
jiāo yì chǎnɡ
  • ring;trading ring;excambium
  1. 信息透明度对B2B交易场作用的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on the Impact of Information Transparency on B2B Exchange

  2. 从目前情况和长远趋势来看,在B2B电子商务的4种模式中,其中企业B2B网站、B2B交易场、垂直型的B2B网站在中国将有很好的发展趋势。

    The B2B enterprise and B2B exchanges and the vertical B2B will have good prospects in China .

  3. 本文首先对B2B交易场的基本理论做了比较深入和广泛的探讨。

    The thesis discusses the basic theories of the B2B exchanges deep and broadly at the beginning .

  4. 结合实际应用介绍了基于B/S模式的J2EE架构药品电子交易场系统的开发。

    In this article , it discusses page cache designing and the application in e-businesss system based on B / S pattern and J2EE architecture with actual example .

  5. 同时在理论基础上,结合国内外众多B2B交易场的实例,着重分析了B2B交易场的商业结构和发展趋势;

    Based on the theories , and with combination of many examples of B2B exchanges , the thesis then mainly explains the future of development of B2B exchanges .

  6. 过去对伦敦交易场的研究,Coates见过交易员唾液中的皮质醇水平在一天中激涨至500%。

    In past experiments conducted on a London trading floor , Mr Coates saw cortisol levels in traders'saliva jump by as much as500 % in a day .

  7. 基于B/S模式的药品电子交易场系统

    Medicine E - business System Based On B / S Pattern

  8. 去年成都地票交易场突然关闭。

    Late last year Chengdu 's market was suddenly closed down .

  9. 美元的下跌造成了交易场上的恐慌。

    The fall of the dollar created panic on the floor .

  10. 两人于23年前在芝加哥商业交易所的生猪期货交易场相识。

    The two met 23 years ago in the Merc 's hog futures pits .

  11. 大约在2点45分,他走出会议室,并让人给楼下的交易场打电话。

    At about a quarter to three , he walked outside and had somebody call downstairs to the trading floor .

  12. 有趣的是,他表示,他的新旧工作之间有一些相似之处:我曾在交易场中,而这不像你可能认为的那样不同。

    Interestingly , he says there are some similarities between his old job and his new one : I was on a trading floor and it 's not as different as you might think .

  13. 对于金融衍生品的发展,首先我们要坚持大力发展金融衍生品的信念,其次顺应目前世界范围内场外衍生品交易场内化的趋势,全面完善我国场内、场外金融衍生品交易制度和监管制度。

    For the development of financial derivatives , we need to develop financial derivatives with adhering to the faith , following the current world-wide OTC derivatives trading reform trend , improve the trading system and regulatory system of OTC financial derivatives .

  14. 凯里不久转到了芝加哥期货交易所的粮食交易场。在他之前,他的祖父和叔叔不仅也曾做过那里的场内经纪商,高喊着小麦、玉米和大豆订单的报价,而且还相继升任董事长。

    Mr Carey soon moved over to the CBOT 's grain pits , where his grandfather and uncle had not only shouted orders on wheat , maize and soya beans before him , but also rose to be chairmen of that exchange .

  15. 从商业角度来看,这起交易是场灾难。

    From a business perspective the trade was a disaster .

  16. 基于遗传算法的交易中心停车场优化设计

    Optimized Parking Lot Design of Trade Center Based on Genetic Algorithm

  17. 他们力图搞一揽子交易结束这场争论。

    They are trying to put together a package that will end the dispute .

  18. 大臣们力图搞个一揽子交易结束这场争论。

    Ministers are trying to put together a package that will end the dispute .

  19. 大连国际水产品交易中心行场综合楼地基振冲加固

    Vibrating and impacting reinforcement of multiple building foundation in the centre square of international aquatic product trade in Dalian

  20. 交易是一场技巧的游戏,这些技巧通过经验,反馈和进取的决心得来。

    Trading is a game of skill , these skills are developed through experience , feedback and the ambition to evolve .

  21. 去年秋天销售遭到限制后,一些报道浮出了水面,称佳兆业的房地产交易是一场腐败调查的对象。

    After the sales restrictions were imposed last fall , reports surfaced that Kaisa 's property deals were the subject of a corruption investigation .

  22. 日本监管机构对国内内幕交易的一场打击活动表明,日本的股票经纪人泄露机密信息更多是为了服务优质客户,而不是为直接获利。

    A Japanese regulatory crackdown on insider trading suggests that stockbrokers here have leaked confidential information more as a service to good clients than for direct profit .

  23. 在过去几个星期中发生的三起交易及一场争论显示了这些精细信息对于广告商(及他们的软件提供者)的价值。

    In the past couple of weeks three deals and a quarrel have illustrated the value to advertisers ( and their suppliers of software ) of such fine-grained information .

  24. 不搞争论,是我的一个发明。不争论,是为了争取时间干。大臣们力图搞个一揽子交易结束这场争论。

    It was my idea to discourage contention , so as to have more time for action . Minister was trying to put together a package that would end the dispute .

  25. 尽管目前货币被广泛认为是一种合理的资产类别,但外汇交易是一场零和游戏,即它的市场贝塔系数为零,也就是说,我们没有理由相信投资者整体会赚钱。

    Although currency is now widely accepted as a legitimate asset class , it suffers from being a zero sum game , ie it has a market beta of zero , meaning there is no reason to believe investors as a whole should make money .

  26. 杰富瑞(Jefferies)矿业专家杰克格林伯格(JakeGreenberg)表示,嘉能可与卡塔尔控股的僵局,使得这场价值560亿美元的自然资源合并交易转变为一场高风险的扑克游戏。

    The stand-off with the Qataris has turned the $ 56bn natural resources merger into a game of high risk poker , said Jake Greenberg , a mining specialist at Jefferies .

  27. 资源保护派反对允许交易虎类养殖场提供的虎类商品。

    Conservationists are campaigning against allowing farmed-tiger parts to be traded .

  28. 球队们通常在交易截止期达到54场比赛场次,但这迫使我们将我们第二学期的报告延迟了一周,把大多数俱乐部的比赛场次挪到了近60场。

    Teams generally reach the54-game mark right around the trade deadline , forcing us to delay our Second Trimester Report one week , which puts most clubs closer to60 games .

  29. 计算机和网络的兴起是继工业革命之后又一次伟大的技术革命,虚拟交易市场是这场革命的产物之一。虚拟交易市场对全球的政治、经济、文化产生了巨大的影响。

    The rise and application of the computer and network is a great technological revolution after the industrial revolution , which has had a huge impact on the global politics , economy and culture .

  30. 但他仍会抽空做一些交易,在CBOT的玉米交易场,经常可以看到他结实的身躯。

    But he still tries to snatch some time trading and his thick-set frame can often be seen in the CBOT 's corn pits .