
  • 网络Structural regulation;regulation of structure
  1. 广播电视规制主要包括产业结构规制和内容规制。

    Television Broadcasting regulation consists of both structural and content regulation .

  2. 论述了对网络经济中的垄断结构规制的具体问题。

    We analysis the specific issues of the regulation of the monopolistic structure in the network economy .

  3. 结合网络经济的特征指出了网络经济对反垄断法提出的问题。第二部分:网络经济中的垄断结构规制。

    Point out the antitrust issues in the implementation of the network economy . Part ⅱ: the regulation of the monopolistic structure in the network economy .

  4. 本文从企业集中的一般理论入手,认为超过一定规模的企业集中需要竞争法加以规制,并且主要是通过事前控制和结构规制方式来实现的。

    This article takes the view that concentrations between undertakings need to be regulated by the competition law , and mostly realizes through the prior and structural ways .

  5. 微观方面是政府利用行政权力对收费公路的运营进行直接干预,包括:市场进入规制、市场结构规制、收费标准规制和服务质量规制。

    In microscopic , our government intervenes the operations of toll roads directly by its power including : market entry regulation , market structure regulation , charge standard regulation and service quality regulation .

  6. 以基金治理结构规制利益冲突的优点在于外部性内部化,使当事人能在内部博弈中达到卡尔多-希克斯标准,既减少管制成本,有可避免第三方干涉可能产生的错误。

    The pros of regulation of funds governance is that it may internalize the externality and make the parties reach the Kaldor-Hicks Standard during the internal game . It may further reduce the regulatory cost and prevent inaccuracy caused by interference from third parties .

  7. 在政策制定时应遵从三者的内在关系,通过市场准入、产业结构和规制力度等方面协调FDI引入和环境保护的关系。

    While making the policy , we should abide the inherent relationship between the three , coordinate the relationship between the introduce of the FDI and the environment protection .

  8. 基于纵向垄断市场结构的规制定价研究

    Study on Price-Regulation Based on Successive Monopolistic Upstream and Downstream Firms

  9. 我国移动通信产业的市场结构与规制改革

    Study on the Market Structure and Regulatory Reformation of Chinese Mobile Communication Industry

  10. 本部分从价格规制的定义出发,结合电力产业,从自然垄断产业价格规制的两个方面即价格水平和价格结构的规制进行了分析。

    In this part , the author decomposes the price regulation into two respects : price level and price structure and studies their models respectively .

  11. 竞争法的根本宗旨是保障竞争自由,建立有效竞争的市场结构,规制妨碍、限制竞争行为。

    The fundamental purpose of competition law is to protect the freedom of competition , establish an effective competitive market structure , and regulate behaviors of preventing and restricting competition .

  12. 对国外相关文献进行梳理,以参考定价系统的规制结构和规制结果为线索,对参考组分组原则、补偿价格设定,以及参考定价对市场参与者行为和最终市场价格影响等问题的研究概况进行综述。

    Then , it makes a review on the research work of the principle of clustering and reference price setting , and the impact of reference pricing on behavior of referrals in market and the final price .

  13. 从我国经济发展的具体情况,企业规模偏小、市场集中度低、缺乏国际竞争力和结构主义规制的本质&规制成本巨大两方面确定了我国反垄断法的规制对象应为垄断行为。

    Based on our country 's economy development special details , the scale small , the market concentration degree is low , lack of international competitive power and the essential of structuralism & regulation cost great , we obtain that our country 's anti-monopoly should regulate the monopoly behavior .

  14. 反垄断法直接或间接规制垄断结构,其规制对象具有结构主义色彩。

    Anti-monopoly law directly or indirectly rules and regulates monopoly structure .

  15. 论出资形式和结构的法律规制

    On Legal Regulating of Forms and Structures of Contribution

  16. 我国电力产业市场结构与价格规制治理研究

    Research on Structuring and Regulated Pricing Mechanism of the Electric Power Industry in China

  17. 行为主义规制的重点是垄断行为,结构主义的规制重点是垄断状态。

    Behaviorism focuses on the regulating of monopoly behavior while structuralism on monopoly state .

  18. 总结各国立法和实践的细节,拆分企业制裁主要适用于结构救济、规制滥用行为和规制经营者集中等三种情形。

    Enterprise-splitting sanction is usually used for structure-relief , regulation against abuse and business concentration .

  19. 我国公司立法在公司治理结构的法律规制上存在制度缺陷。

    Our corporate law has some shortcomings .

  20. 公司治理结构的法律规制

    Corporate Governance Basing on Corporate Law

  21. 我国公司内部治理结构的法律规制&对《公司法》相关规定的考量

    Regulation of corporate internal governance structure in China & A review of some rules in Company Law

  22. 这是为了确保改动技术上可靠,并且防止违反任何设计及结构上的规制和准则。

    This is to ensure that the change is technically sound and does not violate any design or architectural constraints or guidelines .

  23. 本文通过建立一个一般的政府规制模型来分析不同的市场结构下政府规制对资源配置或社会福利的影响,结果表明:竞争性行业的经济性规制会减少社会福利;

    The article analyzes the influences of government regularities on resources allocation or social welfare in different market structures by setting up a general government regularities model .

  24. 第6章:电信业改革的国际经验与启示。该部分从市场结构改革、规制改革以及产权改革三个方面对英美日等国家的电信业改革进行了经验分析和总结。

    Chapter 6 introduced the telecommunication reform at abroad such as USA , United Kingdom and Japan in terms of property right reform , market structure , regulation reform , and then sum up typical experience and enlightenment . 7 .

  25. 美国虾产品进口的结构变化和市场规制特征研究

    Analysis on Structural Changes and Features of Market Regulations of Imported Shrimps Products in American

  26. 第五部分结合人民币汇率争议的根源和本质,主要从产业结构调整、原产地规制、汇率制度、国际话语权等方面提出相应的应对策略。

    In the last part , the author specifies on the countermeasures from industrial restructuring , exchange rate regime , international discourse power , the regulation of origin country .

  27. 本文根据各个环节的状况,通过分析成本收益,提出了在制度、结构、行为和规制机构四个方面的系统性的配套改革思路。

    According to the status of each link , through cost-benefit analysis presented in the system , this paper proposes systematic reform ideas in institution , structure , behavior , and regulatory agencies .

  28. 本文首先分析了英国空间经济规制的背景,然后详细介绍了英国在土地、新城镇以及空间结构等方面的规制。

    The background about the regulation of spatial economy in England is first analysed in this paper , then the regulations about land , new town , and spatial structure in England are detailedly introduced .

  29. 本文以提高我国电力产业的运营效率为目标,从电力产业的市场结构出发,运用规制理论和竞争理论探讨我国电力产业的有效运营模式。

    Aimed at enhancing the operational efficiency of Chinese electricity industry , the thesis uses regulation theory and competition theory to discuss the efficient operational mode of Chinese electricity industry from the view of market structure .

  30. 激励性规制方法通过引入竞争和产权结构调整来提高规制效率和规制质量,克服了传统规制行政命令和控制所带来的问题。

    The method of incentive regulation makes use of introduction of competition and the restructuring of property rights , to improve the efficiency of regulation and regulatory quality and overcome executive orders of the traditional regulation and control issues arising .