
jiè kuǎn hé tónɡ
  • loan contract;loan agreement
  1. 数年后,为了保护铁路利权,清政府和广大民众强烈要求废除粤汉铁路借款合同。

    After several years , in order to protect the railway economic rights and interests , the Qing government and the public demanded to abolish the loan agreement intensely .

  2. 这些风险包括源于借款人的风险、房地产开发商的风险、银行自身的风险、借款合同引发的风险和抵押物引发的风险。

    These risks stem from borrower 's risk , the property developer 's risk , bank own risk , the risk initiated by the loan agreement and the risk initiated by the pawn .

  3. 尽管与最近其他丑闻相比,这桩丑闻听上去更为费解,但Libor有着非常现实的影响,它是全球350万亿美元借款合同条款的基准。

    Though it sounds more abstruse than other recent scandals , Libor has a very real-world impact , underpinning the terms of $ 350tn of borrowing contracts worldwide .

  4. 最早的保险政策是我们所说的抵押借款合同。

    The earliest insurance policies were what we called bottomry contracts .

  5. 二是介绍企业间借款合同的种类。

    The second point introduces the types of inter-enterprise loan contracts .

  6. 企业法人的独立人格和有限责任&对某银行与某香油公司、镇政府借款合同纠纷一案中企业改制问题的几点反思

    The Independent Personality and Limited Responsibility of Legal Person of Enterprise

  7. 1936年《德华信用借款合同》签订的作用与影响

    The Effect of Germany-China Credit Contract Of 1936

  8. 论借款合同担保的法律问题

    Discussion of Legal Questions of Loan Contract Guarantee

  9. 借款合同纠纷案例分析

    Analysis on the Case of Loan Contract Dissension

  10. 使用中国工商银行统一的借款合同文本;

    Use uniform loan contract wordings of ICBC ;

  11. 略论国际借款合同的准据法

    On Applicable Law of International Loan Contracts

  12. 现行的法律法规,对企业间的借款合同的效力有着不同的认知。

    The current laws and regulations have different perceptions on the effect of inter-enterprise loan contracts .

  13. 借款合同尚未生效,保险人不应当承担保险责任。

    If the loan contract is not in operation , insurance agent should not bear legal liability .

  14. 第二,我国现行法律法规对企业间借款合同的规定。

    The second point introduces the provisions of the current laws and regulations on inter-enterprise loan contracts .

  15. 第四,实践中司法机关对企业间借款合同的处理。

    The fourth point introduces the treatment of inter-enterprise loan contracts by the judiciary organs in practice .

  16. 对以贷还贷借款合同效力的思考

    Thought on the Effectiveness of Loan Contract about " Return of Old Loan With New Loan "

  17. 中比签署借款合同后,比利时在俄、法两国的支持下,不断提出修改合同的要求。

    Soon after the contract was signed by China and Belgium , Belgium asked for modification to the contract .

  18. 第三,两大法系关于企业间借款合同效力的比较。

    The third point is the comparison of the effect of inter-enterprise loan contracts between the two legal systems .

  19. 第一百九十八条订立借款合同,贷款人可以要求借款人提供担保。

    In entering into a contract for loan of money , the lender may require the borrower to provide assurance .

  20. 第二,分析《借款合同》第二章第二条约定是否是流质条款。

    Secondly , analyzing whether Article ⅱ of Chapter ⅱ of " loan contract " is an invalid fluidity clause .

  21. 第二百一十条自然人之间的借款合同,自贷款人提供借款时生效。

    A contract for loan of money between natural persons becomes effective at the time the lender makes the loan amount available .

  22. 第一,现行法律法规对借款合同出借方的主体范围规定。

    The first point introduces the provisions of the current laws and regulations on the subject scope of the lenders of loan contracts .

  23. 第一百九十七条借款合同采用书面形式,但自然人之间借款另有约定的除外。

    A contract for loan of money shall be in writing , except where the loan is between natural persons who have agreed otherwise .

  24. 企业应当按照借款合同规定的时间、金额和用途使用贷款。

    The enterprise shall use the loan in accordance with the schedule , amount and scope for use as stipulated in the loan contract .

  25. 并根据第三种模式设计了在建船舶抵押融资借款合同和抵押合同中的特色条款。

    Characteristic clauses are designed , according to the 3rd pattern , in the loan and mortgage contracts on the mortgage financing of ship under construction .

  26. 这是有趣的,已经存在了很长的时间以某种形式的保险。最早的保险政策,也就是我们俗称的抵押借款合同的。

    It 's interesting to note that insurance has existed in some form for a very long time . The earliest insurance policies were what we called bottomry contracts .

  27. 借款合同的内容包括借款种类、种、途、额、率、限和还款方式等条款。

    A contract for loan of money includes terms such as the loan 's type , currency , purpose , amount , interest rate , term and method of repayment , etc.

  28. 信贷资产的转出方应征得借款人同意方可进行信贷资产的转让,但原先签订的借款合同中另有约定的除外。

    The transferor of a credit asset may transfer the credit asset only after obtaining the consent of the borrower , except as otherwise provided for in the originally signed loan contract .

  29. 对银行收取按揭贷款买房人提前还贷违约金所持的理由进行驳斥,认为贷款人提前还贷的行为符合《合同法》关于借款合同的规定,也不违背国际上的通行作法;

    The paper has a refutation to the reasons held by the banks that collect the penalties which are paid by the housing-consumers with the mortgage loans repaying loans ahead of time .

  30. 本办法施行以前中国银行与企业签订的借款合同,仍按原订条款执行。

    With respect to the loan contracts signed by the Bank of China and enterprises before the entry into force of these Measures , such loan contracts shall continue to be valid .