
  • 网络indirect marketing channel;indirect channel
  1. 通常人们较为注重面向旅游者的直接渠道旅游广告,而往往忽视旅游中间商与旅游产品生产商之间的间接渠道旅游广告。

    People always pay much attention to advertising in the direct channel to the end user , but neglect advertising between tourism suppliers and intermediaries in the indirect marketing channel .

  2. 同时注重短渠道、间接渠道及加强与旅行社的合作,充分运用诸如广告、公关关系、网络等现代促销手段在长株潭地区进行旅游产品的推广。

    At the same time focus on short-channel , indirect channels and strengthen co-operation among travel agencies ; fully use modern promotion means , such as advertising , public relations , promotions , Internet and so on to expand the tourism products in Changsha , Zhuzhou , and Xiangtan .

  3. 根据需要能通过间接渠道进行销售。

    Work with indirect channel sales as required .

  4. 间接渠道营销的旅游广告研究

    Research on Tourism Advertising in Indirect Channel

  5. 中国的旅行社业分销渠道呈圆桶状,其国际旅行社业务采用长窄的间接渠道,国内旅行社业务采用短窄的直接渠道。

    The structure of the distribution channels of Chinese travel service industry is tubby with a relatively short-narrow size and direct channels .

  6. 本项目的营销渠道选择了间接渠道(代理商渠道)和直接渠道(网络渠道)两种形式。

    The marketing channel options of this project include two forms of indirect channel ( agent channels ) and direct channel ( network channel ) .

  7. 如今在中国占据主导的销售渠道为间接渠道中的保险代理人、保险经纪人和保险公估人三种渠道和银行保险渠道,而保险代理人和银行保险渠道几乎占据着整个市场。

    The dominant channel is insurance agent , insurance broker and bancassurance of indirect channel , then the insurance agent and bancassurance even take up the whole insurance market .

  8. 然后分析间接渠道选择的影响因素、评价标准和定量选择分销商的模糊综合评判模型。

    Then excavate and sum up the factors , evaluate standard and selecting method if adopt indirect marketing channels , extraordinary , using a quantitative method as the Fuzzy Synthesize Evaluation Method to select middlemen .

  9. 在对复制估算法进行评价的基础上,提出运用直接或间接渠道获得的辅助信息,通过类平均法分析来实现对无回答单位(或项目)的替代。

    The essay , based on evaluating the reproduce-estimation method , suggests gaining the auxiliary information with direct or indirect method and employing the cluster-average method to realize the substitution for nonresponse unit or item .

  10. 分析表明,若消费者选择买的概率大于渠道成本与产品在两种渠道下的价格差之比,企业将愿意选择直接渠道,反之,企业愿选择间接渠道。

    Research indicates that if the probability of purchase chosen by consumers more than the rate of channel cost and the price dispersion of products under both two channels , enterprises will choose direct channel , otherwise they would like to choose indirect channel .

  11. 外源融资又可分为直接融资渠道和间接融资渠道。

    External financing can be divided into direct financing channels and indirect financing channels .

  12. 中小企业间接融资渠道面临新难题

    New Indirect Financing Difficulties of SME

  13. 纵观汽车企业营销渠道现状,大体可分为两种模式:一种是间接营销渠道模式,另一种是直接营销渠道模式。

    There are two modes of current automobile sales channel ; indirect mode and direct mode .

  14. 二是进一步完善间接融资渠道;

    Perfecting the direct financing channel ;

  15. 本文将对多条间接贸易渠道进行深入探讨,力图使中日贸易的面貌更加完整、清晰。

    These indirect channels need further research in order to make the study of the Sino-Japanese private trade more complete .

  16. 中小企业由于信用度不高,直接融资渠道的缺乏以及间接融资渠道的单一,使其面临着融资困难的局面。

    Medium & small enterprises face the difficulty of financing because of low credit and default of direct and indirect financing methods .

  17. 论文认为,由于农村居民居住分散和文化素质低等特点,直接营销方式并不适合其发展,而间接营销渠道的选择存在严重不足。

    According to the rural living dispersed characteristics , direct marketing channel is not suitable for its development , and indirect marketing channel development is insufficient .

  18. 文章分别从企业自身、间接融资渠道、直接融资渠道、政府服务体系等四个方面逐一进行深入细致的分析。

    This paper analyzes the causes from the angles of enterprises themselves , indirect financing channels , direct financing channels and financing services offered by government deeply .

  19. 但是泉州绝大多数中小企业都属于劳动密集型,它们进行融资多是依靠间接融资渠道中的金融机构贷款。

    But most of Quanzhou small and medium-sized enterprise belong to labor-intensive , they are relying on indirect financing the financing channels of financial institutions to loans .

  20. 对于中小企业而言,融资途径有很多种,有直接融资渠道也有间接融资渠道,但是直接融资如债券市场和资本市场的要求较高,因此银行贷款就成了中小企业资金来源的主要途径。

    There are many financing channels for SMES , including direct financing and indirect financing . But the direct financing such as bonds and capital markets are strict in entrance requirement , so bank loans have become the main means of financing channels .

  21. 第三要拓展间接融资的渠道,完善间接融资服务体系;

    Thirdly expand the channel of indirect financing to perfect the system of indirect financing ;

  22. 结果发现,银行持股企业以直接和间接两条渠道帮助民营企业获得贷款。

    We find that there are two channels for private enterprises with bank holding to get loans , one is direct channel , and the other is indirect channel .

  23. 跨国公司可以通过直接的和间接的两大渠道促进发展中国家的出口竞争力。

    Transnational corporations can promote the export competitiveness of the developing countries , either directly or indirectly .

  24. 二是以特色地震游旅游产品为内容的间接多级多层分销渠道策略。

    Secondly , it adopts indirect multi-level and multi-distribution channel strategy with the content of characteristic tourism products .