and no noises from the air conditioning system .

  11. 除了对元器件的检测外,元器件标称值的识别也是电路板检测系统的重要组成部分。

    Recognition of nominal values on components is also an important task .

  12. 在不确定度范围内,实验值与标称值一致。

    The experimental results agreed well with the nominal values within definite uncertainty .

  13. 徐变与收缩宜采用标称值。

    For creep and shrinkage , the specified nominal values should be used .

  14. 在对标称值识别的过程中,特征量的选取是至关重要的。

    In the process of character recognition , feature selection is a basic step .

  15. 实测结果与相应的标称值在误差范围内一致。

    The measured results are in agreement with the standard values within a reasonable error range .

  16. 直白地说,标称值的总和不能超过系统的处理器数量。

    In plain English : the system 's processors can not be over-subscribed by the total of the entitlements .

  17. 如果没有达到规定的标称值,则必须检查冷却系统是否泄漏并进行修理。

    If the prescribed nominal values are not reached , the cooling system must be checked for leaks and repaired .

  18. 标称值不正常,请按照“对投诉有冷却输出问题的空调系统进行故障排除”进行操作。

    Nominal values not ok , proceed according to " troubleshooting the air conditioning system following complaints about cooling output " .

  19. 我发现,除了小且简短的上升电流外,标称值在保险丝的额定范围之内的,会快速上升到标称值。

    I found that , besides a small , brief start-up current , the nominal value quickly settled to values well within the fuse 's rating .

  20. 详细讨论了当船舶水动力系数在标称值附近独立地按均匀分布发生随机变化时,相对均方差的概率分布模型。

    The probabilistic distribution model of the relative mean square error was discussed , when its hydrodynamic parameters fluctuate around criterion value on the proportional distributing .

  21. 由于电容器的边缘不规则和具有明显的边缘效应,使电容的标称值与其实际值不符,常会引起无法预料的电容击穿等线路故障。

    Difference between the nominal value and the actual value of a capacitor occurs due to edge effect , which may cause unexpected breakdowns of the capacitors .

  22. 采用标称值电容的有源低通滤波器三阶基本节设计混合式串联有源电力滤波系统研制

    A Design Method for the Third-Order Basic Unit of Low-Pass Active Filters with Capacity Cells of Nominal Values Research on the Active Filters Using Mixed Series Connection

  23. 在电表改装实验中,由于电阻计算值与标称值不一致,从而引起实验结果存在一定的误差。

    In the experiment of remaking meters there may be errors in the experiment result because of the disagreement of circulating value of resistance and standard value .

  24. 其中,模拟方案的时畴稳定度可达到10-13/τ,但线路复杂,且只能用于相同标称值的频标间的比对。

    The analog scheme is complex in circuits and narrow in measuring range , which can reach the frequency stability of 10-13 / τ in time domain .

  25. 接收机的码跟踪环路以码速作为时间基准,对采样频率实际值与标称值之间的偏差进行跟踪,环路稳定后得到该偏差的估计值,其采样频率的准确度可提高到10-7量级。

    By adopting code rate as timing benchmark , the code tracking loop in the receiver tracks and calculates the sampling frequency offset between the actual and nominal values .

  26. 该方法快速、简便,合成标准样品分析结果与标称值吻合,进口工业硫酸样品中砷、铁含量测定结果与国外检验结果、国家标准方法检验结果基本吻合。

    The Determination of Micro Amount of Arsenic and Iron in Industrial Sulphuric Acid by ICP-AES Method Analytical result of standard sample and import industrial sulphuric acid is satisfying .

  27. 首先,给出了器件参数漂移的进化模型&主动偏差模型,用来模仿模拟电路中器件的标称值与实际值之间产生漂移的现象。

    Firstly , the evolutionary model ( Active Deviation model ) of the device value drift was given , which was used to mimic the phenomenon of device value drift .

  28. 实验值与标称值间的相对偏差,除1个样品为09%外,其余5个样品皆好于02%。在不确定度范围内,实验值与标称值一致。

    The experimental results are in good agreement with the standard values of samples . Relative deviations between them are less than 0.2 % except one sample of 133 Ba .

  29. 人们不仅关注传统意义上的供电可靠性、稳定性以及各种参量偏离标称值问题,而且也对诸如振荡和脉冲之类的动态扰动现象开始重视起来。

    Not only the deviation of voltage and frequency from the rating value or other traditionally focused problems , but also the dynamic disturbance phenomena including oscillation and pulse are concerned .

  30. 该策略结构简单,采用标称值确定神经网络初始权值,易于工业实现。

    The structure of the presented control strategy is simple , and the nominal value is used to fix the initial weight of neural-network , which is easy to realize in industry .