- 名permanganate;hypermanganate;ammonium permanganate

Grey prediction ( gm1.1 ) of permanganate index of Qijiang river of Zhongshan Municipality
The Gray Prediction GM ( 1,1 ) of Permanganate Index of Zhujiang River in Guangzhou City
Preliminary Study on the Permanganate Pretreatment before H_2O_2 Bleaching
Variations and Test of Rectifying Parameter ( the value of K ) in Examining Permanganate Index
The gray predication GM ( 1,1 ) of permanganate index of Qijiang river in Zhongshan city
Correlation Analysis of TOC and COD _ ( Mn ) of Automatic Water Quality Monitoring in Daqing
Study on Pre-oxidation Disinfection by Combination of Chloramine and PPC
Interference equations of Cl  ̄ - 、 NO and Cr (ⅵ) in the determination of acid permanganate method ( COD_ ( Mn )) are established .
The improved permanganate conversion coating is composed of the compound of P , O , Mn , the oxides of Zn and Mn and citric acid salt .
The Research of Correlation Relationship of Ammonia-N and BOD_5 , COD , Permanganate Index of Water in Rives
The paper assesses the characteristics of water quality based on TP , TN , permanganate index , diaphaneity , ratio of N and P , and aquatic organism property of Yangzonghai lake .
The effects of ClO ~ - _4 on measurement of chemical oxygen demand ( COD ) of water were studied by comparison of potassium dichromate method and potassium permanganate method .
TOC can reflect organic pollution degree of water body more comprehensively than COD_ ( Mn ) With TOC replacing COD_ ( Mn ) it helps realize automation and instrumentation .
Using COD Mn and Ames test as evaluation index , the reverse osmosis based process for drinking water treatment was studied on removal of mutagenic organic pollutants from tap water .
In order to strengthen the treatment of high algae-laden source water by the conventional process , the enhanced effects of O_3 and PPC were compared .
This method is based on the oxidation of Mn (ⅱ) with an excess of periodate in acetate buffer , masking the unreacted periodate with molybdate and subsequent determination of the liberated permanganate and iodate by iodometry .
The correlation between total nitrogen , total phosphorus , nitrate nitrogen and permanganate index were significant ( P0.01 ), which showed that changes of total nitrogen in river water influenced by the content of nitrate nitrogen .
The jar test results show that the removal of the highly stable iron and manganese by permanganate is effective . However , the removal rate is greatly influenced by the oxidation time , pH value and the background constituents dissolved in the source water .
According to the actual economic and technological conditions of China , the assessing indicators for river water quality monthly report are pH , dissolving oxygen , permanganate value , BOD_5 , NH_3-N , oils , volatile phenol , mercury and lead have been selected .
The Removal of Oscillatoria by Per-Oxidation of Potassium Permanganate and Co-Coagulation with Mineral and PAC Treatment of Raw Water Polluted by High Content of Ammonia Nitrogen and Organic Substances with Permanganate and Permanganate Pre-oxidation
When HRT is 3 hours , the permanganate 、 UV_ ( 254 )、 TOC removals of PAC & MF combined process are 73.49 % - 78.78 % 、 57.12 % - 68.47 、 78.87 % - 87.69 % .
The effectiveness of combined permanganate composite chemicals ( PPC ) pre-oxidation / BAC process for pollutants removal from surface water was investigated , and was compared with that of single BAC process .
Based on the pilot test , study was on treatment effectiveness of permanganate composite chemicals ( PPC ) 's enhanced coagulation and filtration , and comparison was made between PPC pretreatment and prechlorination .
The way to set up GM ( 1 , N ) prediction model is put forward by using applied software of excel , combined with concrete sample to introduce the operation process of establishing GM ( 1,3 ) model of river 's permanganate index .
With mathematical statistics , we test that rectifying parameter ( the value of K ) in examining permanganate index will not vary with the changes of time and water sample , so it is not necessary to examine each value of K.
More Mn element on the coating is produced by using acetic acid to adjust the pH value of the phosphating bath and the corrosion resistance of the coating can be improved . The phosphate-permanganate conversion coating can provide more effective protection than that of traditional chromate conversion coating .
It is analysed on water quality trend of the concentrations of Total Phosphorus 、 Permanganate Index and oil type in the survey region using the method of seasonal Kendall test .
A novel combined process of permanganate composite chemical ( PPC ) preoxidation and BAC-sand filter was studied to remove THMFP by continuous flowing experiments .
Results indicate that the main contaminants in the runoff are organic compounds and suspended solids . NH_3-N , permanganate index and volatile phenol in the initial runoff from roofs are all beneath the class ⅴ criteria of surface water .
Jar tests were made respectively for lake water and reservoir water , in order to investigate the effect of pre-oxidation by permanganate composite chemicals ( PPC ) on chlorine consumption rate in the process of water disinfection and the mechanism was discussed .