
  • 网络Elite culture;Refined Culture;high culture
  1. 当代中国的主流文化、精英文化与大众文化

    Mainstream Culture , Elite Culture and Mass Culture in Modern China

  2. 对于这些问题的思考让精英文化形成下移。

    Considerations of these questions make the formation of elite culture .

  3. 如果说我能给MBA学生提供什么建议的话,我会说请记住,在一个像高盛这样拥有很强精英文化的公司里,你的贡献远远重要于你所获得的任何一个学位。

    If I can offer any advice to MBA students , I would say to remember that at a company with a strong meritocratic culture , such as Goldman Sachs , the importance of your contribution outweighs any degree you might earn .

  4. 精英文化内部又有激进和保守之争。文坛更是百花齐放,百家争鸣。

    In the elitist culture , radicals and conservatives were contending .

  5. 手机短信时尚对大学生精英文化的冲击

    Shocks to College Students Elite Culture from Mobile Phone Short Messages

  6. 因而需要发展精英文化。

    A s a result we need to develop the elite culture .

  7. 第一,必须使我们的精英文化的平民化。

    Firstly , we must make our culture of civil rights popularity .

  8. 这初步建立了人文主义的精英文化观念。

    He set up a humanistic idea of elite culture .

  9. 简论大众文化冲击下的精英文化现状及出路

    The Status and Outlet of Elite Culture on the Shocking of Mass Culture

  10. 大众文化的狂欢与精英文化身份的焦虑

    The Revelry of the Popular Culture and the Worry of Culture Master Status

  11. 精英文化与大众文化矛盾探源

    Exploration the contradiction of elite culture and mass culture

  12. 精英文化的衰落与大众文化的兴起

    The Decline of the Elite Culture and the Rise of the Mass Culture

  13. 三是精英文化、大众文化、企业文化同时共存。

    Elite culture , mass culture and enterprise culture .

  14. 论精英文化与政治稳定

    On the relationship between elite culture and political stability

  15. 我国的大众传媒已经告别精英文化步入了大众文化时代。

    The public media in our country has entered the era of mass culture .

  16. 通俗文化与精英文化的博弈

    The Popular Culture Compete against the Classic Culture

  17. 湖湘文化有两个精神源头:湖湘民间文化与湖湘精英文化,其正、负面影响均是我们不应加以忽视的。

    Hunan culture takes its spiritual sources form Hunan folk culture and Hunan elite culture .

  18. 因此在她的作品中,常常表现出精英文化与市井文化间的矛盾冲突。

    Therefore , her works often show the conflicts between elite culture and urban cultures .

  19. 严肃文化(主流文化、精英文化)与大众文化的冲突。

    Clash between serious culture ( mainstream culture , elite culture ) and popular culture .

  20. 传统的批评家和诗人往往站在精英文化的立场上对其置之不理。

    Traditional critic and poet often stand in the elite 's culture position ignoring it .

  21. 第二部分与精英文化作对比,试析大众文化的特点;

    The second part analyses the characteristic of mass culture by comparing it with elite culture .

  22. 英国精英文化批判

    Critique on the English Elitist Culture

  23. 精英文化渗透着历代文化精英思想的精华。

    Elite culture has been pervasive in the highlights of cultural elite thoughts of various generations .

  24. 进入后现代社会,大众文化与精英文化一起溶为后现代文化。

    In post modernism society , mass culture and elite culture dissolve into post modern culture .

  25. 首先是文化观念转型,即从精英文化到大众文化的转变。

    First , the culture concept , which transfers from the elite culture to the mass culture .

  26. 在大众文化节目的剧烈冲击之下,精英文化电视读书节目的发展非常艰难。

    Under the impact of popular culture , the development of TV reading programs is very slow .

  27. 精英文化有责任来为大众文化的发展提供一套批评机制。

    It is a duty that Refined Culture should offer Mass Culture a set of criticism system .

  28. 通俗文化,精英文化,官方意识形态文化三足鼎立,各领风骚。

    That is to say , popular culture , elitist culture and authoritative ideological culture scrambled for readers .

  29. 这从另一个角度也反证出通俗文学被精英文化接纳的价值原则。

    This is another proof of the value principle by which the popular literature is accepted by elite culture .

  30. 与之相对,旧的美术教育体制所涉及的,只限于前者的精英文化、精英美术。

    On the contrary , the old educational system of art was concerned with essential culture or essential art .