
  • 网络delivery locations;Delivery Point;Delivery arrangements
  1. 同一种商品的各种股票种类、等级和交割地点的价格差异。

    Price differences between classes , grades , and delivery locations of various stocks of the same commodity .

  2. 同种商品、同一交割月的期货合约具有可替代性,合约间的可替代性取决于其特定的质量标准、合约量、交割日期和交割地点。

    Futures contracts for the same commodity and delivery month are fungible due to their standardized specifications for quality , quantity , delivery date and delivery locations .

  3. 由于交割地点不当,全球最大原油出口国沙特阿拉伯放弃了把WTI作为在美国销售原油的基准。

    The dislocation prompted Saudi Arabia , the world 's largest oil exporter , to drop WTI as its benchmark for sales in the US .

  4. IEA去年曾表示,WTI合约的交割地点在俄克拉荷马州的Cushing,由此造成的内在逻辑缺陷,经常导致与国际市场割裂。

    It said last year that inherent logistical flaws caused by the WTI contract delivery point at Cushing , Oklahoma , frequently led to a disconnect from international markets .

  5. 交割地点要随着现货市场流通的变化而变化。

    The delivery places should be adjusted with the change of the circulation of the spots market .