
  • 网络Chain Commerce;Business Linkage
  1. 基于电子邮件的连锁商业MIS的研究与实现

    Study and Realization of Email Based Chain Store MIS

  2. 用Microsoftvisio进行连锁商业电子商务系统的模型设计

    Modeling E-business System of Chain Enterprise with Microsoft Visio

  3. 通过远程联网实现统一的进销存管理是连锁商业MIS系统的关键。

    Universal management of purchase , sale and stock with remote access is the key of chain store MIS .

  4. 随着全球经济一体化及中国加入WTO,越来越多的跨国连锁商业巨头开始进入中国市场。

    With the global economic integration and China 's accession to WTO , more and more transnational chain business giants begin to enter the Chinese market .

  5. 在第五章,基于FastICA算法,我们建立起了一个连锁商业企业销售ICA模型。

    In Chapter 5 , based on the Fast ICA algorithm , a model for chain stores ' sales is set up .

  6. 就连锁商业的现状及特点,研究了该类企业的基于Internet的电子商务系统的总体方案,提出了该类电子商务系统的网络结构、软件功能及安全性方案。

    According to present situation and distinguishing features of chain commerce , this paper study the its overall plan based on internet in electronic commerce , and put forwards network structure software function and secure plan .

  7. 接着,根据系统需求,给出了构建一个采用MVC模式的、以轻量级J2EE框架技术和MySQL数据库为基础的,具备相关功能的连锁商业机构敏捷供应链系统的一般过程。

    Next , according to the system requirements , built a chain business agile supply system with business-related functions and using an MVC pattern , basing on lightweight J2EE framework technology and MySQL database .

  8. 主要研究了基于GIS的连锁商业企业的商品配送服务信息系统中的一个基本问题&如何根据居民点的服务请求确定配送商品的连锁商店。

    In this article , the authors discuss a major problem in GIS - based merchandise delivery information systems for a chain Store business company in Shanghai that is to determine the chain store to deliver the merchandise to the customer in any location of the city .

  9. 本文提出像SG公司这样的连锁商业企业,其网络营销策略组合的构成内容应该随着企业各阶段营销目标不同而不同。

    The article also put forward that in the chain commercial company like SG , the core of market form in the e-marketing process is different because of the different goals in every period .

  10. RBIKE是专业销售世界知名品牌自行车的全国连锁商业机构,已经获得英国MINI、法国雷诺、悍马、美国雪佛兰、香港KOMDA授权在中国RBIKE各地专卖店销售上述品牌自行车及相关产品。

    RBIKE is a national chain specially selling world-famous bikes , including MINI , Renault , Hummer , Chevrolet and KOMDA 's products , and RBIKE has also got the authorization from them in China .

  11. 我国连锁商业物流发展的对策

    On the Countermeasures of our Chain Business Interflow of Commodities Development

  12. 浅谈中国连锁商业的发展

    A Brief Talk on the Development of Chain Commerce in China

  13. 湖南连锁商业企业开拓县域市场的选址策略

    Site-choosing Strategy for Expanding Hunan 's Franchise Business in Counties

  14. 电子商务物流系统促进连锁商业的发展

    E-Business & Logistics System : The Promotions for the Commercial Chain Corporations

  15. 地理信息在连锁商业信息管理中的应用

    The Geographic Information Application in the Chain Commerce Information Management

  16. 自有品牌对连锁商业品牌战略的影响分析

    The Analysis of Private Brands ' Influence on Retailer 's Brand Strategy

  17. 陕西连锁商业发展的思考

    Thinking of the Development of Chain Business in Shaanxi

  18. 连锁商业网络营销物流配送策略分析

    Strategy Analysis of Chain Businesses in E-marketing Logistic Allocation

  19. 我国连锁商业的市场竞争战略

    The market competitive strategy of chain commerce in Chinese

  20. 提升中国连锁商业企业竞争能力

    Promote the competitive power of commerce chain Enterprises

  21. 加强与跨国连锁商业公司的合作扩大对斯及前南地区出口

    Enhance the Cooperation with Transnational Commercial Company

  22. 连锁商业现金流量管理研究

    Cash Flow Management in Chain Business

  23. 随着我国经济的日益发展,农村连锁商业市场发展潜力巨大。

    With the development of economy of China , Agricultural chain stores have large potential in development .

  24. 强调国内连锁商业与网络营销结合的可能性和必要性;

    The emphasis on the possibilities and necessities of the combination of chain commerce in China and e-marketing ;

  25. 家世界连锁商业集团有限公司

    The Home World Group

  26. 随着连锁商业的迅猛发展,连锁企业对于物流管理的需求日益迫切。

    With rapid developments of commercial chain corporations , they have the keen demands to increase levels of logistics management .

  27. 最后选择杭州市西湖区商业房地产为研究区域,对国内相对较新的商业业态&连锁商业的在区内的布局现状进行实证的分析,并提出了优化策略。

    At last I choose Xihu District , Hangzhou , as the positive area and the relatively new commerce form-chain supermarket .

  28. 本章主要介绍了连锁商业及其商品配送到目前为止国内外的研究成果。

    In this chapter , mainly domestic and international research results on chain business and goods delivery will be introduced briefly .

  29. 接下来,对连锁商业这种业态作了扼要的叙述,正是基于连锁商业这一业态与传统的商品流通企业有较大的差异,导致了其现金流量管理方法与一般的商品流通企业有所不同。

    The difference between the chain business and the traditional retailing business leads to the different way in the cash flow management .

  30. 湖南本土连锁商业企业在面临着国内外大型连锁企业竞争压力的形势下,选择县域市场作为目标市场是一个有效的手段。

    Under the great pressure of fierce competition from both at home and abroad , the counties become an ideal target market for franchise business .