
lǒng duàn
  • monopoly;monopolize;corner;forestall;be widely separated by mountain range
垄断 [lǒng duàn]
  • (1) [be widely separated by mountain range]∶山脉阻隔

  • (2) [monopolize]∶独占;专卖。原指站在市集的高地上操纵贸易

  • 垄断资本

  • 垄断价格

垄断[lǒng duàn]
  1. 优酷土豆集团CEO说他们不会对中国市场进行垄断。

    Youku Tudou 's CEO says they won 't monopolize the market in China .

  2. 最后,本文运用Swarm平台对寡头垄断厂商定价决策系统进行了实证研究。

    At last , we have studied the price-making decision system of the oligarch monopolize firm with the help of the Swarm .

  3. 这家公司现在垄断了市场。

    The company now had a stranglehold on the market .

  4. 这家公司实质上已经垄断了这种贸易。

    The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade .

  5. 她和往常一样,垄断了这次谈话。

    As usual , she completely monopolized the conversation .

  6. 他们垄断了白银市场。

    They 've cornered the market in silver .

  7. 有一家公司实际上垄断了整个州所有的橙汁销售。

    One company had a virtual lock on all orange juice sales in the state .

  8. 经济由于公共开支和私有垄断而变得僵化。

    The economy was hidebound by public spending and private monopolies .

  9. 陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。

    The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws .

  10. 这些公司决心要垄断香蕉业。

    These companies are determined to keep a stranglehold on the banana industry

  11. 规模更小的竞争对手正为结束他们的两强垄断局面而抗争着。

    Their smaller rival is battling to end their duopoly .

  12. 要是他当时成功了,他就会取得垄断地位。

    Had he succeeded , he would have acquired a monopoly

  13. 这家餐馆垄断了马德里的特色肉菜饭市场。

    This restaurant has cornered the Madrid market for specialist paellas

  14. 他们不再是垄断海外航线的两强之一。

    They are no longer part of a duopoly on overseas routes .

  15. 他们控制了大量的可可粉,因此他们几乎垄断了整个市场。

    They are controlling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market

  16. 航空公司把商务旅行者视为垄断性市场。

    Airlines consider business travellers a captive market .

  17. 苏黎世的富足最初来自于14世纪对丝绸贸易的高度垄断。

    Zurich 's affluence came initially from cornering a sizeable chunk of the 14th Century silk trade .

  18. 帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。

    Imperialism is monopolistic , parasitic and moribund capitalism .

  19. 他对那个国家造船业的垄断已经建立起来。

    His monopoly of shipbuilding in that country has been established .

  20. 经济全球化进程的加快要求我国健全经济法制,尽快制定反垄断法,对竞争领域的有关问题做出规定。

    The acceleration of economic globalization requires the formulation of the anti-monopoly law and regulations of competition .

  21. 经济垄断和行政垄断是垄断的两种形式,它们的成因是不同的。

    It can be found in two forms : economic monopoly and administrative monopoly , with different causes .

  22. 一个多世纪以来,美国人一直在争论联邦政府在阻止垄断公司破坏经济竞争方面究竟有多大权限。

    For more than a century , americans have debated how far the federal government should go to prevent dominant companies from undermining economic competition .

  23. 在法国,信用卡公司创造EMV的部分原因是电话垄断既低效又昂贵,令人恼火。

    In France , card companies created EMV in part because the telephone monopoly was so maddeningly inefficient and expensive .

  24. 完美的竞争至少在理论上应该会使利润为零,但我们有垄断企业持续获得高额利润。

    Perfect competition should drive profits to zero , at least theoretically , but we have monopolies making persistently high profits .

  25. “说起这些访问代码,我们认为这是教科书垄断的新形式,是一种把学生锁在这个系统中的新方式,”美国公共利益研究集团高等教育倡导者伊桑·斯奈克对Buzzfeed新闻说道。

    When we talk about the access code we see it as the new face of the textbook monopoly , a new way to lock students around this system , said Ethan Senack , the higher education advocate for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group , to BuzzFeed News .

  26. 比如在1972年,苏联提早意识到本国收成不好,于是它暗自囤积居奇,垄断了世界小麦市场。

    In 1972 , for instance , the Soviets , recognizing their poor harvest early , quietly cornered the world wheat market .

  27. 数据的这种性质使得过去的反垄断措施不再那么有用。

    This nature of data makes the antitrust measures of the past less useful .

  28. 首先,反垄断当局需要从工业时代进入21世纪。

    The first is that antitrust authorities need to move form the industrial age into the 21st century .

  29. 在信息时代重启反垄断并非易事,但如果政府不想让数据被少数几家巨头垄断,就必须尽快采取行动。

    Restarting antitrust for the information age will not be easy But if govemments don 't wants a data oconomy by a few giants , they must act soon .

  30. IE浏览器于1995年伴随着Windows95电脑推出,推出后曾轰动一时,成功干掉了网景导航者浏览器,并在21世纪初达到了实质性的垄断地位。

    Internet Explorer debuted in 1995 as part of Windows 95 and became an instant hit . It successfully killed off Netscape Navigator , and it achieved a virtual monopoly in the early 2000s .