
  • 网络spyware;SPY;Spying Software;Rogue anti-spyware
  1. 出版商承诺不会用间谍软件来获取个人信息,或用其他的办法破坏个人隐私。

    The publishers promise not to use spyware to grab your personal information or otherwise compromise privacy .

  2. 网络隐私面临诸多安全威胁和侵害,间谍软件和Cookie是主要因素。

    Internet privacy suffered much security threats and intrusion , the main cause is Spyware and Cookie .

  3. privacyinternational此前曾对微软的做法表示担心,并表示公众将把这一新软件视为间谍软件。

    Privacy International had previously raised concerns with Microsoft and said the public would see the new software as spyware .

  4. 检测和删除干扰设备,如间谍软件,广告软件,键盘记录程序,木马和其他黑客和跟踪工具在您的PC。

    Detect and remove intrusive devices such as spyware , adware , keyloggers , Trojans , and other hacker and tracking tools on your PC.

  5. 它将防止PC遭受病毒、间谍软件、木马以及rootkits的侵袭。

    It will offer protection against viruses , spyware , trojans and rootkits .

  6. 据GardenerG2调查,超过两千万的系统装有间谍软件。

    According to Gardener G2 more than 20 million people have spy ware sitting on their systems .

  7. 总部位于米兰的窃听软件开发商HackingTeam展示了自己的远程控制间谍软件,该软件可以窃听加密通讯、Skype通话及即时通信工具上的聊天。

    Hacking Team , a Milan-based maker of eavesdropping software , demonstrated its remotely controlled spyware that can tap encrypted communications , Skype calls and instant messenger chats .

  8. 起初,免费版的AVG是间谍软件系统稳定有效的。

    Initially , the free version of AVG antiviru protect version was stable and effective .

  9. 当WOT遇到间谍软件可疑可疑地点时会提醒您。

    As WOT encounters suspect sites , it alerts you .

  10. 他们在合作中发现,这款间谍软件依赖之前不为人知的三个iOS安全漏洞。它们被叫做“零日”(zerodays),因为苹果不知道它们,没花哪怕一天时间去修复它们。

    Together , they discovered that the spyware relied on three previously unknown iOS vulnerabilities - called " zero days " because Apple didn 't know about them and had zero days to patch them .

  11. 间谍软件(Spyware)是一种有害软件(Malware),是目前网络安全最重要的威胁之一[1]。

    Spyware ( spy software ) is a kind of malware ( malicious software ), now is the most important thread of computer network security .

  12. 桌面防病毒软件(90%)、反间谍软件((56%)、个人防火墙(49%)和VPN客户(49%)仍然是被受访企业采用最多的终端应用。

    Desktop antivirus ( 90 % ), antispyware ( 56 % ), personal firewalls ( 49 % ) and VPN clients ( 49 % ) remain the leading endpoint applications already deployed within the organizations surveyed .

  13. 间谍软件代码中多次提到Pegasus,这是NSO集团一款监视软件产品的名字。

    Strewn throughout the spyware code were references to Pegasus , the name of an NSO Group spyware product .

  14. 日前,在苹果iOS操作系统中,仅仅通过让用户点击一个链接就可以在目标设备上安装间谍软件的漏洞已被发现。

    Flaws in Apple 's iOS operating system have been discovered that made it possible to install spyware on a target 's device merely by getting them to click on a link .

  15. 分析了间谍软件对网络隐私的侵害,研究了Cookie泄密的现状,提出了能有效保障网络隐私安全的防御技术和措施。

    It is analyzed that Spyware intrudes Internet privacy , and studied that Cookie discloses Internet privacy . Authors also put forward an effective defense technologies and measures that are used to protect Internet privacy .

  16. 一些更巧妙的软件版本在没有反病毒或反间谍软件工具,工具间谍软件如AD-Aware或SpySweeper标记他们的情况下可以操纵。

    Some of the more clever software versions can even operate without antivirus or antispyware tools , such as AD-Aware or Spy Sweeper , flagging them .

  17. 研究人员们表示,他们认为本案的间谍软件是由以色列“网络战争”公司NSO组织开发的。

    The researchers say they believe the spyware involved was created by NSO Group , an Israeli " cyber-war " company .

  18. 人们将给你提出建议明确用HijackThis工具要删除哪些内容;有可能会指示要求运行其它软件来帮助删除常见的间谍软件。

    You 'll be given specific advice on what entries to remove with the HijackThis tool , and you might be pointed to additional software to run to help remove common spyware infections .

  19. 技术领域的新词有ringtone(手机铃音)和spyware(安装在电脑上用于监视用户活动的间谍软件);科学领域的新词则包括biodiesel(生物柴油)和avianinfluenza(禽流感)。

    The technology world contributed ringtones ( changeable incoming cellphone call signals ) and spyware ( software installed in a computer to surreptiously track a user 's activities ) while biodiesel and avian influenza came from the world of science .

  20. •FinFisher是一个能控制移动设备的间谍软件。

    • finfisher is a spyware capable of taking over the components of a mobile device .

  21. 在采访和产品使用手册中,NSO集团的高管长期夸耀道,他们的间谍软件工作时就像“幽灵”一样,在追踪目标的动作和按键时,不会留下一丝痕迹。

    In interviews and manuals , the NSO Group 's executives have long boasted that their spyware worked like a " ghost , " tracking the moves and keystrokes of its targets , without leaving a trace .

  22. NSO方面已经发表了一份声明,承认他们用技术来“打击恐怖和犯罪”,但是也表示他们不知晓任何特定事件,也没有参与到任何特别的间谍软件中来。

    NSO has issued a statement acknowledging that it makes technology used to " combat terror and crime " but said it had no knowledge of any particular incidents and made no reference to the specific spyware involved .

  23. 信息安全领域的新课题&间谍软件

    The New Subject of Information Security Field & The Spy Software

  24. 另外,还有一些其他的免费的反间谍软件程序可用。

    Alternatively , there are other free anti-spyware software programs available .

  25. 检测和分析:部署和监视抗病毒/间谍软件。

    Detection and analysis : Deploy and monitor antivirus / anti-spyware software .

  26. 你应该有过这样的遭遇,就是电脑感染上了间谍软件或广告软件。

    The computer is infected with spy 's software or advertising software .

  27. 间谍软件并不是新东西,但它正在广泛应用。

    Spy ware isn 't new , but it 's gaining ground .

  28. 实时保护阻止病毒和间谍软件行为,甚至是在它们感染你的电脑之前

    Real-time Protection stops virus and malware even before they reach your PC.

  29. 间谍软件及其防护策略

    The Spyware and the Tactics How to Prevent it

  30. 这是一个间谍软件,您的计算机上还显示弹出式广告窗口。

    It 's a spyware , also pop-up ads windows on your computer .