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  • spy satellite
  1. 然而,这个最新间谍卫星NROL-32的具体性能却是一个谜。

    However , the exact purpose of the new spy satellite NROL-32 is secret .

  2. 次年,美国用一颗舰射飞弹,炸毁了一颗发生故障的间谍卫星usa-193(如图所示)。

    The following year America blew up a malfunctioning spy satellite , usa-193 , using a Ship-launched missile ( pictured ) .

  3. 1月7日,猎鹰9号火箭搭载的一颗间谍卫星部署失败也凸显出SpaceX项目不时会出现问题,尽管该公司称其火箭表现完美。

    And the failed deployment of a spy satellite following its launch on a Falcon 9 rocket on January 7 also highlighted the periodic fallibility of the SpaceX programme , although the company has said its rocket functioned perfectly .

  4. 就在几个月前,爱德华•斯诺登(EdwardSnowden)才揭露过西方安全部门对全球的大规模监控,而眼下,间谍卫星的庞大网络却无法定位一架飞机。这让那些牵挂失联马航客机命运的人感到震惊。

    After months of revelations by Edward Snowden about the extent of global surveillance by western security services , it has come as a shock to those pondering the fate of the missing Malaysian airliner that the extensive network of spy satellites in orbit have failed to locate the jet .

  5. 我需要克罗伊能监控所有间谍卫星。

    I want Chloe to have full domain over surveillance satellites .

  6. 美国在轨道上大约有30个间谍卫星。

    The U.S. has about 30 spysatellites in orbit .

  7. 锡人拦截了间谍卫星讯号。

    Tin man has integrated all network-centric spy satellites .

  8. 日本间谍卫星发射失败

    Japan Spy Satellite Launch Ends in Failure

  9. 在2006年,当间谍卫星侦察到舞水端里发射场的相关活动后,美国曾经启动过其防御系统。

    The US switched on the system in 2006 after spy satellites detected activity at Musudan-ri .

  10. 美国宣布推迟发射间谍卫星

    US announced spy satellite launch delayed

  11. 在去年九月一份报告显示中国已经把一些高性能的激光武器对准了美国的的间谍卫星。

    Last September , reports emerged that China had been pointing high-powered lasers at American spy satellites .

  12. 上个月,其拥有的四枚间谍卫星中的一颗由于明显的电气故障而停止响应。

    Last month , one of its four spy satellites became unresponsive due to apparent electrical problems .

  13. 由于知道美国间谍卫星可以侦测到此类活动,朝鲜曾在过去故意通过转移装备来制造危机。

    In the past , the regime has shifted equipment knowing that US spy satellites would detect the movement to generate a crisis .

  14. 美国在印度洋和太平洋地区上空的间谍卫星主要用于监测朝鲜、阿富汗和巴基斯坦北部。

    US spy satellites in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean areas are focused mainly on monitoring North Korea and Afghanistan and northern Pakistan .

  15. 据报道,这颗间谍卫星可以在太空中使用长达33米的天线监听地面通讯,搜集情报。

    It is reported that this satellite can monitor the ground communication and collect information by using an aerial as long as 33 meters in the space .

  16. 东京(路透社)本周六,用来监视邻国朝鲜两颗间谍卫星搭载火箭发射后几分钟被点燃销毁。

    TOKYO ( Reuters ) - Japan blew up a rocket carrying two spy satellites for monitoring secretive neighbor North Korea minutes after launching it on Saturday .

  17. 即便部署了间谍卫星,美国五角大楼官员在过去几天一直暗示,可用来帮助搜索的技术手段不多。

    Even if spy satellites were deployed , Pentagon officials have hinted for the past few days that there are few technological fixes that can help the search .

  18. 中国正在建造的这个工厂是如此之大,一旦完成,可以同时建造四艘潜艇——军迷和间谍卫星都看不到。

    China is building a factory so big that when it 's done , it will be able to accommodate the construction of four submarines at once-out of sight from military enthusiasts and spy satellites alike .

  19. 日本目前有四个间谍卫星在服役中,由日本卫星电视公司和日本电气公司领导的一个财团正在建造两个额外的通信卫星,将用于传输加密数据。

    Japan has four spysatellites in service , and a consortium of Japanese companies led by SkyPerfect Jsat Holdings ( 9412 : JP ) and NEC ( 6701 : JP ) is building two additional communicationsatellites that will transmit encrypted data .

  20. 补充介绍了美国、俄国、欧盟、中国和印度等国在发展卫星导航定位系统方面的某些内容,并阐述了日本准天顶卫星导航定位系统和间谍卫星的情况。

    This paper makes additional introduction to some contents of the satellite navigation system developed by America , Russia , European Union , China and India , and expounds the situation of the quasi-zenith satellite navigation system and spay satellite developed by Japan .

  21. 这个区域内会主要干扰间谍探测卫星使用的AQB系统。

    This interference within the region will mainly use spy satellites to detect the AQB system .

  22. 20世纪50年代末,技术间谍手段刚刚兴起,U-2飞机可以飞越领空,我们担心苏联人造卫星是间谍卫星,最后发现它根本不是,对核末日的猜疑和恐惧也是甚嚣尘上。

    At the very beginning of technological spycraft in the late " 50s , with the U-2 overflights , our fear was that the Sputnik was a spy satellite , which it turned out of course not to be , and there was also great suspicion and fear of nuclear holocaust .