
  1. 论王国维《人间词话》中与境界说相关的几个概念

    Some Concept Related to Boundary in Wang Guo-wei 's Talk on World

  2. 王国维的境界说内涵探析

    The Analysis Of the Connotation about Wang Guowei 's " condition "

  3. 天地境界说对生态伦理的启示

    Inspiration from " Universal Realm Theory " for Biology Ethic

  4. 天地境界说的生态伦理意识及现代价值

    Ecologic ethics consciousness and modern value of " The world state "

  5. 对王国维境界说的质疑

    Questions on Wang Guo-wei 's Theory of State

  6. 新理学的终极关怀&冯友兰境界说述评

    The Ultimate Concern of the New Rational Philosophy

  7. 词论中的境界说

    State ( Jingjie ) in theory of Ci

  8. 论王国维《人间词话》中的境界说

    On the Realm Theory of Wang Guowei 's " Human Words and Language "

  9. 结论论述常州词派的词境观与王国维境界说的不同。

    The conclusion discusses the difference in Ci Poetic imagery between Changzhou school and Wang Guowei .

  10. 王国维境界说与中西美学的会通

    Wang Guowei 's Theory of Ideal State ' and Mastery of the Chinese and Western Aesthetics

  11. 境界说对文学美学的研究和发展产生了不可估量的影响。

    The Realm Theory has an inestimable influence on the research and development of literature and aesthetics .

  12. 他的人生境界说的不同境界相当于儒家或者道家的不同人格。

    He says the realm of life different realm of Confucian or Taoist equivalent of various personalities .

  13. 试析冯友兰人生境界说的逻辑演进及其意义

    Analysis on the Logic Evolution of Feng You-lan 's Remarks on Realm of Life and its Significance

  14. 心性论“与王国维美学思想&以”境界说“为例

    The " Disposition Theory " and Wang-Guowei 's Aesthetics & An Example of " Artisic Concption " theory

  15. 洋毡帽与旧长衫&试论王国维境界说的思想渊源

    A Foreign hat And an Old Long gown & Discussion on ideological source of " realm ideal " of Wang Guowei

  16. 在境界说的形成和发展历程中,佛教思想产生了重要影响。

    During the process of forming and development of " Realm Theory ", the Buddhism ideology had great influence on his thinking .

  17. 他将美学问题与改造国民人格问题相结合的人文忧思,是铸就其境界说的内在灵魂。

    His humane worries combined aesthetic issues and improvement of people 's personality issues are internal souls to set up his Realm Ideas .

  18. 中国古典美学中的虚实境界说,主要来源于中国老庄哲学。

    The " nihility and existence growing out of one another " theory of Chinese classical aesthetics mainly roots in the Chinese Taoist School .

  19. 近代启蒙美学的三个理论支点是康有为的哲学、严复的进化论和王国维的审美境界说。

    The three theoretical pillars of the modern enlightenment aesthetics were Kang Youweis philosophy , Yan Fus theory of evolution and Wang Guoweis theory of aesthetic realm .

  20. 境界说的形成发展史源远流长,先秦时期就孕育了意境说,与此同时,竟、境、境界等词也已开始出现。

    The history of Realm Theory has long time , which was gestated since pre-qin dynasty . At the same time , Jing , Jie and Jingjie were appeared .

  21. 在人生境界说中,冯友兰阐述了四种不同的生死观形态,从而昭示了他的生死观。

    In the view of life confines , Feng described four different patterns of viewpoint toward life and death so as to illustrate his view of life and death .

  22. 王国维的境界说与顾随的高致说边疆的辽阔土地使美国变成了农业创业者的王国。

    Wang Guowei s Theory of Jingjie and Gu Sui s Theory of Gaozhi ; Its huge expanse permitted the United States to become a nation of agricultural entrepreneurs .

  23. 其观点涉及了艺术本性、艺术风格、艺术功效、美本质、人格美和人生境界说等内容。

    Its viewpoint has involved the artistic natural disposition , the artistic style , the artistic effect , the aesthetic essence , personality and the life sphere and so on contents .

  24. 冯友兰在抗日战争时期构建的四境界说,在现代社会的伦理变迁过程中,仍有其现实意义与功能。

    Feng Youlan 's four realms which had ever set up in the war of resistance against Japan still have its realistic meaning and functions in the modern process of social ethics .

  25. 冯友兰先生以人生四境界说,追寻着人生存的意义。本文试图从人生四境界之分析,来揭示其生存哲学之意义。

    Feng Youlan , a famous modern Chinese philosopher , explored the meaning of human 's subsistence through his realm-of-life theory in which he divides the human life into four different realms .

  26. 本文先从文学家和文学作品的界定说起,具体分析了秦汉文学史研究中的若干困惑问题,并以此为基点,提出了文学史研究的三重境界说。

    The text here begins with the definitions of " literary men " and " literary works " and analyzes in detail some bewildering problems in the studies of the Qin and Han literary history .

  27. “境界说”显示了“境界”作为艺术本体对艺术的多方面的规定性。

    In this thesis , the " visionary world " is demonstrated only as ontology of art and literature and its connotation is explained applying the composition of " image " and " concept " .

  28. 境界说是中国传统哲学的显著特质和特点,陈白沙在建构其心学基本体系的过程中,提出了自然之乐的境界之学。

    The idea of ' realm ' is the significant character of Chinese traditional philosophy , during the establishment of the basic system of which Chen Baisha proposed the study of the realm of ' natural happiness ' .

  29. 王国维的境界说是中国右代美学向近代美学转型的产物,也是中国美学与西方美学会通的结晶,其中极为明显地彰显出中国传统的人生与艺术相统一的忧患情结及其观念;

    Wang Guo-wei 's Realm Ideas are products from Chinese ancient aesthetics to contemporary aesthetics , also the crystals between Chinese aesthetics and west aesthetics . It obviously displays the misery complex and its ideology of Chinese traditional coordination between life and art .

  30. 境界说作为元理论,使得《中国哲学史新编》超出了20世纪30年代两卷本《中国哲学史》的价值。

    By taking the theory of the realm of life as the metatheory ," The Newly Compiled History of Chinese Philosophy " becomes more valuable than " The History of Chinese Philosophy "( two volumes ) compiled in the 30s of the 20th century .