
  • 网络Monopoly power;monopsony
  1. 但另一方面,企业合并会不同程度地形成垄断势力,从而阻碍正常的市场竞争机制。

    On the other hand , it will form the monopoly power to restrict the normal market competition system in broad or narrow extent .

  2. 企业的边际成本加成反映了价格与边际成本的偏离,是在单位成本基础之上的一种利润比例,其大小往往由企业的垄断势力决定。

    The marginal cost-plus reflect that prices deviate from marginal cost , and is the profit ratio of a unit cost basis , its size is often decided by the monopoly power of the firms .

  3. 本文基于SCP分析框架,对零售商垄断势力下的通道费及其福利效果进行分析,并对相应的政府规制提出建议。

    Based on S-C-P framework , this paper analyzes the slotting allowance and the welfare effects , and suggests the corresponding policies of regulation .

  4. 零售商垄断势力、通道费与经济规制

    Retailers ' Monopsony , Slotting Allowance and Economic Regulation

  5. 论买方垄断势力下跨国公司对当地配套企业的纵向压榨

    Analysis on the Vertical Squeeze on Local Suppliers by the Oligopsony Power of MNC

  6. 但另外一个关键原因在于,他面对着拥有巨大政治力量的垄断势力。

    But another key factor was that he faced a monopolist with massive political power .

  7. 三是相对于双边交易而言,电力库下的市场垄断势力更强。

    The monopoly power of market has more power in the power pool than bilateral exchange model .

  8. 国际垄断势力进一步加强的趋势,对我国产业安全构成严重威胁;

    The further strengthening tendency of the international monopolistic force will seriously threaten the industrial safety of our country ;

  9. 同时,在华外资企业利用垄断势力进行产业控制和限制竞争的行为已经十分明显。

    At the same time , foreign firms in China distinctly use the monopoly force to control industries and restrict competition .

  10. 而一旦在国债期货市场上形成垄断者或垄断势力,就极易发生操纵市场、合谋等不当行为。

    Once monopoly and monopolist are present in treasury future market , it will easily create market manipulation and collusion issues .

  11. 现有经济学文献对价格歧视的研究主要集中在最终消费品市场上,关注的焦点是拥有垄断势力的厂商对消费者实施的歧视性行为。

    Most recent researches on price discrimination are focus on final goods markets , in which monopolistic firms can discriminate against consumers .

  12. 消费者契约的隐含性和不完全性、信息成本约束、市场垄断势力等造成了消费者相对弱势的契约地位。

    The implicitness and incompleteness of consumer contracts , the constraint of information costs , and market monopolies give rise to the relatively weak contracting position of consumers .

  13. 我们同商业金融的垄断势力、机倒把分子、顾后果的银行作业、级敌对、系倾轧、战争财行为进行了斗争,它们是和平的宿敌。

    We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace - ? Business and financial monopoly , speculation , reckless banking , class antagonism , sectionalism , war profiteering .

  14. 本文通过一个外资企业与内资企业竞争的古诺竞争得出结论,现行的外资优惠政策是造成在华外资企业垄断势力的重要因素。

    By a Cournot model between a foreign firm and a domestic firm , this paper concludes that the preferential policy for foreigners is an important factor forming the monopoly force .

  15. 克服市场过度竞争缺陷的一个重要途径是粮食企业和农户之间建立长期合同关系(即订单),以及农户或粮食企业采用产品差异化策略以获取市场垄断势力。

    An important way to overcome the market over-competition is to establish a long-term contractual relation ( i.e. order ) between farmers and SOE of grain , or gain market monopolistic power by product differentia strategy .

  16. 面对国外大型企业越来越多的抢占我国市场,并逐渐具有垄断势力的同时,在某些行业已经渐渐影响到我国经济秩序,经济安全。

    The large foreign companies seized more and more of the market , and gradually had monopoly power at the same time , in some industries have been gradually affect our own economic order and economic security .

  17. 实证研究显示,为了保证改革的收益,必须在机场私有化前建立适应私有化变化后的条件,避免机场滥用垄断势力,保证私人投资安全的管制制度。

    Some empirical research indicate that before privatization government should set up regulation system which can adapt to variational condition , avoid abusing monopoly power , and ensure safety of private investment in order to achieve goals of reform .

  18. 第二章梳理了企业投资扩张的理论基础,主要包括企业投资与投资扩张、企业投资扩张的基本理论以及企业投资扩张的科技导向论与垄断势力论。

    Chapter two reviews the theoretical basis for enterprise investment and expansion , mainly including enterprise investment and investment expansion , basic theories of the enterprise investment expansion , and the technology-oriented and monopoly power-oriented of the enterprises investment expansion .

  19. 通过对市场集中度、自行定价比例系数、垄断势力度等指标的量化分析,指出中国天然气行业的垄断现状是垄而不断。以对我国反垄断立法有所裨益。

    According to quantitative analysis of some indicators such as market concentration , a self-pricing proportion factor and degree of monopoly power , it clearly shows that monopoly status existing in Chinese natural gas industry in China is All-dimensional Access but Non-monopoly .

  20. 当零售商拥有垄断势力后,他们凭借其在产业链中的优势地位,向生产商实施各种纵向控制手段,如收取通道费、要求生产商签订独家交易契约、开发自有品牌产品进入生产领域等。

    When retailers own monopoly power , they will use their dominant status in the industrial chain implementing various vertical control means against producers , such as charging slotting allowance , requiring exclusive dealing contracts , tapping private brand goods and so on .

  21. 在体育联赛中如果几个俱乐部形成垄断势力,体育联赛比赛就会失去竞争均衡性,长期将无法吸引观众,整个体育联赛收入也将随之降低,所以,联赛的竞争均衡是体育联赛魅力之根本。

    If several club formed the monopoly power in a sports league , sports league loses competitive equilibrium , sports league will not be able to attract the audience from long-term , the sports league revenues will decrease . Thus the league competition equilibrium is the basic sports league .

  22. 银行垄断及其市场势力研究

    Research on the Bank Monopoly and Its Market Power

  23. 因此,企业网络成为垄断结构企业势力延伸的重要组织形式。

    Therefore , the enterprise network becomes important organization form of spreading the power of monopolization structure enterprise .

  24. 它不仅消除了各成员国适用各自国内法带来的法律方面的冲突,而且有效的预防了欧盟内部大市场垄断和市场势力的产生。

    Not only do it eliminate the conflict the member states apply national law create , but also effectively take precautions against the creation of monopoly and market power in European Common Market .

  25. 虽然中国制定反垄断法存在压力,但是制定反垄断法有利于提高中国企业的竞争力,遏制跨国公司的垄断势力和改善国家的财政和宏观调控。

    Although faced with many difficulties , the adoption of the Antimonopoly Law will increase the competitiveness of the Chinese enterprises , curb the monopoly power of transnational corporations and improve the financial and macro control by the state .