
  • 网络structured finance;Structure Financing
  1. 结构融资驱散中小企业信贷阴云

    Structured finance lifts credit clouds over SMEs

  2. 至少,普拉达不是唯一一个对结构融资的评级怀有忧虑的官员。

    Mr Prada is not the only official with at least private misgivings about structured finance ratings .

  3. 基于结构融资视角的信贷资产证券化研究

    The Research of the Credit Assets Securitization Based on the Structured Financing

  4. 结果,许多投资者表示,对结构融资的评级很难独立验证。

    As a result , many investors say , ratings in structured finance are hard to corroborate independently .

  5. 在结构融资的艰难世界中,提出一个评级非常具有挑战性。

    In the rarefied air of structured finance , coming up with a rating is fraught with challenges .

  6. 监管机构是否采取行动,可能取决于结构融资市场此后发生事件的严重性。

    Whether regulators do act may depend on the severity of what happens next in the structured finance market .

  7. 例如,穆迪去年44%的收入来自结构融资交易。

    Moody 's , for example , made 44 per cent of its revenue last year from structured finance deals .

  8. 它们表示,与其它业务一样,自己在结构融资方面也在谨慎管理,以避免利益冲突,并保持客观。

    In structured finance , as elsewhere , they say they manage their businesses carefully to avoid conflicts and to maintain objectivity .

  9. 产品范围也明显扩大,大批银行家设计出衍生品和结构融资等领域的各种最新产品。

    The range of products has also expanded greatly with vast armies of bankers dreaming up the latest products in areas such as derivatives and structured finance .

  10. 他表示,在结构融资方面,投资者更容易受到低概率突发事件的影响,这些事件“会让潜在流动性撤出市场”。

    In structured finance , he says , investors are more exposed to low probability but dramatic events that " knock the liquidity out from under a market " .

  11. 评级机构对这一担忧加以驳斥。经过对历史数据的分析,它们声称,结构融资评级的波动性并不比简单债券评级的波动性大。

    Rating agencies dispute the concern , claiming that the ratings in structured finance are no more volatile than those in simple bonds , based on an analysis of historical data .

  12. 资产证券化凭借其表外融资、结构融资及信用融资的优势,得到各国资本市场的广泛追捧。

    The property securitization relies on the superiority of finance which is outside fiscal statement , structure financing and the credit financing , pursued widely by various countries ' capital market .

  13. 研究目的:文章旨在通过对公私合作项目融资进行实证研究,为铁路和谐发展权益性结构融资解决方案提供借鉴。

    Research purposes : The paper intends to supply reference to the solutions to the structural equity capital in the course of the harmonious development of railway by positively studying on project financing of Public-Private-Partnership ( PPP ) .

  14. 此外,随着结构融资交易的出现,一些无法理解其复杂性的投资者,较以往更加依赖评级机构的意见了。这些结构融资交易使用了衍生工具、债券和贷款等多种金融工具,非常复杂。

    Moreover , with structured finance deals now created using derivative instruments as well as bonds and loans , some investors who cannot keep up with the complexity are relying on the rating agencies ' opinions more heavily than ever before .

  15. 中国上市公司资本结构和融资倾向

    The Capital Structure and Financing Behavior of the Chinese List Companies

  16. 项目融资实际上是一种结构贸易融资,它的独特性在于将归还贷款资金来源限定在与特定项目的收益和资产范围之内。

    Actually project financing is a kind of structural trade financing .

  17. 浅析我国国有企业资本结构与融资效率

    A Brief Talk on State-Owned Enterprises Capital Structure and Financing Efficiency

  18. 企业资本结构与融资抉择方法研究

    Capital structure of firms and some choosing methods for their capital raising

  19. 航空公司资本结构与融资方式研究

    A Study on Airline Companies ' Capital Structure and Their Financing Ways

  20. 试探公司治理结构与融资结构关系

    On Relationship between Corporate Governing Structure and Corporate Financial Structure

  21. 跨国公司内部的资本成本和资本结构(融资结构)及公司价值的研究;

    The capital cost , capital structure , cooperate value of MNEs ;

  22. 基于B/S结构的融资信用评估系统研发

    Researching and developing a b / s-based system of evaluating the financing credit

  23. 企业的资本结构与融资方式密不可分。

    A firm 's capital structure and its financing activities are closely interrelated .

  24. 结构贸易融资:名为融资实为控制贸易风险

    Structural Trade Financing : to control risks in fact

  25. 首先,对民营上市公司资本结构、融资方式进行了描述统计,并从不同行业、不同地域角度对资本结构的特征进行了比较分析和统计检验。

    Firstly , it did descriptive statistics on capital structure , financing method .

  26. 第2章,煤电联营项目融资的融资结构与融资模式。

    Chapter 2 : the structure and mode of project financing for CPPP .

  27. 煤炭上市公司资本结构及融资政策研究

    Research on the Capital Structure and Financing Policy of the Coal Listed Companies

  28. 我国中小企业融资结构与融资方式演进研究

    Finance Structure and Finance Mode Evolvement of Small and Medium Enterprises of Our Country

  29. 基于信托的企业资产融资结构及融资效率研究

    Research on Enterprise Assets Financing Structure and Financing Efficiency on the Basis of Trust

  30. 中欧中小企业融资结构与融资政策的比较

    Comparison between China and EU in the Financing Structure and Financing Policy for SMEs