
  • 网络monopoly;monopolistic;monopolization
  1. 尽管如此,由于传统上公部门是财货与服务垄断性提供者,公部门创新很自然被视为一种「非必须奢侈」(optionalluxury)或「额外负担」(addedburden)。

    Nevertheless , the public sector innovation is naturally seen as an " optional luxury " or an " added burden " owing to the monopoly provider of goods and services .

  2. CBA职业联赛济南赛区门票市场结构具有不完全垄断性,经营团体的唯一性,赛事组织的排他性等特征。

    The sales for tickets of CBA has many features such as not completely monopoly , uniqueness of business groups and exclusiveness of organization . 3 .

  3. 航空公司把商务旅行者视为垄断性市场。

    Airlines consider business travellers a captive market .

  4. 克拉克称,微软被控占据垄断性的市场主导地位,这种说法很讽刺,因为微软Windows操作系统在中国无处不在主要得益于盗版。

    Mr Clark called it ironic that Microsoft , whose Windows operating system is ubiquitous in China – mainly thanks to piracy – has been accused of monopolistic market dominance .

  5. LCOS技术作为一种新兴的微显示技术,是目前世界上唯一没有垄断性专利的技术。

    LCOS is a rising micro display technology which is the only one without monopolization .

  6. 由于输电网的自然垄断性和规模经济特性,利用合作博弈论分析输电交易最佳联盟方式,用Shapley值对最佳方式下的输电费用进行分配。

    Due to the natural monopolization characteristic and economies of scale of power transmission network , the cooperative game theory is available for determining the best union mode of transmission transactions , and the Shapley value is used to distribute the transmission cost under this mode .

  7. 边际报酬递增特性使网络具有显著的自然垄断性。

    Characteristics of increasing marginal revenue can result to natural monopoly .

  8. 国内寡头垄断性企业技术创新惰性分析

    Analysis of Inertia in Technical Innovation of National Oligarch Monopoly Enterprises

  9. 专利的垄断性与排他性有其存在的合理原因。

    It is reasonable that patent has monopoly and exclusive right .

  10. 竞争性贸易理论和垄断性贸易理论&一种比较研究

    Competitive Trade Theory and Monopolistic Trade Theory & A Comparative Study

  11. 这种自然垄断性受到两方面因素的影响。

    In the same time , following two factors influence the characteristics .

  12. 专利权垄断性的法哲学分析

    A Jurisprudential Analysis on the Characteristic of Monopoly in Patent

  13. 析世贸组织下中国垄断性产业的放松管制&政策安排与管制机制重构

    On the Deregulation in China 's Monopoly Industries under WTO

  14. 我国天然气行业的垄断性与价格机制研究

    An investigation of monopolization and pricing mechanism on China natural gas industry

  15. 在一代人以前,所有的功用都是被垄断性控制的。

    A generation ago , all utilities were regulated monopolies .

  16. 他发表声明谴责这项交易是垄断性的,也是危险的。

    He issued a statement denouncing the deal as monopolistic and dangerous .

  17. 知识产权垄断性的确立对竞争有着双重影响。

    The monopoly right stands and it has double influence on competition .

  18. 农业基础设施一般具有公共物品、外部经济性、自然垄断性和投资资金聚集性等特征。

    Agricultural infrastructure is featuring with quasi-public goods and externality .

  19. 专利权的垄断性是其最大的特征。

    The biggest feather of patent right is monopoly .

  20. 会计信息数量管制的逻辑根源在于会计信息市场的市场失灵,主要包括会计信息生产的垄断性、会计信息的不对称分布、会计信息的外部性及公共物品属性。

    Market failure includes monopoly , asymmetric information , externality and public goods .

  21. 高速公路经营企业属于传统意义上的自然垄断性行业。

    Highway enterprises belong to industries of national monopoly .

  22. 铁路路网系统基础设施的建立和操作具有明显的自然垄断性,铁路的运营部门(包括客运、货运、机车、车辆等)是可竞争的,具有非自然垄断性;

    The establishment and operation of railway network system are obvious natural monopolistic .

  23. 这种严格性决定了黄金生产的一般垄断性特点。

    This kind of strict has decided the gold production common monopolizing characteristic .

  24. 知识产权的最重要的特征是垄断性。

    Monopoly is the most important character of IP .

  25. 随着市场化进程逐步地加快,邮政服务的垄断性经营已被打破,邮政速递业务面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    The business of postal express is facing fierce competition in the market .

  26. 捆绑销售的基本产品具有垄断性是实现捆绑销售的条件。

    The realization of the bundling-sale requires that its basic commodity enjoy monopoly .

  27. 管制机构对垄断性产业的经济效率具有重要影响。

    Regulatory agencies have important impact on the economic efficiency in monopoly industries .

  28. 随着全球竞争的加剧,公共部门以往的垄断性正受到挑战。

    But the global competition now is challenging the former privilege of public sectors .

  29. 这种组织具有社团性、公益性、垄断性的特征。

    This organization has the characteristics of mass organizations , public interests and monopoly .

  30. 我国自然垄断性产业的规制与发展研究

    How to Regulate and Develop Naturally Monopolistic Industries