
  • 网络Lending Institution
  1. 上世纪90年代的趋势发生了重大改变,当时由于担心影响环境和居民流离失所的问题,世界银行(worldbank)等多边借贷机构都开始回避大型水电项目。

    It is a shift from the 1990s , when amid concerns about environmental impacts and displaced people , multilateral lenders like the World Bank backed away from large hydroelectric power projects .

  2. 上世纪80年代,政府和世界银行,IMF等借贷机构改变了市场政策。

    In the nineteen eighties , governments and lenders like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund changed market policies .

  3. 它们可以利用LendingClub的系统获得无担保贷款,并且几乎立即就能获批,而不用依赖银行或其他传统借贷机构。在提供融资时,传统机构一般要求对方进行抵押担保。

    Rather than have to rely on banks or other traditional lenders who require collateral for their financing , these customers can instead use Lending Club 's systems to procure an unsecured loan with near-instant approval .

  4. 如此高的收益解释了为什么现在大银行和其他借贷机构都提供小额贷款。

    Returns like that help explain why microfinance now includes big banks and other lenders .

  5. 政府和主要的借贷机构,例如世界银行和国际货币基金组织采取了自由市场政策。

    Governments and major lenders like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund free market policies .

  6. 当然,中等收入国家现在转向了私人借贷机构,后者并不将贷款同建议挂钩。

    Naturally , the MICs now turn to private lenders , who do not tie money to advice .

  7. 在这次提升以后,大银行的准备金率已经达到了10.5%,而小型的借贷机构的准备金率是11%。

    After the increase , the ratio will be10.5 percent for big bankers and11 percent for smaller lenders .

  8. 亚洲的银行和借贷机构在周三受重创,他们曾为客户带来了好处。

    Banks and lending institutions in Asia were hard hit wednesday , as were companies that make consumer goods .

  9. 分析人士说,这个行动将导致美国主要借贷机构美洲银行更加庞大。

    Analysts say the move will result in the nation 's prime lender ( BA ) becoming even bigger .

  10. 世界银行及其他国际借贷机构曾是水坝项目最重要的资助者,但它们从20世纪90年代以来减少了投资。

    The World Bank and other international lenders were the most important financiers of large dams before the ' 90s lull .

  11. 美国已经表示了对提议设立该地区性借贷机构的顾虑,并视其威胁到了由华盛顿牵头的世界银行。

    The United States has expressed misgivings about the proposed regional lender , which it sees as a threat to the Washington-led World Bank .

  12. 自从美国8个月前开始出现买房贷款危机后,借贷机构不再像原来那么愿意贷款。

    Lenders are less willing to take risks in the aftermath of the mortgage loan problem that surfaced in the United States eight months ago .

  13. 影子银行指的是一系列非正式融资渠道,包括传统银行的表外借贷机构、信托公司、保险公司和典当行。

    Shadow lenders are a m é lange of informal funding sources , from traditional banks ' off-balance-sheet lending arms to trust companies , insurance firms and pawnbrokers .

  14. 祖马说,这场全球经济危机显出,有必要改革国际金融体系和世界银行和国际货币基金组织这样的多边借贷机构。

    Mr. Zuma said the global economic crisis highlighted the need to reform the international financial system and multilateral lending groups like the world bank and International Monetary Fund .

  15. 据拉普朗什介绍,该平台的月利率最低为0.5%,大约是传统借贷机构的一半。

    According to Mr. Laplanche , the new venture offers a monthly interest rate starting at 0.5 percent , about half of what a more traditional lender could provide .

  16. 典当是安徽农村传统借贷机构,文章主要是从典当的种类、资本来源、内部组织结构、评价等方面做了详细的介绍。

    Pawn was a rural traditional organization in Anhui , the paper introduces mainly from the type of pawn , capital sources , internal organization structure , management , effect .

  17. 但是,经济学家警告说,如果华盛顿这次不对有问题的借贷机构提供救助加以限制的话,今后它可能会在海外倡导严苛的自由市场药方时失去可信度。

    Still , economists warn if Washington does not draw a line in its rescue of faulty lenders , it could lose credibility in preaching tough free market medicine abroad in the future .

  18. 民国时期四川典当业分布广,数量多,并有深入农村之势,成为农民重要的资金借贷机构,为调节农村金融经济起了重要作用。

    During the Republic of China , pawnshops spread all over SiChuan , also stretch into countryside . It provided peasants with loan funds , and played an important role in regulating money supply .

  19. 具体来说,本文从目前银行等借贷机构所最为关注的个人财务信用出发,拓展了个人信用的涵义,提出了个人社会信用的概念。

    This paper start from the personal finance credit most concerned about by banks and other lending institutions , expanding connotation of personal credit , and put forward the concept of personal social credit .

  20. 美国房贷市场传出更多房屋由于房主无力偿还贷款而被借贷机构没收的坏消息。美国众议院以234票对191票表决通过,允许法官下令改变贷款条件以帮助更多面临失业与财务危机的美国人保住他们的住房。

    Acting amid more bad news about the pace of home mortgage foreclosures in the United States , the US House of Representatives approved by a vote of 234 to 191 legislation that would allow judges to order changes in mortgage terms to help more Americans facing job losses financial troubles to stay in their homes .

  21. 一些贷款者抱怨,银行或其他借贷机构都不回复他们的电话或是与真正负责他们房贷的人取得联系非常困难。彼德雷说,沟通上的一些问题确实可以通过法庭下达的调停令解决。科林斯公司在好几个地区组织这样的调停会。

    Some borrowers also complain that banks or lending firms do not return their calls or that it is too hard to get in touch with the right person in charge of their mortgage.Petrey says some of those communication problems can be avoided with court-ordered mediations , which the Collins Center is helping to organize in several areas .

  22. 这样筹集到的资金在银行之间融通,或者借贷给非银行机构,有的用原币,有的已兑换成另一种货币。

    The funds thus obtained are traded among the banks and lent out to non-banks , either in the original currency or after having been converted into another currency .

  23. 农村金融市场也会改变现在这种状况,农户不再主要依靠非正规金融借贷;正规金融机构会以它的产品价格优势占据大部分农村金融市场。

    The rural finance market will also change this kind of condition , the peasant household no longer mainly depends upon the non-regular finance to lend money now ; Because the regular financial organ will occupy the majority of rural finance market .

  24. 民间借贷的专门立法应当只对那些以营利为目的且专门从事借贷业务的机构和个人的商事借贷行为进行规范,重点是对主体准入、放贷利率、经营区域、放贷人的资金来源等加以规范。

    Borrowing legislation should only on those for the purpose of profit and specialized in the business of lending institutions and individual commercial lending standards , the focus is on the main access , lending rates , operating area , lending funds to be standardized .