
  1. 为了给自己多一些灵活应对的余地,大的房产开放商已经从不稳定的境内融资转向了国际证券市场。

    To give themselves more leeway , bigger developers have turned away from fickle onshore financing to international bond markets .

  2. 如今中国内地企业可以在境内融资,而外国投资者要在中国内地直接投资也比以前容易多了,尽管与投资西方大部分地区相比,在中国投资进度更慢、风险更大,限制也更多。

    Local businesses can now raise funds in China itself , and foreign investors find it easier than before to invest directly in the mainland , albeit in a slower , riskier and more restrictive fashion than in much of the west .

  3. 民营企业境内上市融资障碍研究

    Studies on Obstacles to Financing for Private Enterprises Going Public in Domestic Stock Market

  4. 事务所主要从事的领域:房地产、知识产权、境内外融资、投资、环保、国际贸易等。

    The main business involves realty , intellectual property , financing at home and abroad , investment , environmental protection , international trade .