
mín zú xìnɡ
  • national characteristics/nature;national identity
  1. 马克思主义中国化:时代性与民族性的有机契合

    Marxist China turn : Ages and race and organic agree with

  2. 第三部分:阐述了作品中所蕴含的民族性。

    The third part expanded the national style of the works .

  3. 悲情疏离反叛&韩国影视的民族性及其美学呈现

    On the Nationality and Aesthetic Manifestation of Korean Films and Series

  4. 加强(民族性)动画理论的探究。

    Fourth , strengthen ( nationality ) animation theory of inquiry .

  5. 但是,真正有影响力的标志是具有民族性的设计。

    But the influential mark is the design with national nature .

  6. 国际化使民族性获得更广阔的生存空间。

    The internationalization makes race acquired to exist the space more vastly .

  7. 本性的回归&简述当代雕塑艺术中的民族性

    Return of Nature & Sketch the Nation Character of Contemporary Sculpture Art

  8. 第一,护国精神对日本民族性的影响。

    First of all , the impact of Japanese nationality .

  9. 谈中国画的现代化变革与民族性问题

    Discuss Modernization Improving and National Characteristic Problem of Chinese Painting

  10. 文化,有民族性、历史性和历史的传承性。

    Culture has national , historical and history inheritance features .

  11. 包装设计的时代特征和民族性关系的思考

    Reflection on Relationship between Epoch Characteristics and National Quality of Packaging Design

  12. 从社会、文化和民族性角度看语法翻译法盛行中国的原因及对我们的启示

    The Reasons Of Extensively Used Grammar-Translation Method In China And Its Implication

  13. 英汉谚语民族性的比较

    A Comparison of the Ethnicity of English and Chinese Proverbs

  14. 人民性、民族性、开放性、科学性是先进文化的特点。

    Being popular , national , open and scientific are its characteristics .

  15. 论企业伦理的民族性与世界性&从日本企业伦理说起

    On Relationship On the Relationship of Nationality and Universality in Corporation Ethics

  16. 他说,以色列的种族主义主要是民族性的。

    Racism in Israel is generally of a nationalist nature , he said .

  17. 经济全球化时代文化民族性的思考

    Reflection on The National Characteristics of Culture in The Age of Economic Globalization

  18. 全球化对文学民族性的影响是深远的。

    The globalization has profound and lasting influence on the nationality of literature .

  19. 通过20年的实践,伊朗的政治制度实现了国际性与民族性的有机统一;

    Through20years of practice , Iranian political system has integrated nationality with internationality .

  20. 试论汉语文教育民族性的凸现

    On Giving Prominence to the National Character of Chinese Language and Literature Education

  21. 论全球化语境下中国当代文学的民族性

    Discuss the national character of the Contemporary Chinese Literature at global language Surroundings

  22. 全球化不可能消除文化差异,反而会在一定程度上强化和锻炼文化的民族性。

    Globalization cannot eliminate the difference of national cultures .

  23. 试论包装装潢的民族性商品装潢的流弊及对策

    Discussion on The Objection And Solution of Merchandise Packing

  24. 四是从民族性看,我国新闻舆论监督具有鲜明的民族特性。

    Our country 's news public opinion direction has experienced three history stages .

  25. 全球化语境下的二律背反&对全球化与民族性的一点看法

    The Antinomy under the Situation of Globalization & Views on Globalization and Nationalism

  26. 肖邦音乐的波兰性格&肖邦音乐的民族性

    Poland Nature of Chopin 's Music & National Character in Chopin 's Music

  27. 审美的民族性是一个民族审美成熟的标志。

    The aesthetic nationality is a symbol of aesthetic ripeness of a nationality .

  28. 全球化语境与文学的民族性

    Discourse Circumstances of Globalization and Nationality of Literature

  29. 后现代思潮与中国美术的民族性

    Post-modernism Thought and Nationality of Chinese Fine Art

  30. 海报图形设计的国际性、民族性和时代感

    International Character , National character and Feeling of Times On Playbill 's Graph Design