
línɡ shòu jià ɡé
  • retail price
  1. 预计9月份的零售价格指数将显示通货膨胀率已逼近10.8%。

    The retail price index for September is expected to show inflation edging up to about 10.8 per cent .

  2. 公平贸易组织表示,莫汉把零售价格溢价与“社会溢价”(socialpremium)混为一谈,社会溢价是指生产者可用来建造学校、诊所或打井的一笔款项。

    Fairtrade said Mr Mohan had confused the retail price premium with the " social premium " , a sum that producers use to build schools , clinics or dig bore holes .

  3. 一旦批发价格放开,零售价格也会随之上涨。

    Once wholesale prices are deregulated , consumer prices will also rise .

  4. 它原来的零售价格是23.50英镑。

    It originally retailed at £ 23.50 .

  5. 你可以以固定的批发价出售给他们,这样他们可以提高零售价格。

    You can sell it to them at a set wholesale price , allowing them to mark it up for retail

  6. 肉类零售价格可能很快要上涨。

    Retail meat prices are likely to be higher soon .

  7. FAS在一份新闻稿中表示,这个定价是由苹果公司协调处理的,形成了一个强制性的建议零售价格。

    The FAS said in a press release it suggested the price-setting was coordinated by Apple , leading to obligatory recommended prices .

  8. 例如Palm公司新近推出的这款面向大众的掌上设备Ziar,这款永不卷边的地址本的零售价格还不到一百美元。

    Enter the Ziar , Palm 's new handheld for the masses . A no-frill address book that retails for just under 100 dollars .

  9. 在购买Sound公司生产的立体声音响时,我找不到任何一家愿以低于制造商建议零售价格销售的代理商,这是否构成限价呢?

    Shopping for a stereo loudspeaker made by Sound Corporation , I couldn 't find a dealer who would sell it for less than the manufacturer 's suggested retail price . Isn 't that price-fixing ?

  10. 但HamptonCreek的蛋黄酱零售价格不算便宜:在大多数wholefoods门店的售价为每罐3.5或4.49美元。

    But at retail , Hampton Creek 's mayo isn 't very cheap : It sells for $ 3.50 or $ 4.49 a jar at most Whole Foods stores .

  11. 克鲁夫特下一步将推出一款名为Cameo的床垫,其零售价格将高达50000美元。

    His next move is to introduce the cameo , which will retail for $ 50,000 .

  12. 他们在eBay上以零售价格出售七次,他们甚至发现这种玩具成为了最新篇系列电影一种非常流行的时尚元素。

    They 're selling on eBay for like seven times theretail priceand they even found their way into the newest installment of a very popular movie franchise .

  13. 而根据传统的、覆盖范围更广的零售价格指数(RPI),物价下跌了1.2%。

    On the traditional and more comprehensive retail prices index , it was - 1.2 per cent .

  14. 香港贸易发展局(HongKongtradedevelopmentcouncil)玩具顾问委员会主席林健锋(JeffreyLam)表达了对统一全球标准的支持。他表示,这将有助于降低中国制造商日益上升的成本和国外零售价格。

    Jeffrey Lam , chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council 's toys advisory committee , expressed support for a unified global standard , saying it would help reduce manufacturers ' rising costs in China and retail prices abroad .

  15. 猫咪专属电脑由猫咪剧场生产,主要由循环利用的纸张和纸板做成,与电子计算机相比,猫咪专属笔记本电脑便宜得多,在SuckUK的零售价格为35美元。

    The Cat Scratch Laptop , made from partially or fully recycled paper and cardboard by Cat Playhouse , is a lot cheaper than an electronic version , coming in at $ 35 from the retailer Suck UK .

  16. 在法国,政府仍然对零售价格的制定进行调控,目前萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)总统正准备起草一项法案,对法国根深蒂固的购物法规进行改革。

    In France , where the government still regulates even the setting of retail prices , President Nicolas Sarkozy is preparing a bill to overhaul the country 's deeply entrenched shopping regulations .

  17. 去年圣诞节,wii游戏机供不应求,xbox360曾在2005年缺货,而playstation2代游戏机在更早的时候也出现过短缺,如此等等,但它们的零售价格却未改变。

    There was a shortage of Wii games consoles last Christmas , Xbox 360s in 2005 , PlayStation 2 consoles before that , and so on , yet the retail price remained the same .

  18. 接着,放松渠道零售价格相等的约束,探讨当电子渠道与传统渠道之间价格无任何限制时,制造商和零售商Stackelberg竞争模式下各自的利润、零售价以及制造商的最优批发价。

    Thirdly , relaxing the constraint for keeping retail price equal , the profit for the manufacturer and the retailer , retail price and optimal wholesale price are analyzed under Stackelberg completion between manufacturer and retailer respectively .

  19. 美国司法部指称,苹果和以上几家图书出版商在前者发布iPad平板电脑的同时,出台了一种代理制商业模式,让出版商确定图书零售价格,从而把畅销书单价抬高了2至5美元。

    The DoJ alleged that Apple and the publishers raised the price of best-selling titles $ 2 to $ 5 each by introducing , at the same time Apple launched its iPad tablet , an agency business model in which publishers set retail prices .

  20. 这一在欧洲首开先河的计划旨在以纯酒精含量10ml为单位,引入啤酒的最低零售价格。

    In what would be a first for Europe , it wants to introduce a minimum retail price for booze , based on the number of10ml " units " of pure alcohol being sold .

  21. 和美国相比,中国汽油零售价格大约高出50%,不过,经纪商里昂证券(clsa)表示,预计下周将宣布下调15%。

    Petrol in China is about 50 per cent more than the retail price in the US . However , brokerage CLSA said it expected a 15 per cent price cut to be announced next week .

  22. 官方数据显示:包括住房成本在内的广义零售价格指数(RPI)出乎意料下降很快,达到历史负值的最低点。

    Official figures show that the wider Retail Price Index ( RPI ) measure , which includes housing costs , tumbled deeper than expected into negative territory to a record low .

  23. 但在英格兰萨福克郡,有270年历史、向巴宝莉(Burberry)和拉夫劳伦(ralphLauren)等品牌供货的丝绸编织商Vanners董事长戴维涂斯(DavidTooth)预期,零售价格将在近期内上涨10%-20%。

    But David Tooth , chairman of Vanners , a 270-year-old silk weaver in Suffolk , England , which supplies brands such as Burberry and Ralph Lauren , expects retail prices to rise 10-20 per cent in the near term .

  24. 但根据普氏能源资讯(Platts)的信息,中国最近将上海市普通居民的天然气零售价格上调至近15美元/百万BTU。

    But China also recently pushed retail gas prices for the average resident in , say , Shanghai to nearly $ 15 per million BTU , according to Platts .

  25. 通过ECM模型可以发现建筑工程造价的短期波动对自身、地区生产总值、商品零售价格总指数、城镇登记失业率较为敏感,其中仅商品零售价格总指数是负相关。

    Through the analysis of ECM model , it finds that short-term fluctuation of construction cost is sensitive to itself , the gross regional product , registered unemployment rate in cities and towns and general retail price index of commodities which is also the only having a negative correlation .

  26. 标普称,印刷广告收入肯定会进一步下跌,数字战略本身并不能遏止出版商EBITDA的整体下滑趋势,它们必须提高订阅和零售价格,以求稳定营收。

    Print advertising revenue was set for further falls , SP said , and digital strategies alone will not halt the overall slide in ebitda for publishers , which must increase subscription and cover prices to try and stabilise revenues .

  27. iPhone5C在美国的零售价格将为549美元,比全系列中价格最高的5S便宜一些,但仍比许多中国国产手机贵。中国的国产手机已在中国、印度等国家占据更大的市场份额。

    The retail price of the iPhone 5C handset will be $ 549 in the US , cheaper than the top-of-the-range 5S but still more expensive than many of the Chinese rivals that have taken a larger portion of the market in countries such as China and India .

  28. 这就是为什么将游戏中的游戏机,不仅启动了在完整零售价格,但也往往停留在完整零售价超过零售渠道UMD游戏中。

    That is why games in the Playstation Store not only start out at full retail price , but also tend to stay at full retail price longer than UMD games in the retail channel .

  29. 标普称,印刷广告收入肯定会进一步下跌,“数字战略本身并不能遏止出版商EBITDA的整体下滑趋势,它们必须提高订阅和零售价格,以求稳定营收”。

    Print advertising revenue was set for further falls , S & P said , and " digital strategies alone will not halt the overall slide in ebitda for publishers , which must increase subscription and cover prices to try and stabilise revenues . "

  30. 为解决发电侧市场最高限价的设置问题,以美国的投资回报率法(ROR)、英国的零售价格指数法(RPI-X)和利润上限法为基础,提出了动态价格上限设置模型。

    To overcome the difficulty in designing price cap for regulation of electricity market , a novel model , dynamic price capping model , was proposed based on British RPI ( retail price index ), American ROR ( rate of return ) and PCM ( profit capping model ) .