
  1. 通过STS的成功应用可以看出,应用STS软件系统,即可轻松快速地架构起一个高效、强大的企业内部沟通协同的信息平台。

    It can be seen from the successful application of the STS that a highly efficient and powerful information platform for internal communication and cooperation of an enterprise can be set up very easily and rapidly with the STS software system .

  2. 企业内部沟通中信息传递问题研究

    The Research on Information Transmission Issue of Communication within the Enterprises

  3. 数据的互相交换是一个很重要的企业内部沟通的手段。

    Data exchange is a very important internal communication tool .

  4. 企业内部沟通如果不畅通,将严重影响企业的健康发展。

    The enterprise have communication problem which severely affect the healthy development of enterprise .

  5. 企业内部沟通研究与策划

    Communication Studying and Planning in Enterprise

  6. 同时,企业内部沟通更是企业思想政治工作的重要手段。

    At the same time , the intra-communication is an important tool for the ideological and political work in enterprises .

  7. 企业内部沟通机制的有效构筑,为企业文化的传播、发扬、完善提供了保障,企业文化的内涵则为沟通的价值进行了定位。

    The effective construction of the communication mechanism within the organization ensures the enterprises to spread , promote and enrich their culture , whose connotation defines the value of communication .

  8. 企业内部沟通中,大量的组织信息在传递和积累,形成一个产生、存续、扬弃、更新的循环;

    In interior communication of enterprise , a great deal of organization information has been transferring and accumulating , forming a cycle of appearing , existing , abandoning and updating ;

  9. 本文借鉴信息科学、组织学、博弈论等学科知识,对企业内部沟通体系、企业内部沟通中的信息传递过程、信息传递的不确定性、信息传递的组织特性进行了研究。

    In this paper , information science , organization theory and game theory etc. are employed to study the communication system architecture within the enterprises , the process of information transmission in the enterprises ' interior communication , the uncertainty of information transmission and the organizational feature of information transmission .

  10. 同时,也期望本文关于RJC集团的管理沟通探讨能对同行企业改善内部沟通提供有益的借鉴。

    Meanwhile , I also hope discussions on RIC group management communication can provide useful reference for counterpart enterprises in their internal communication improvement process .

  11. 本文以ZL公司为研究对象提出改进对策,最终目的是为了让公司能够解决内部沟通问题,作者也希望这些改进对策能够为更多的企业解决内部沟通问题提供帮助。

    This article research ZL Group and give the suggestion . The final aim is to solve the communication problem that the Group face in daily work , the writer also hopes the suggestion can help more enterprises solve their communication problems .

  12. 对企业内部信息沟通过程中的网络沟通工具选择行为的研究是一项极富挑战性的工作。

    It is a challenging job to research the media selection behavior .

  13. 对现代企业内部管理沟通发展趋势问题的探讨

    The discussion about the development tendency of interior management communication in modern enterprises

  14. 企业内部信息沟通障碍浅论

    On obstacles interrupting the information communication within the enterprises

  15. 通过改善企业内部管理沟通,可以大大企业提升核心竞争力与管理效率。

    A enterprise could enhance the core competitiveness and management efficiency by improve the internal management communication .

  16. 再次,在体系设计的过程中,反复强调了企业内部持续沟通的作用性,使绩效管理更加弹性。

    And the continue communication in the company is repeat and repeat in the system , which make the performance management flexible .

  17. 第四部分介绍了网络技术对企业内部商务沟通产生的积极影响,从管理沟通原理的角度分析了为什么网络/电子化沟通手段能够提高组织沟通绩效的原因。

    In the fourth part , the author tries to analyze the reason why e-communication tools can improve the general exchange performance of ABB with a perspective upon the communication principle in organization .

  18. 中小企业成长与内部沟通模式的转变

    Growth of medium and small-sized enterprises and change of internal communication pattern

  19. 在目前市场竞争越来越激烈的情况下,企业内部的管理沟通问题日益凸显其在组织发展中的重要性。

    The internal management communication is becoming increasingly important in the organization development under the fierce market competition .

  20. 对于基础性行业的电力企业,企业内部沟通的顺畅,直接影响到对客户提供服务的水平、质量和客户满意度。

    For the electrical enterprises of primary industry , the smooth communication within the enterprise will impose direct influence on the level , quality , and customer satisfaction of services provided for customers .

  21. 企业内部控制中信息沟通的问题及完善对策

    The Information Communication Problem and Improving Countermeasures in Internal Control

  22. 高新技术企业R&D项目内部信息沟通时效熵构造

    On the Structure of the Ageing Entropy for the Information Communication within the R & D Project of the High-and-new Technical Enterprise

  23. 信息化建设飞速发展的今天,企业网站已经成为企业内部沟通、交流的平台,也是企业对外展示企业形象、塑造企业文化、提高企业竞争力的一种手段。

    With the rapid development of information construction in contemporary society , enterprise websites have become enterprises ' platform for internal communication and also a means of displaying the corporate image , shape the corporate culture and improve the competitiveness .

  24. 即时消息的应用非常广泛,不仅可以应用在个人感情交流,更可应用到企业的日常工作,辅助企业进行内部交流和沟通,减少企业沟通成本,并有利于提高工作效率。

    It can help enterprise to enhance the communication , decrease the cost and increase the efficiency of working .

  25. 有效的沟通和跨文化沟通是这些在华日资中小企业达到良性运转的重要手段,而如何优化这些企业内部沟通体制,就显得尤为必要。

    Effective communication and cross-cultural communication reached an important means of healthy functioning for the Japanese SMEs in China .

  26. 就企业与顾客、企业与供方、企业与社会以及企业内部沟通的做法和效果进行了探讨。

    The methods and effects of communication between customers , suppliers , society and enterprises as well as among enterprises are discussed in this paper .

  27. 通过对国内大型民营企业D集团的实证研究,证实了在国内大型民营企业内部沟通满意度与离职意向二者之间存在相关关系。

    Through to the domestic large-scale private enterprise D group of empirical research , confirmed in the domestic large-scale private enterprises internal communication satisfaction and turnover intention among the two relationship .

  28. 企业管理沟通是一门实践性极强的研究课题,本文将以RIC集团作为研讨重点,主要着墨于企业内部沟通的管理实践。

    Enterprise management communication is a very practical research topic , this paper will focus on the practices of enterprise internal communication management using RIC group as an example .

  29. 进一步在案例部分,以前后两年某知名跨国企业参与人数超过800人次的雇员满意度调查数据为基础,通过对沟通满意度进行全面分析,成功构建了该企业的内部管理沟通体系。

    Then in the case study part of this dissertation , the author analyzes the employee communication satisfaction thoroughly based on the survey data in an international company , and works out a managerial communication system to improve communication in the company .