
  • 网络Top Dogs
  1. 亚健康正在无情地侵蚀着许多高级白领、高级知识分子的健康身心。

    Subhealth is ruthlessly eroding the healthy bodies of many advanced white collars and intellectuals .

  2. 斯泰格表示,Inemuri在高级白领中最为普遍。

    Inemuri is most prevalent among more senior employees in white-collar professions , Dr Steger said .

  3. 教育与社会分层结构的变迁&关于中高级白领职业阶层的分析

    Education and the Change of Social Stratification Structure : the Forming of Mid-Upper White Collar of China

  4. 琳琳,真羡慕你呀!你是高级白领啊,生活一定精彩极了!

    Lin Lin , I sure envy you ! You 're a high-level white collar , must have a quite wonderful life !

  5. 一项最新调查发现,很多高级白领由于工作时间过长而使性生活受到危害,因而正面临着离婚的危险。

    Executives are risking divorce as the long hours they work play havoc on their sex lives , a new study has found .

  6. 《生活在中国》为准备来华及已经在华的外籍人士及国内高级白领提供吃、住、行、游、购、娱等生活信息。

    Living in China provides fresh and extensive information to foreigners and white collars with shopping , entertainment and travelling tips in China .

  7. 邓小姐,外资公司的高级白领,曾经跟美容院的朋友学过美容。

    Miss Teng , a white collar working for a foreign-invested company , said she had learnt to make cosmetics from a friend in a beauty parlor .

  8. 目前,仅南京、上海两地,就有近百万高级白领女子无缘走入婚姻,成为所谓的败犬,全国的数字可想而知,并且,她们所占的比例呈不断扩大的趋势,早已超出正常的限度。

    Currently , just in Nanjing and Shanghai , there are a million miss senior white-collar women in marriage , a so-called " lost dog ", the figures can be imagined , and their proportion was growing trend far beyond the normal limits .