
  • 网络Business Owner;entrepreneur
  1. 如果我是一名一年赚15万英镑或者有可能会赚到15万英镑的企业主,这是在告诉我什么呢?

    If I was a business owner who earned , or was likely to earn , 150000 a year , what does that say to me ?

  2. 作为经常旅行的企业主,我发现这种服务非常有用,尤其是因为我的业务伙伴住在400英里外的另一个州里。

    As a business owner who does a lot of traveling , I 've found this to be particularly useful , especially because my business partner lives 400 miles away in a different state .

  3. 它的宗旨是为企业主、家族理财室(familyoffices)和富人提供有关交易、战略和投资机会的咨询服务。

    It will aim to give advice to business owners , family offices and wealthy individuals on deals , strategy and investment possibilities .

  4. 而纽约联邦储备银行(FederalReserveBankofNewYork)2013年的一项调查显示,大多数小企业主表示,获得资本是他们实现增长的首要难题。

    Yet a 2013 Federal Reserve Bank of New York survey noted that most small business owners say access to capital is their top growth concern .

  5. 克里斯(Chris)和贝克•林克(BeckyLink),纳什维尔(Nashville)的两位小企业主,也在这样的困境中苦苦挣扎。

    Small business owners like Chris and Becky Link in Nashville are also struggling .

  6. 美国小企业主们更愿意在工作场合谈话中“以文代粗”,用“FrenchToast”来代替其他相同字母开头的粗话。

    US small business owners prefer workplace conversations about French toast to other words that start with the same letter .

  7. 企业主迫切需要构建自己的WAP网站,使用户随时随地都能访问企业信息。

    Every business owner has an urgent need to build their own WAP site to allow users to access business information anytime and anywhere .

  8. 反过来电子商务也担忧一些企业主,这种唯一对FedEx和UPS这类快递服务的担心也随着包裹数量一路增长。

    While e-commerce worries some business owners , the only worry for delivery services like FedEx and UPS is keeping up with the number of packages .

  9. 我去的每一个地方,都发现企业主对未来的需求量有一个很好的预期,GusFaucherPNC金融服务机构的资深经济学家称。

    Everywhere I go business owners are seeing an increase in demand , said Gus Faucher , senior economist at PNC Financial Services .

  10. 进出口银行贷款帮助女企业主MonicaGaimo为其在阿鲁沙的建筑企业购买了机械设备,这使得企业有能力承接更多高端项目。

    The Exim bank loan helped entrepreneur Monica Gaimo buy machinery for her construction business in Arusha , allowing it to take on more high-end projects .

  11. 桑迪赛比恩(SandySabean)今年49岁,是纽约州的一名小企业主。她通过自己的注册理财规划师史黛西弗朗西斯(StacyFrancis)找到了房产中介、保险中介和其他专业人员。

    Sandy Sabean , a 49-year-old small-business owner in New York , found a real-estate agent , insurance agent and other professionals through Stacy Francis , her certified financial planner .

  12. 我相信企业家、小企业主、开发经理和技术负责人在SCNA也能获悉一些独特的见解。

    I believe entrepreneurs , small business owners , development managers , and technology executives could gain some unique insights at SCNA .

  13. 她说,目前,进出口银行通过其21个分支机构面向全国大部分地区实施女企业主融资项目,提供Tumaini账户服务。

    The WEF program and the Tumaini account are now offered at Exim ' s21 branches in most regions of the country , she says .

  14. 两周前,亚特兰大一家小企业主DarienSoutherland写信给我,讲述他祖母给他的教诲:如果你善待你的员工,他们也将善待你。

    And two weeks ago , an Atlanta small business owner named Darien Southerland wrote me to share a lesson his grandmother taught him - that if you treat your employees right , they 'll treat you right .

  15. PavlosTsimas:“我们调查了克里特岛依拉克里奥一位小企业主的案例。他把汽车装满汽油,首先开枪射自己,然后将整个汽车点燃。”

    PAVLOS TSIMAS : " We investigated the case of a small businessman from Herakleion in Crete , who took his car , loaded it with tins of petrol , and first shot himself and then the whole car . "

  16. 试论现阶段私营企业主的收入

    A Discussion about the Present Income of Owners of Private Enterprises

  17. 正确认识私营企业主及其收入

    Accurate Understanding of the Owners and the Income of Private Enterprises

  18. 中国私营企业主阶层政治参与研究

    On China 's Politics Participation of the Privy Management Entrepreneur Stratum

  19. 关于私营企业主入党问题的分析

    Analyses of Private Enterprises Owners ' Being Admitted to the Party

  20. 企业主在两个约束下最大化其预期效用。

    The owner maximizes his expected utility under the two constraints .

  21. 社会权利配置不均衡导致非制度化生存,私营企业主政治参与中生发的种种消极现象正是非制度化生存的表现或后果。

    Unbalanced social rights dispose causes to non - institutionalized survival .

  22. 员工与企业主的培训认识存在显著差异,员工更主张企业开展培训;

    Significant differences have been shown on the awareness of training .

  23. 股东不是企业主,经理人也不是他们的代理人。

    Shareholders are not principals and managers are not their agents .

  24. 我是如何让我的员工像企业主(老板)一样思考的?

    How Do I Get My Employees to Think Like Owners ?

  25. 他们是理想主义者,而企业主必须是现实主义者。

    They are idealists , while business owners must be realists .

  26. 企业主认为最没有必要的科目是心理学和社会学。

    The A-levels that employers rate least are psychology and sociology .

  27. 积极组织开展对微小企业主的教育与培训。

    Actively organizing and expanding education and training to micro-enterprise owners .

  28. 温州民营企业主风险偏爱研究

    A Study on the Risk Preference of Wenzhou Private Entrepreneurs

  29. 对私营企业主道德现状及其建构的思考

    Thought on Moral Staus of Private Entrepreneur and lts Construction

  30. 这种局面造成了私营企业主热衷于政治参与。

    This situation resulted in the private entrepreneurs interested in political participation .