
  • 网络Overseas Insurance
  1. 中国现有保险公司二十六家,境外保险公司在中国设立办事机构的有一百多家。

    There are 26 insurance companies now in China and more than one hundred overseas insurance companies that have established administrative organizations in China .

  2. 在境外买保险有它的好处,香港的保险公司正在招募大陆背景的经纪人来提升销售。

    There are good reasons to buy life insurance offshore in Hong Kong , where insurers have been hiring mainland agents to boost their business .

  3. 企业不得列支其在中国境内工作的职工的境外社会保险费。

    To insure , as against loss . Foreign social security premiums paid by enterprises to employees working in China shall not be itemized as expenses .

  4. 本办法所称外国保险机构,是指在中国境外注册的保险公司、再保险公司、保险中介机构、保险协会及其它保险组织。

    Foreign insurance institutions hereof referred to in these rules are those insurance companies , reinsurance companies , insurance intermediaries , insurance associations , and other insurance organizations incorporated outside the territory of the people .

  5. 境外销售的保险产品的回报可以达到4%,而在中国大陆销售的产品的回报为2.5%。过去中国政府对保险产品的利率有上限,以保护保险公司的利润率,这种情况直到现在才慢慢发生转变。

    Offshore policies offer an annual return up to 4 % , compared with 2.5 % in mainland China , where the government has in the past capped interest rates to protect the margins of insurers . That 's only slowly starting to change .

  6. 境外汇回的保险外汇资金;

    Foreign exchange insurance funds remitted back from outside china ;

  7. 实际上,中国境外投资者对平安保险的估值较其内地新股东低28%。

    Indeed , investors outside China value shares in Ping An , which is partly owned by HSBC , at a 28 per cent discount to the new mainland shareholders .

  8. 为了促进和保护我国境外投资的发展,我国应加快境外投资立法、完善境外投资保险制度和加强投资保护协定签订工作。

    In order to promote the development of offshore investment , China should quickly establish the system of offshore investment protection .

  9. 在实施“走出去”发展战略的过程中,为了保护我国境外资本在东道国的安全和利益,必须有一套健全的境外投资保险法律制度。

    In the course of applying the strategy of " going out ", we should construct the insurance legal system for overseas investment in order to protect the safety of Chinese overseas investment .