
  1. 从根本上说,我们希望开发者通过使用jMaki,可以创建出基于标准的应用,将自己的代码和目前可用到的精巧绝伦的工具包以及功能黏合在一起。

    Basically we want jMaki to provide a framework where you can create standards based applications that use your code along with the best of breed toolkits and functionalities out there .

  2. 在以身体为媒介的符号世界里,最为精巧绝伦的部分便是舞蹈的符号。

    In the world of non-verbal communication symbols , dance is the most exquisite one .

  3. 但是,其丰富绚丽的色彩,独特的款式造型,意蕴深远的服饰图案,精巧绝伦的织、绣、染等技艺却可以成为服装设计师们发挥设计创意的重要灵感源泉。

    Viewed from a different angle , their rich and brilliant colors , unique-style models , meaningful and far-reaching dress patterns , exquisite weaving modes , embroidery , dyeing and other techniques provide the major source of the inspiration for modern fashion designer to build various creative designs .