
  • 网络monopolizing;monopolies;monopolization;monopolistic practices;Monopolistic Conduct
  1. 实力雄厚的跨国公司在中国大量投资是否会导致垄断行为,是国内外长期关注和争论的一个问题。

    Controversy has all along surrounded the utilization of capital from multinationals in China in terms of the possibility of their monopolizing the market .

  2. 第四部分,重点围绕金融企业集团垄断行为适用反垄断法的特殊性展开论述。

    Part four , mainly on the particularity expansions which are suitable to apply the antimonopoly law , and it describes around monopolizing the behavior in the FEG .

  3. THC问题不仅涉及对运输合同和贸易合同的理解,还涉及到对航运和贸易惯例的理解,以及对市场垄断行为的管制。

    These questions concerned about transport contract , trade contract , and the traditions in shipping and commerce .

  4. RIF能够产生价值,因为它在规则执行系统之间提供互操作性,同时阻止了规则提供商的垄断行为。

    RIF delivers value because it provides interoperability between rule execution systems while preventing lock-in by rule vendors .

  5. 中国的外商直接投资(FDI)出现金融危机最严重时期以来的最大幅度下降。近期北京方面将越来越多在华经营的跨国企业列为调查对象,指控它们存在价格操纵和垄断行为。

    Foreign direct investment to China has fallen at the sharpest rate since the height of the financial crisis , as Beijing targets a widening array of global companies in the country for alleged price-fixing and monopolistic behaviour .

  6. 在主要针对零部件定价的调查期间,发改委已宣布,奥迪(Audi)和克莱斯勒(Chrysler)从事了垄断行为,并称多达12家日资企业可能面临处罚。

    During the course of its investigation , which has focused on the pricing of spare parts , the NDRC has claimed that Audi and Chrysler engaged in monopolistic behaviour , and indicated that as many as 12 Japanese companies could face penalties .

  7. 雀巢(Nestlé)昨日表示,正在配合中国政府发起的有关婴儿配方奶粉市场可能存在垄断行为的调查。中国国内媒体表示,还有三家外国婴儿奶粉生产商也受到调查。

    Nestl é said yesterday that it was co-operating with an investigation launched by the Chinese government into possible competition violations in the mainland infant formula market , while local media reports say three other foreign baby milk producers are also being probed .

  8. 如果情况属实,这种做法将会被判作是垄断行为。

    If true , such a move could be judged monopolistic .

  9. 这些垄断行为也抑制了日本急切追求可代替电的能源。

    These monopolies also preventJapanfrom seriously pursuing alternative sources of electricity .

  10. 中国正在采取措施防止互联网企业的垄断行为。

    China is taking steps to prevent monopolistic behavior by internet firms .

  11. 跨国公司在华垄断行为及其对策研究

    Study to Monopoly Behaviors of Transnational Corporations in China and Its Measures

  12. 垄断行为判定规则的沿革与内涵

    The Evolution and Connotation of the Antitrust Violation Judgment Rules

  13. 我国银行业垄断行为的反垄断法规制研究

    The Domestic Banking of Monopolistic Behavior Studies of Anti-Anti-monopoly Regulations

  14. 知识产权许可与垄断行为研究

    Studies on Intellectual Property Right Permission and Monopoly Behavior

  15. 其三,行政垄断行为的后果是破坏或限制竞争。

    And in objective way the administrative monopoly has destroy or limit competition .

  16. 透视我国法律,我国并没有对行业协会进行专门立法,传统的法律也并不能完全适用于调整复杂的行业协会垄断行为。

    The traditional legislation cannot apply to adjust complicated trade association monopoly relationship .

  17. 当前,技术标准化中的垄断行为,主要表现为知识产权滥用行为。

    The current technical standard monopoly mainly finds expression in the intellectual property abuse .

  18. 行为主义规制的重点是垄断行为,结构主义的规制重点是垄断状态。

    Behaviorism focuses on the regulating of monopoly behavior while structuralism on monopoly state .

  19. 在现代社会,垄断行为犯罪化已经成为一个不可逆转的历史潮流。

    In modern society , criminalization of monopolistic conducts has become an irreversible historical trend .

  20. 它可以具体分为自由竞争的权与正当竞争的权,分别对应的是垄断行为与不正当行为所指的权利侵犯对象。

    It consists of the right to free competition and the right to legitimate competition .

  21. 其垄断行为表现通常为通过技术壁垒、捆绑销售、价格岐视等方式。

    The monopoly can usually be technological bulwark , binding sale , price discrimination , etc.

  22. 一位香港的高管问道:你能想象政府会对这里任何垄断行为采取类似的行动吗?

    Can you imagine the government taking similar action against any of the cartels here ?

  23. 任何对公平竞争有害的垄断行为都可以通过这样的法律来加以抑制。

    Any monopolized activities which impair fair competition can be curbed by such a law .

  24. 垄断行为的约束机制分析

    The Restricting Mechanism to Monopoly Actions

  25. 这需要对滥用知识产权所引发的垄断行为做进一步的区分和界定。

    The need for abuse of intellectual property rights of monopoly caused further distinguish and definition .

  26. 咱们在抱怨鄙视百度垄断行为的同时,为什么不加以利用他们呢。

    We are complaining distain Baidu forestall behavior while , why to try to use them .

  27. 但是,经济学家认为,限制垄断行为的法律将有助于抑制有害的行政垄断行为的发生。

    But economists think the laws that restrict monopolization will help to curb harmful administrative monopoly .

  28. 行政干预还在一些部门导致有害的垄断行为,排除了公正的市场竞争。

    Administrative intervention also results in harmful monopolization in some sectors that eliminates fair market competition .

  29. 而企业间边界模糊与市场势力相结合更容易导致企业集团产生垄断行为。

    The firm 's obscurity boundary together with business groups ' market power facilitates monopolistic conduct .

  30. 信息市场中垄断行为和不正当竞争行为的表象及其法律特征&兼析美国政府诉讼微软案

    The Phenomena of Monopoly and Illegal Competition Actions in the Information Market and Their Characteristics in Law