
  • 网络compulsory insurance
  1. 交强险中很重要的一个设计就是受害人对保险人拥有毋庸置疑的请求权,这对保护受害人的利益是非常重要的。

    A vital design in the compulsory insurance is at the victim has the claim right undoubtedly which is very important to protect the benefits of the victim .

  2. 为了弥补机动车肇事带来的损害,为了维护广大公众的利益,世界大部分国家纷纷施行交强险制度。

    In terms of compensating for damage generated by motor vehicle accident , safeguarding the interests of the general public , most of the countries in the world have implemented traffic compulsory insurance system .

  3. 交强险规定的免责范围不包括逃逸。

    The impunity what compulsory insurance sets does not include escapement .

  4. 希望这些建议有助于完善交强险制度。

    Wish these suggestions be helpful for the improvement of the Statute .

  5. 时至今日,交强险制度已经实行了四年有余。

    Until now , it has been practiced for more than four years .

  6. 交强险的赔偿范围及除外责任的理解和适用

    Comprehension and application of the compensation scope and exclusion of compulsory traffic insurance

  7. 我国的交强险制度也就是在这一大社会背景下建立起来的。

    The compulsory insurance system of our nation is established by the social background .

  8. 在醉酒驾驶等情况下,保险公司应该承担交强险的赔偿责任。

    In case of drunken driving , the insurance company should bear the liability to pay .

  9. 但是,目前法院在醉驾交强险责任的认定中仍然存在诸多问题。

    However , the court in drunken driving insurance to pay strong responsibility there still exist many problems .

  10. 违例驾驶记分通知书反思交强险费率与交通违章挂钩&问题出在哪里?

    Advice of Driving-offence Points Reflection on Integrating Rate of Compulsory Insurance Against Traffic Accidents with Traffic Violation ;

  11. 其实质是借用行政权力来强迫人们交纳不科学不合理的交强险费用。

    The essence of this practice is forcing the people pay unscientific and irrational fees by using administrative power .

  12. 鉴于交强险应当禁止重复投保,所以在单车肇事时赔偿的义务主体是特定的。

    Due to the insurance shall be forbidden to repeat cover , the single-car accident compensation obligation subject is specific .

  13. 在充分了解交强险制度的基础上,我们才可以探讨交强险的免责问题。

    Based on a fully understanding of the vehicle compulsory insurance , we can investigate the exemption issues of it .

  14. 然而对人们最关心的交强险赔偿问题,确依然是理论界和法律实务界争论颇多的地方。

    However the compensation problems the people are most concerned about is still the theory and legal practice of the controversial place .

  15. 保险公司应及时开发与交强险相衔接的商业机动车辆保险产品。

    An insurance company shall develop the commercial motor vehicle insurance products relating to the compulsory traffic insurance in a timely manner .

  16. 交强险免责条款在两类诉讼中的适用标准和免责条款自身设置上需要进一步完善。

    Vehicle under two kinds of litigation exoneration clause the suitable standards and exoneration clause set itself needs to be further improved .

  17. 有鉴如此,以交强险直接请求权为题对交强险制度进行系统研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    Therefore , the systematic study for the direct claim of compulsory traffic accident liability insurance has important theoretical and practical significance .

  18. 交强险的实行宗旨在于保障受害人的人身伤亡、财产损失能得到及时填补。

    The implementation of strong narrow purpose is to protect the victims of personal injury , property damage can be promptly filled .

  19. 为深入探讨交强险免责问题,本部分还介绍了交强险制度中的当事人和关系人。

    To further explore the exempted issue of the vehicle compulsory insurance , this section also describes the parties and the related .

  20. 作为强制性责任保险,交强险不同于商业性机动车第三者责任保险。

    As a mandatory liability insurance , to pay compulsory insurance is different from the commercial motor vehicle third party liability insurance .

  21. 无证驾驶导致的交通事故人身损害,人民法院在判决保险公司对交强险承担赔付责任的判例中极不统一。

    A driving personal injury caused by traffic accidents , people in the insurance company to pay the insurance industry in the program .

  22. 首先,在选题上,对于如何规范与完善我国交强险制度的问题进行了有益的探索。

    Firstly , on topic selection , this thesis emphasize on how to standardize and improve the Traffic Accident Compulsory Insurance in our country .

  23. 作为与广大群众日常生活最密切相关的强制保险险种,交强险一直处于风口浪尖,非议争论不断。

    As a kind of compulsory insurance kind related closely with people , the compulsory insurance for traffic accident have been always arguing about .

  24. 论文共分为四章,主要内容如下:第一章是交强险制度的概述。

    This article is divided into four chapters as follows : The first chapter is an overview of the traffic accident compulsory insurance system .

  25. 各地区的赔付率和费用率之间存在反常的负向相关关系,反映了交强险在费用分摊中存在某种不合理现象。

    The abnormal negative correlation between loss ratios and expense ratios of31 provinces indicates existence of irregular expense allocation in compulsory automobile liability insurance .

  26. 主要包括以下内容:第一部分,醉驾交强险责任的理论分析。

    It mainly includes the following content : The first part , drunk driving Motor vehicle traffic accident liability compulsory insurance liability theory analysis .

  27. 针对实践中的争议焦点,本文还从立法目的、交强险的属性以及法律适用原则等方面对保险人赔偿责任问题进行了法理分析。

    This paper analyzes the legal principle in legislative purpose , attributes , the legal principles and other aspects of the insurer liability issues .

  28. 在中国,从来没有哪项法律制度像交强险有这么多的争议。

    In China , there has never been the legal system paid so much controversy as Compulsory Insurance regarding the Liability in Traffic Accident of Motor Vehicles .

  29. 第三部分主要比较了几个典型的国家和地区的交强险协作配套制度。

    Comparing the Cooperation System of The Insurance of the Vehicles Damage to the Third Party in several countries and Taiwan is the main content in part 3 .

  30. 第二部分通过一个简单的经济学分析,论证交强险在减少恶意逃逸行为以及使驾驶行为更加谨慎的问题上所发挥的积极作用。

    Secondly , through a simple economy analysis it proves that SALI helps diminish malicious escape , as well as exert a positive effect on making the driver careful .