
  • 网络Settlement Price;CLEARING PRICE
  1. 浅谈企业内部结算价格的确定

    Preliminary Discussion on Now to Determine the Internal Settlement Price in Enterprise

  2. 内部结算价格是企业财务核算的基础。

    Internal settlement price is the basis of financial account of enterprise .

  3. 通过将局部Agent决策目标的总和与全局Agent决策目标进行对比,证明了所引入的内部结算价格就是全局Agent目标函数关于物流平衡约束的Lagrange乘子。

    Comparing the object of global agent and the sum of objective functions of local agents , it is verified that internal price just is Lagrange multipliers of the objective function of global agent for logistic balance constraints .

  4. 今天,金价又创下了新高,纽约商品交易所(Comex)的黄金结算价格涨到了每盎司1439.90美元。

    Old Yeller clipped a fresh record today , settling at $ 1439.90/oz on Comex .

  5. 论文指出,只要全网采用统一的市场结算价格(MCP),就可以达到与集中模式同样的效果,而且无论送电省或受电省都可以从中受益。

    It has been shown that if a unified MCP is used in all provincial electricity markets , same effect as the centralized model can be achieved , and both the sending provinces and receiving provinces would be benefited .

  6. 钢铁企业内部结算价格浅探

    Elementary approach to the internal settlement price of the iron & Steel Enterprise

  7. 交易所不决定交易结算价格,而优步的定价机制是其业务之本。

    A stock exchange does not dictate transaction clearing prices , while Uber 's pricing mechanism is intrinsic to its business .

  8. 但是,降低的收购价格和市场结算价格之间的差异,导致了另一条路径:操纵黑市价格。

    Gaps between the depressed procurement price and the market-clearing price , however , create a second avenue : black marketeering .

  9. 对于此轮上涨最好的解释是,投机者和行业买家很容易获得资金以推高结算价格。

    The rally is best explained by the ease with which speculators and industrial buyers can find funds to bid up the clearing price .

  10. 而作为该阶段的监管研究焦点的上网电价(即发电企业与电网经营企业之间的结算价格)受到了普遍的重视。

    The focus of this research period is on-grid price ( the settlement price between electrical generation enterprise and grid management enterprise ), it takes a general regard .

  11. 这种做法存在一个问题:在有些情况下,基础资产的交易发生在另一个时区,从而导致结算价格的披露出现长时间的延迟。

    One problem with this approach is that in some cases the underlying assets are traded in another time-zone , resulting in a long delay to list settlement prices .

  12. 提出了在国家、勘探,开采单位之间分别实行油气储量的三种价格:结算价格、批发价格和市场价格。

    Three oil-gas reserve prices , that are settling account price , wholesale price and market price , have been advanced , which are carried out separately between the country and the company .

  13. 分析师和行业高管表示,这些因素综合起来,可能推高铀长期供应合约的结算价格。铀交易的大多数合约为长约。

    Together , those factors are likely to push up the price at which long-term uranium supply contracts , which account for the large majority of trade in the commodity , are settled , analysts and industry executives say .

  14. 旨在探讨在社会主义市场经济体制下,如何合理确定企业内部各环节间的结算价格,从而使企业整个经济效益谋求最高,整体效益最大。

    It aims to discuss on how to rationally determine the settlement price between various links in an enterprise under a system of socialist market economy so as to seek for the highest gross economical benefit of enterprise and the greatest integral benefit .

  15. 本回收站大量收购旧报纸,现货购进,现钞结算,价格全市最高。

    Our waste materials collection depot purchases old newspapers in quantity and pays the highest cash price in the city .

  16. 前项现金结算之价格,以该期次债券之次日参考百元价格计算之。

    The cash settlement price referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be calculated from the next day 's per-hundred reference price for bonds of that maturity .

  17. 如今经济学家们推崇多重均衡,在英语中这意味着监管机构可以影响市场进行结算的价格,简单而言就是存在一个解决方案。

    Nowadays economists talk of multiple equilibria , which in English means regulators can influence the price at which the market clears . Which in plain English means there is a solution . All that stands in its way is politics .

  18. 对于合同期长于一年的合同,应采用动态结算方法对价格进行调整,保障业主与承包商双方的利益;

    As to the contract longer than one year , the dissertation suggested the owner adopt dynamic settlement method to adjust the price in order to guarantee the benefits of the owner and contractors .

  19. 该策略可以调整企业间因周期结算和历史价格而产生的利益分配,降低供需链上游企业因过量支付退货补偿款而产生的成本。

    The policy adjusts the profit allocation between companies caused by periodic balancing of the costs and the historical price to reduce the costs of companies in the upper supply chain caused by excessive return reimbursements .

  20. 没有什么比(以美元结算的)黄金价格的跃升更能体现出人们对美元的厌恶了。批评人士抱怨称,美元是由一个决心打击新泡沫的央行管理的。

    No better symptom of aversion to the US currency managed by a central bank determined to blow new bubbles , critics complain can apparently be found than the jump in the dollar price of gold .

  21. 在互联网网间互联特点的基础上,分析了骨干网经营单位的企业互联行为和提出网络价值结算模型,最后简要地说明我国NAP点结算价格的管制外部性。

    On the basis of the characteristics , it further analyzes the interconnection behavior of backbone enterprises and brings forward the settlement model of network value . Finally , regulatory externality of settlement price in NAP is depicted briefly .