
  • 网络RETAIL;Retail business;retail commerce;retail trade
  1. 基于GIS的零售商业网点选址评价模型研究

    Research of Evaluation Model of Commercial Retail Net Location Based on GIS

  2. 项目经理(深圳)职位描述:为以超市作主力店的零售商业项目负责项目管理;

    Job Responsibilities : Responsible for overseeing and monitoring construction process of hypermarket-anchored retail projects in PRC .

  3. 后WTO时代中等城市零售商业的出路

    The way out for retail trade of medium-sized cities in post WTO era

  4. 基于GIS的大型百货零售商业设施布局分析&以上海浦东新区为例

    Application of GIS in spatial location analysis of large retail stores & A case study in Pudong New Area of Shanghai

  5. 在经济全球化程度愈来愈高的情况下,中国作为WTO成员国已经取消外资进入零售商业的限制,必然导致零售商业市场竞争的进一步加剧。

    As WTO members , In a situation that the power of economic globalization is stronger and stronger , Chinese govern - ment has already permitted that the Foreign corporation invest in retail trade .

  6. GIS技术的应用为零售商业网点选址提供了新的思路和方法,弥补了传统研究方法的不足,为商业企业的科学决策提供了科学、形象和直观的数据和信息。

    The application of GIS technology to the location of the commercial net study can provide a new idea and strong technique . With its help , we can get scientific , visual data and information .

  7. 中等城市零售商业在后WTO时代面临着大城市零售商业企业的强大竞争,迅速实现从传统向现代的转变对它们的发展起着重要、甚至决定性的作用。

    This text mainly describes how the retail trades of medium-sized cities transform from tradition to modern in post WTO era . The basic concept is : The retail trade of medium-sized city face strong competition of big city in WTO era ;

  8. 文章介绍了一种基于C/S结构,利用先进的网络技术和数据库技术来构造大型零售商业企业MIS的方法,并详细介绍了商务管理系统应用软件实现的功能。

    This paper introduces a method of constructing a large commercial business management information system using advanced network and database technology based on C / S model , and describes in detail the functions of the application software of a business management system .

  9. 虽然就目前来看,零售商业在校园内确实有一定的发展空间,但已经进入XX学校校园的鹭银海超市经营状况距离经营者预期尚有一定的距离。

    Though currently , the retail business at the campus does have some space for development , the operating status did not meet the operator 's expectation after the Luyinhai supermarket entered XX school .

  10. 我路过一片田野,那里迫不及待的西德DIY人士,不愿等待钢铁路障的拆除,建立了一大片环形零售商业区,放出耀眼的灯光。

    I passed a field where an impatient western German DIY chain , unwilling to wait for steel and breeze blocks , had erected a vast , circular retail marquee , blazing with lights .

  11. 福建省零售商业进一步发展的对策思考

    Countermeasures on the Further Development of Retail Business in Fujian Province

  12. 杭州市零售商业中心地系统研究

    A Study on the Retail Centre System in Hangzhou Urban Area

  13. 论中等城市零售商业的出路

    Talk about the Outlet of the Retail Trade of Medium-sized City

  14. 上海零售商业组织形式调整趋势分析

    An Analysis Into the Restructuring Tendency of Retail Enterprises in Shanghai

  15. 对新疆零售商业企业发展连锁经营的思考

    Thoughts on Xinjiang Retail Businesses ' Developing of Chain Operation

  16. 随后对零售商业地产概念进行了界定。

    Then I describe the concept of retail real estate .

  17. 大型零售商业建筑公共开放空间研究

    The Research on the Public Opening Space of the Large-scale Merchandise Architecture

  18. 零售商业景气波动监测预警系统的构造研究

    Structure Research on Retail Business Fluctuation Monitoring and Pre-Warning System

  19. 超市,是我国零售商业的重要组成部分。

    Supermarket is an important part of the retail business in China .

  20. 我国农村零售商业连锁经营研究

    Study on Chain Operation in China 's Rural Retail Business

  21. 90年代重庆零售商业离心化研究

    Study on the retail commercial decentralization of Chongqing in 1990s

  22. 首先,对轨道交通对零售商业空间的影响进行理论概括,能够促进商业区位的理论的发展。

    Firstly , we can promote the development of business location theory .

  23. 零售商业物业;风险管理;研究;

    Retailing Commercial Estate ; Risk Management ; Research ;

  24. 西安市大型零售商业空间结构与市场格局研究

    Spatial structure and marketing pat-tern of large retail business in xi ' an

  25. 我国零售商业流通领域目前已呈现多种业态互相并存、互相竞争、互相配合的新格局。

    A new cooperative and co-competitive situation has formed in our retail trade .

  26. 条码技术在零售商业的应用

    The application of barcode in the retail commerce field

  27. 城市交通的零售商业区位效应探析

    Transportation Effect on the Location of Retail Business Quarters

  28. 零售商业空间组织的市场分析

    An Analysis of the Spatial Market of Retail Trade

  29. 城市零售商业中心地是不同规模、不同种类、以零售商店为主体的商店集群。

    The retail centre of city is cluster of various scales and types .

  30. 构建有地方特色的零售商业文化&零售商业文化建设的作用与内容分析

    Commercial Culture of Retailing Seales with Regional Characteristics