
  • 网络Overseas employment;be employed abroad
  1. 随着中国改革开放的逐步深入,尤其是中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)以后,越来越多的人走出国门,到境外就业。

    With the deepening of China 's reform and opening to the world , especially after its entry into WTO , more and more Chinese workers go out of the country to find job abroad .

  2. 未经批准及登记注册,任何单位和个人不得从事境外就业中介活动。

    Without approval and registration , any entity or individual shall not be engaged in the intermediary activities for overseas employment .

  3. 在法律关系上,外派企业与境外雇主之间的法律关系是劳务合作关系,劳务人员与境外雇主签订了境外就业劳动合同,是一种劳动关系。

    From the perspective of the legal relationship , it is a labor cooperation relationship between the oversea employment service agencies and overseas employers and it is a labor relationship between the expatriate labors and the foreign employers as they have overseas employment contracts .