
  • 网络indirect regulation
  1. 第二个层面通过对内部人的监督来间接规制内部人控制,这些监督来自两个方面即内部人的相互监督和法律义务与责任之承担,而此两方面监督作用之实现须有制度保证;

    The second level was the indirect regulation by the supervision to the insider , which came from both the mutual insiders and the legal obligation and responsibility on them .

  2. 反垄断法直接或间接规制垄断结构,其规制对象具有结构主义色彩。

    Anti-monopoly law directly or indirectly rules and regulates monopoly structure .

  3. 旅游资源可持续的有效利用最终要通过间接规制由外而内的经济影响,促进私人经济与社会经济相一致,从而发挥经济主体由内而外的力量来实现。

    To realize the sustainable utilization of the tourist resources , we should maintain the consistency of private economy and social economy , and give play to the role of economic main body .

  4. 二是规制介入对于非正规金融的间接效应,政府规制对于资金提供者向资金需求主体融资的转化具有显著的促进作用。

    Second , non-formal regulatory intervention for the indirect effects of financial , government regulation for the capital needs of the main providers of financing to fund the conversion of a significant role in promoting .

  5. 首先,片面共犯是一种犯罪形态,而不是指犯罪人,不同于间接正犯,和间接正犯完全是不同的两个概念,所以说用间接正犯来规制片面共犯是完全没有道理的。

    First of all , one-sided accomplice is a criminal pattern , rather than offender , is different from indirect principal offender . One-sided accomplice and indirect principal offender are totally two different concepts , so that indirect principal offender to regulate one-sided accomplice is totally unreasonable .