
jiè kuǎn lì lǜ
  • interest rate on borrowings
  1. 这种类型的借款利率可能会很高。

    Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high

  2. Libor是根据各家银行对自己的每日借款利率所作的估计编制而成,有10种货币。

    Libor is compiled in 10 currencies from banks ' estimates of their daily borrowing rates .

  3. 与此同时,货币市场关键部分的借款利率跌至创纪录低点,3月期美元伦敦银行同业拆借利率(Libor)跌破1%。

    Meanwhile , borrowing costs in a key part of the money markets reached record lows as the three-month dollar Libor rate fell below 1 per cent .

  4. 对于国家的信用评级是浮动的:比如说美国,最高能够拥有3A级的信用评级,这就意味着它可以获得很低的借款利率。

    Countries are rated on a sliding scale : the U.S. , for example , has a top rating ( AAA ) which allows it to borrow cash at cheap interest rates .

  5. 两位教授将各家银行提交Libor委员会的利率与另一项较难操纵的银行利率进行比较,发现2007年8月至2008年8月期间,花旗将其借款利率平均低报了0.12个百分点。

    The professors compared LIBOR submissions to another harder to manipulate bank rate and found that on average Citi understated its borrow costs by an average of 0.12 percentage points from August 2007 to August 2008 .

  6. 与libor不同,提交euribor的银行并没有被要求提供他们对自身借款利率的估值,而主要是对于两大主要银行间利率的估值。

    Unlike LIBOR submitters , Euribor banks are not asked to provide estimates of what they think they would have to pay to borrow , merely estimates of what the borrowing rate between two " prime " banks should be .

  7. 这期间,花旗上报的借款利率略低于2.1%。

    Citi reported its loan costs at just under 2.1 % during the period .

  8. 事实上,到上周末,借款利率已开始趋于稳定。

    And indeed , by the end of last week , borrowing rates were stabilising .

  9. 结果同样,分析显示花旗低报借款利率最多。

    Once again Citi was shown to have understated its borrowing costs by the most .

  10. 更重要的是,银行借款利率上升意味着其它每个人的利率都会提高。

    More importantly , higher borrowing rates for banks means higher rates for everyone else .

  11. 投资策略受限情况下借款利率大于债券利率最优投资策略的存在性

    Existence of Portfolio Optimization under Constrains and with Higher Interest Rate for Borrowing than for Lending

  12. 美联储解释称,它购买国债是为了以一种间接方式降低私人借款利率。

    The bank explained it was buying Treasuries as an indirect way of lowering private borrowing rates .

  13. 由于外债普遍带有优惠性质,具有融资数额大、借款利率低、使用期限长等优点,深受企业欢迎。

    It is welcomed by the enterprises for the great sum , low interest rate and long period .

  14. 借款利率大于债券利率同时投资策略受限情况下期权的定价

    On the pricing of contingent claims under constraints and with higher interest rate for borrowing than for lending

  15. 但是现在,陷入债务困境的希腊,葡萄牙等国的借款利率已经急剧下降。

    But now , interest rates for borrowing by troubled countries like Greece and Portugal have fallen sharply .

  16. 外界认为这一举措旨在安抚金融市场,并无限期地将长期借款利率保持在低位。

    It 's seen as a step intended to reassure financial markets and keep long-term borrowing rates low indefinitely .

  17. 经常置股本贷款是一个固定的数额,借款利率固定一段时间。

    A regular home equity loan is a fixed sum borrowed at a fixed rate over a period of time .

  18. 从而表明,银行能够根据公司的盈余质量高低调整其长期借款利率。

    This means that the banks have abilities to adjust the interest of the long-term loans in accordance to the earnings quality .

  19. 同期印度央行还将基准借款利率反向回购利率下调了200个基点。

    The reverse repurchase rate , or the key borrowing rate , has been lowered by200 basis points over the same period .

  20. 如果借款利率始终高于折现率,公司在持有债务资本阶段不宜进行股利分配;

    If the interest rate is always higher than the discount rate , dividend should not be paid when the firm has debt .

  21. 例如,意大利将看到其目前4.3%的平均借款利率出现下降而不是上升。

    Italy , for instance , would see its average cost of borrowing decline rather than increase from the current 4.3 per cent .

  22. 但是借款利率越低,这些国家就要付出越高的利息来吸引投资者投资这些国家的债券。

    The lower the rating grade , however , the higher interest payments a nation must pay to attract investors to buy its bonds .

  23. 其它悬而未决的问题有:在企业借款利率仍大大高于历史水平之际,一个现金紧张的世界是否意味着紧张的期限将会延长?

    Among other unanswered questions : Might a cash-starved world mean a prolonged period when interest rates for corporate borrowers stay well above historic levels ?

  24. 接下来,通胀预期将增强,长期政府债券收益率将上升,借款利率将急遽攀高,最终导致滞胀局面。

    Then , inflationary expectations will increase , long-term government bond yields would rise and borrowing rates will go up sharply , leading to stagflation .

  25. 存款利率;借款利率[银行]:银行对存款支付的利率

    Depositor rate of interest ; Borrowing rate [ Banks ] : The rate of interest paid by Banks on deposits . amount due from banks

  26. 这项举措出台之际,还有迹象表明,欧洲银行间市场某些领域的流动性最近已明显下降,推动隔夜借款利率大幅上阳。

    It also came amid signs that liquidity has recently evaporated from parts of the European inter-bank market , pushing overnight borrowing rates sharply higher .

  27. 根据他的估计,香港房价明年将下跌25%至30%,直接原因是借款利率上升。

    By his estimate , Hong Kong property prices will fall by 25 to 30 per cent next year , sparked off by higher borrowing rates .

  28. 他还说,目前银行向他收取的利率有时候不到6%,低于尼日利亚政府的借款利率。

    Nowadays , banks sometimes charge him less than 6 % interest , he added , a lower interest rate than Nigeria 's government gets on its loans .

  29. 这一荒谬结果的出现,是因为金融服务产出在很大程度上受到银行平均贷款利率和借款利率之差的影响,而当时两者之差大幅升高。

    This nonsensical result arises because the measurement of financial services output is strongly influenced by the margin between average bank lending and borrowing rates , which increased sharply .

  30. 我们建议所有欧元区国家承诺,借款利率不高于欧元区政府债券收益率最低值200个基点。

    We propose that all eurozone countries commit not to borrow at an interest rate of more than 200 basis points above the lowest government bond yield within the euro area .