
  • 网络Monopolistic Competitive Price
  1. 寡头垄断竞争中车险价格行为的实证研究

    Experimental Study on Motor Insurance Pricing in an Oligopoly Competition Market

  2. 本研究对于分析垄断竞争行业的价格竞争模式,帮助企业制定合理的价格决策有重要的实践意义;

    The dissertation has a practical significance for analyzing the model of price competition in the monopolistic competitive industry and helping the corporate establish reasonable price policy .

  3. 国际药品市场是典型的垄断竞争市场,药品价格由供方因素和需方因素共同决定的,证据显示需方因素(产品特征)在价格的决定中扮演了更重要的角色。

    International pharmaceutical market is the typical oligopoly market and the price is determined by supply factors and demand factors together . The evidence shows that demand factors ( product characteristics ) are more important .