
  • 网络psychoanalytic theory;psychoanalysis;classical psychoanalysis
  1. 她的著作中有相当一部分内容是推测性的,建立在精神分析理论之上而缺乏来自实际经验的数据。

    Much of her work is speculative , based on psychoanalytic theory rather than empirical data .

  2. 自我同一性是Erikson自我精神分析理论的核心,Erikson认为青少期的中心发展任务是同一性对同一性扩散。

    Ego identity is the core of Erikson 's ego psychoanalytic theory . Erikson considered that identity vs. identity diffusion is the central developmental task in adolescence .

  3. 其他人则想要抛弃精神分析理论,在这个方面的内容。

    Others would want to jettison that aspect of Freudian theory .

  4. 精神分析理论是西方心理学的一个著名派别。

    The theory on psychoanalysis is an important branch of western psychology .

  5. 理性主义发展观与非理性主义发展观探索精神分析理论的非理性主义

    Analysis on rationalism development and non-rationalism development viewpoints Non-rationalism in Psychoanalysis Theory

  6. 精神分析理论视角下的青少年偶像崇拜问题

    The Issue of Idol Worship by Adolescents in Prospect of Psychoanalytic Theories

  7. 精神分析理论与现代社会文化

    The theory on psychoanalysis and the modern social culture

  8. 百年精神分析理论的发展与剖析

    Theoretical Development and Analysis in Psychoanalysis in a Century

  9. 本文以精神分析理论为视角,考察了江苏作家鲁敏的小说创作。

    Perspective psychoanalytic theory visits Jiangsu writer Lumin novels .

  10. 超越与颠覆:德勒兹与精神分析理论

    Transcendence and Subversion : Deleuze and Psychoanalytic Theory

  11. 拉康关于自我建构的精神分析理论扩展了文学批评的视野。

    Jacques Lacan 's psychoanalysis theory of self-construction expands the view of literary criticism .

  12. 第二章深入讨论了话剧文本借鉴精神分析理论所呈现的艺术新质。

    The second chapter objectively evaluated aesthetical property of modern play by utilizing Psychoanalysis .

  13. 目的:探讨精神分析理论及技术的本质与作用。

    AIM : To investigate the essence and function of psychoanalysis theory and techniques .

  14. 论弗洛伊德精神分析理论对张爱玲女性形象创作的影响

    On Effect Brought by Freud Psychoanalysis on Female Characters ' Creation by ZHANG Ai-ling

  15. 精神分析理论的非理性主义

    Non - rationalism in Psycho analysis Theory

  16. 从而从一个侧面,帮助我们理解精神分析理论从经典到现代的转变。

    As well as we mastered the psycho analysis ' changing from classic to modern .

  17. 运用精神分析理论分析《化身博士》中的人格分裂

    The Psycho-analysis of Split Personality in the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

  18. 其次,采用弗洛伊德的精神分析理论剖析作家的精神人格;

    Secondly , the analysis of the writer 's personality with Freud 's theory of psychoanalysis .

  19. 弗洛伊德精神分析理论的认知本质

    Cognitive essence of Freud psychoanalysis theory

  20. 智力发展精神分析理论

    Sychoanalytic theory of intellectual development

  21. 心理感受性是一个多维的人格概念,同精神分析理论有紧密联系。

    Psychological mindedness is a multidimensional construct of personality , which is closely related to psychoanalytic theory .

  22. 精神分析理论、行为主义、人本主义和认知心理学对阻抗有着不同的解释。

    There are different explanations about resistance coming from psychoanalysis , behaviorism , humanism and cognitive psychology .

  23. 精神分析理论使我们认识到无意识心理的存在,并使它能在外语教育中得到合理的运用。

    Psychoanalysis gives us a better understanding of the unconscious mind and the justification for the use of it .

  24. 方法根据弗洛伊德的精神分析理论原理,作者寻找嫉妒产生的可能原因。

    Methods According to the theory of Sigmund Freud , the author searched for some doubtful provenance of jealousy .

  25. 霍尔的跨文化传播思想来源于文化人类学、语言学、生理学、动物行为学及精神分析理论。

    Hall 's thought on IC studies originated in cultural anthropology , linguistics , physiology , ethology and Freudian psychoanalytic theory .

  26. 这里存在的一个大问题便是,精神分析理论中的很多内容,被认为是能够在精神分析的过程中,得到证实的。

    A big problem with this is a lot of Freudian theory is claimed to be validated in the course of psychoanalysis .

  27. 拉康以结构主义哲学为指导思想,对弗洛伊德的古典精神分析理论进行了革新,创立了结构主义精神分析学。

    Instructed by the philosophy of structuralism , Lacan innovates Freud 's classical psychoanalysis theory , and originates the structuralist psychoanalysis theory .

  28. 佛教唯识论的八识观结构与精神分析理论中的三层结构有相同之处。

    Moreover , from The Buddhist mere-consciousness theory 's eight consciousness 's structures you can see out three layer structures that psychoanalysis says .

  29. 用弗洛依德的精神分析理论接受和解读《人性的枷锁》,给我们一个启示:人成长的历程是一部艰难的精神磨练史。

    Shackles of Human Nature gives us the enlightenment that the process of human ′ s growth is a history of hard spirit tempering .

  30. 劳伦斯在性与无意识这两个领域,对弗洛伊德精神分析理论有接受,也有超越。

    As for Freud 's psychoanalyses , particularly in his idea of sex and unconsciousness , Lawrence accepted some , but also surpassed some .