
jiāo ɡē rì qī
  • Closing Date;settling date
  1. 远期外汇合同的交割日期可以任意定,但很少有延至几年的。

    And forward exchange contracts can be made for any value date , but rarely extend more than a few years .

  2. 我们做的是即期交易,两天后交割,期货金额及交割日期通知单

    On demand is normally for settlement , two days ahead , value spot . prompt note

  3. 同种商品、同一交割月的期货合约具有可替代性,合约间的可替代性取决于其特定的质量标准、合约量、交割日期和交割地点。

    Futures contracts for the same commodity and delivery month are fungible due to their standardized specifications for quality , quantity , delivery date and delivery locations .