
  • 网络Overseas financial institutions;financial institutions abroad
  1. 虽然许多金融中心可能成为欺诈的发生地,但瑞士和瑞士境外金融机构往往特别显眼。

    While many financial centres can be the scene of fraud , Switzerland and Swiss financial institutions abroad tend to feature prominently .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,境外金融机构进入国内资本市场,它们凭借雄厚的实力、丰富的金融市场经验和成熟的创新产品,占领内地银行业及金融市场,对国内银行业构成强大的竞争压力。

    After China joins WTO , the external financial institution enters the domestic capital market , they rely on rich strength , abundant financial market experience and ripe innovative products , capture the inland banking and financial market , form the strong competition pressure to the domestic banking .

  3. 根据qdii制度,12家中资金融机构和8家境外金融机构获准接受人民币存款,将其转换成外汇,并投资于境外的固定收益产品。

    Under the QDII scheme 12 Chinese and eight international financial institutions have been given the right to take deposits in Renminbi , convert them to foreign currencies and invest in offshore fixed income products .

  4. 以合格的境外金融机构重塑国有商业银行的治理结构

    Reengineering the rectification structure of state-owned commercial banks through QFII

  5. 目前,境外金融机构只能投资它们在岸持有的人民币。

    At present , foreign financial institutions are only able to invest Renminbi they already hold onshore .

  6. 汇丰银行、高盛投资银行等境外金融机构希望央行年内能进一步采取措施增加汇率的弹性。

    Overseas financial institutions such as HSBC and Goldman Sachsexpect the central bank to take further steps for greater flexibility of the exchange rate during the rest of the year .

  7. 境外金融机构大量资金的注入给国内商业银行增添了资本,提高了资本充足率,公司治理结构也得以改善,海外资本运营也得以拓展。

    A large number of offshore funds into financial institutions , domestic commercial banks to add capital and improve the capital adequacy ratio , improved corporate governance structure , foreign capital operation has been expanded .

  8. 研究境外金融机构参股中资银行的定价问题,对于保障我国商业银行的利益和引进国外战略投资者战略目标的实现,进一步深化我国银行业对外开放具有积极意义。

    No doubt , to further attract foreign strategic investors , or to speed up the opening of Chinese banking industry , the study of equity pricing of Chinese banks properly is of great significance .

  9. 本文从目前境外金融机构参股中资银行的现状入手,分析了外资参股的特点和参股带来的收益、风险,并主要针对参股定价的情况和所采用的评估方法进行深入研究。

    The thesis started from the current situation of the overseas financial institutions investment in Chinese banks , analyzing the characters , the income and risks along with the overseas investment , and conducted thoroughly research on equity price and research methods .

  10. 为应对金融市场全面开放后的激励竞争,我国商业银行开始大力引进境外优秀的金融机构作为战略投资者,利用境外战略投资者的先进管理经验和技术来提升自身竞争力。

    In order to enhance their competitiveness by using foreign advanced management experience and technology , Chinese commercial banks began to introduce overseas excellent banks as strategic investors .