
jiè cí
  • loanword;loan;pretext
借词 [jiè cí]
  • (1) [loanword]∶从别的语言中吸收过来的词

  • (2) [pretext]∶假托的理由;托词

借词[jiè cí]
  1. 处理这一现象应遵循意译借词原则和简译借词原则。

    It shall be followed the loanword principle of free and simple translation .

  2. 借词与语言文化的发展

    On Loanword and The Development of Language and Culture

  3. 比如说computer(电脑)这个词,在世界上的每个国家的人都听得懂,因为这个词是随着技术发展进入到它们的语言系统,就成了借词。

    For example ," computer "( PC ) The word , people of each country in the world can understand , because the word is with the technology into their language system , it becomes the pretext .

  4. 汉借词与苗语固有词的语义变化

    Semantic Changes of Chinese Loanwords and Own Words in Miao Language

  5. 越语从汉语中借用的词汇(汉语借词、汉越词),现仍大量保留在越语中,并经常使用。

    The borrowings from Chinese are still frequently used in Vietnamese .

  6. 澳门粤语中的葡语借词研究

    The Study of Cantonese Loan Words of Portuguese in Macau

  7. 几个汉语借词在英语中的新用法及分析

    Chinese Borrowings in English : New Usages and Motivations For the Change

  8. 以科学的态度对待维吾尔语中的汉语借词

    On a Scientifically Attitude Toward the Chinese Borrowings in the Uyghur Language

  9. 北京市新英源借词使用情况年龄差异研究

    Age Differences in the Use of New English Lexical Borrowings

  10. 从人民网日本版看当代汉语中的日语借词

    Research on the Japanese Loanwords in Chinese by People 's Daily Net

  11. 语言词汇扩大的一大原因是借词。

    Language vocabulary expansion is a major cause of loanwords .

  12. 试析借词在跨文化交流中的社会功能

    An Analysis on the Social Function Loanwords in Cross-cultural Communication

  13. 汉语借词中,单音节外来词只占一小部分。

    Monosyllabic loanwords constitute only a small proportion of the Chinese loanwords .

  14. 以社会文化视角看英语中的汉语借词

    Looking at Chinese Borrowings in English from the Angle of Social Culture

  15. 从英汉互借词看中外文化渗透

    Infiltration of culture by borrowed words into English and Chinese

  16. 汉语中英语借词的新趋势及规范化

    New Tendencies of English Loanwords in Chinese and Their Standardization

  17. 英语中汉语借词的借入方式与发展趋势

    Borrowing Mode and Tendency of Chinese Loan Words in English

  18. 因此,借词的研究具有其独特的价值。

    So the study of loanwords is of great and unique significance .

  19. 历史文化对英汉借词的影响英汉礼貌原则差异及其历史文化根源

    The Difference in Politeness Principle between English & Chinese and Its Roots

  20. 探讨新疆汉话中的维吾尔语借词

    A study of Lexical Borrowing from Uighur in Xinjiang Chinese

  21. 英语中汉语借词构词探析

    An analysis of the formation of Chinese loans in English

  22. 最后,将算法应用到英语借词之中,给出计算结果。

    Finally , the algorithm is applied to Chinese loanwords in English .

  23. 区分借词层次的语音系联方法

    The Method of Sound Linking to Distinguish Layers of Loanwords

  24. 借词是丰富和发展词汇的重要方法和途径。

    Borrowing is an important way to enrich and develop native vocabulary .

  25. 论壮傣侗水语古汉语借词的调类对应&兼论侗台语汉语的接触及其语源关系

    On the Correspondence of the Tones of Ancient Chinese Loanwords in Kam-Tai Languages

  26. 中西方文化交流中的借词现象

    The phenomenon of the borrowing words in Intercultural Communications

  27. 维吾尔谚语中的汉语借词考

    A Textual Research on Chinese Loanwords in Uigur Proverbs

  28. 浅谈俄语词汇中的英语借词现象

    Brief Comment on English Loan Words in Russian Vocabulary

  29. 掌握法语借词是解决英语词汇记忆问题的一大突破口。

    Mastery of these borrowed words is a key to memorizing English words .

  30. 壮语汉借词的词义和语法意义变异

    The Meaning and Grammatical Variation of Chinese Loan Words in the Zhuang Language