
jiāo yì suǒ jià ɡé
  • exchange price
  1. 主要股票在证券交易所的价格上扬。

    Leading share rises on the stock exchange .

  2. 它们通过降低买卖价差改善了交易所的价格质量。

    They improve the quality of the prices on the exchanges by lowering the bid-ask spread .

  3. 然而,截至周二晚间,比特币在其他交易所的价格只下跌了8%,至521美元。

    On other exchanges , however , the Bitcoin price was down only 8 per cent by late Tuesday , to $ 521 .

  4. 纽约商品期货交易所原油价格每桶上涨19美分,收于97.38美元。

    The price of crude rose 19 cents a barrel , end session at 97.38 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  5. 纽约商品期货交易所原油价格每桶下跌6美分,收盘价为每桶103.13美元。

    The price of oil was down six cents a barrel to end the session at $ 103.13 a barrel in the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  6. 通过协整关系检验得出上海期货交易所期货价格与现货价格之间存在着明显的协整关系。

    In this study co-integration test is performed to find out whether there is a co-integration relationship between copper spot price and futures price in Shanghai Futures Exchange .

  7. 一些投资者担心,新监管规定将影响他们投资于现有指数所追踪的大宗商品的能力,因为这些指数主要是基于美国交易所的价格。

    Some investors fear the new regulations will hinder their ability to invest in commodities tracked by the existing index , which is largely based on prices from us exchanges .

  8. 本文通过检验在出现涨跌停板之后一个交易日的期货价格及其波动性的变化情况,研究了涨跌停板制度对上海期货交易所期货价格变动的影响。

    This paper examines the effect that price limits have on futures prices of Shanghai Futures Exchange by testing what happens to price changes and volatility on the trading day following a limit-lock day .

  9. 结果表明,国际石油价格通常是由一个基准价格再加上升水或贴水构成,其中,基准价的确定通常是参考世界几大石油期货交易所的价格。

    The result shows that the international oil price is made up of a marker crude oil price and a premium or a discount . The marker crude oil price always refers to the future prices in the biggest future exchange .

  10. 西方学者斯坦利在《晚清财政》一书中记录,1882年9月,上海一级生丝价格已高涨至17先令4便士,而在伦敦交易所的价格仅为16先令3便士。

    According to " the finance of late Qing Dynasty " by western scholar Stanley , in September , 1882 , the price of top grade silk in Shanghai had soared to 17 shillings and 4 pennies , while in London , it was 16 shillings and 3 pennies .

  11. 相比Autonomy在伦敦交易所的交易价格,溢价高达80%。

    An 80 % premium to where autonomy was trading in London !

  12. 在理论上,美国商品期货交易委员会(cftc)和证券交易委员会(sec)正在考虑是否在交易所实施更多价格限制。

    In theory , the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and the Securities & Exchange Commission are considering whether to impose more price limits on exchanges .

  13. CGS金条的定价主要根据伦敦贵金属交易所的每日价格,同时参考上海黄金交易所的牌价。

    Pricing of the CGS bars is based on daily gold prices on the London Precious Metal Exchange , with quotations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange serving as a reference .

  14. 昨天,上海黄金交易所的黄金价格略微上涨。

    Gold price on Shanghai Gold Exchange witnessed small rise yesterday .

  15. 上周股票交易所的股票价格又创新高。

    Prices on the stock exchange reached another record high last week .

  16. 纽约期货交易所的原油价格每桶上涨46美分。

    Price of oil up 46 cents a barrel in New York .

  17. 截止周四早些时候,该交易所仍未公布价格。

    As of early Thursday , the exchange still wasn 't listing prices .

  18. 对于交易所交易所是价格发现的重要场所而言,这是一个重要时刻。

    For exchanges , where much of that price discovery takes place , this is an important moment .

  19. 今天,纽约商品交易所原油期货价格上涨1.69美元,收于每桶97.41美元。

    The price of oil up a dollar 69 cents a barrel to 97.41 a barrel in New York .

  20. 美国商品交易所原油期货价格周一每桶跌1.04美元,至87.56美元,跌幅1.2%。

    Crude futures fell $ 1.04 a barrel , or1.2 % , to $ 87.56 yesterday on the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  21. 上海:铜的期货交易从昨日的假日休眠中醒了过来,在上海期货交易所上的价格飚升至创纪录的高度。

    Shanghai : copper futures woke up from their holiday slumber yesterday and jumped up to record highs at the Shanghai Futures exchange .

  22. 这为芝加哥期货交易所的大豆价格提供了支撑,因为如果拉美国家的供应中断情况继续发展,市场对美国大豆的需求有望上升。

    That provided support for soyabean prices in Chicago as demand for us beans is expected to rise if supply disruption in Latin America persists .

  23. 尽管去年玉米丰收,大连商品交易所的玉米价格在过去9个月里上涨了近30%。

    Despite a bumper crop last year , corn prices have risen by nearly 30 percent over the past nine months on the Dalian Commodities Exchange .

  24. 纽约商品期货交易所每桶石油价格上涨31分,收于每桶104.05美元。

    The price of oil was up 31 cents a barrel , end the session at $ 104.05 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  25. 今天,纽约商品期货交易所的原油价格每桶上升21美分,报收98.20美元。

    The price of crude up 21 cents a barrel today to end the session at $ 98.20 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange .

  26. 转移价格是指跨国公司内部母公司与子公司之间、子公司与子公司之间交易所采用的价格。

    A transfer price is the price taken when the parent company or the son company is doing business with a son company inside the transnational corporation .

  27. 转让价格是指跨国公司内部母公司和子公司之间,子公司与子公司之间交易所采用的价格,它起源于公司内部商品与劳务的交易。

    Transfer pricing is the pricing which adopt for trade between subsidiaries or parent company and subsidiary of MNC . It originated in internal trade in goods and services .

  28. 纽约商品交易所轻质原油价格攀高1.69美元,以123.53美元每桶报收,交易值与华尔街交易所的124美元每桶仅差几十美分。

    Light , sweet crude rose $ 1.69 to settle at $ 123.53 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange , but traded just pennies away from $ 124 during Wall Street trading .

  29. 典型的流数据包括网络与道路交通监测系统的监测信息数据、电信部门的通话记录数据、由传感器传回的各种监测数据、股票交易所的股票价格信息数据以及环境温度的监测数据等。

    The typical stream data include data from network monitoring and traffic engineering system , calling data from telecom departments , inspection data from sensors , stock information from stock exchange , and so on .

  30. 但是生产商家却不是这样,他们的收入与伦敦金属交易所的每月浮动价格直接相关。这里so代替了torecoupmuchofthedifference.

    Not so the producers , whose income is directly related to the fluctuating daily price on the London Metal Exchange .