
  1. 我们每天生产九万多个新鲜的面包制品,产品包括半烘培和急冻面团、丹麦酥、牛角包、小硬包和小软包,我们供应给北京市以至全中国的酒店、航空食品、连锁餐厅和批发商。

    With a daily output of90000 freshly baked items we provide pre-baked frozen breads , Danish pastries , croissants as well as hard soft rolls to hotels , airline catering firms , restaurant chains and retailer in Beijing and whole china .

  2. 中国批发业面临来自中国工业化、零售连锁化、外资批发商等挑战,也面临内外贸一体化、物流业快速发展等现实机遇。

    China ′ s wholesale business faces the wholesale challenges from China 's industrialization , retail catenation and foreign capital wholesaler , and it is also faces the realistic opportunities of the trade integration of internal and external , and the rapid development of logistics business .