
jiè kuǎn rén
  • borrower;debtor;applicant for a loan
  1. 借款人证明书,其格式基本上应遵照附录4及其附件规定的格式。

    A certificate of the Borrower shall , substantially , comply with the form set forth2 in Appendix 4 , and the attachments3 specified4 therein . 14 . thereinafter in the following part of that matter ( as writing , document , or speech ) (

  2. 事实上,CDS往往用于交易,理论上CDS的价格基于借款人的信用度上涨或下跌。

    Instead they are traded , in theory rising and falling based on the credit worthiness of borrower or borrowers .

  3. 借款人应当慎重考虑之后再行借贷。

    Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan .

  4. 对借款人来说,减息的消息来得正是时候。

    News of interest cuts came in the nick of time for borrowers .

  5. 一些借款人会发现,他们还款遇到了麻烦,但根本不是由于自身的过失造成的。

    A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own .

  6. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  7. 第一资本公司(CapitalOne)和通用金融公司(GMFinancial)又开始引诱那些仅仅几年前金融机构还避之唯恐不及的高风险借款人。

    Capital one ( COF ) and GM financial are luring back riskier borrowers that financial institutions turned away only a few years ago , the New York Times recently reported .

  8. 因此,利率每下降1%,就会有将近1%的gdp从出借人手中转移至借款人手中。

    Thus , a 1 per cent fall in interest rates shifts close to 1 per cent of GDP from lenders to borrowers .

  9. 在这场决心控制金融市场和打压投机者的央行与投机者之间的懦夫博弈(gameofchicken)中,谨慎的投资者和鲁莽的借款人都可能遭到碾压。

    In this game of chicken between a central bank determined to control the financial markets and squeeze speculators , prudent investors and imprudent borrowers can both get crushed .

  10. 对于借款人而言,GDP增速下滑造成的影响是痛苦的:即使是轻微的经济增长放缓,都可能对房地产等敏感的高杠杆行业造成巨大影响。

    For borrowers , the differences can be painful : even slight slowdowns can exert a disproportionate impact on sensitive credit-fuelled sectors , such as property .

  11. 与此相反,葡萄牙、爱尔兰、希腊和西班牙是欧洲央行(ECB)的净借款人。

    Contrast this with the fact that Portugal , Ireland , Greece and Spain are net borrowers from the European Central Bank .

  12. 因此,构建我国借款人提前还款分析模型,为以后的MBS定价研究奠定基础。

    To build a forecasting model can serve as the solid fundation for the research on MBS pricing .

  13. cds合约提供一种防范借款人违约的保险,一直受到一些监管者的诟病,认为它加剧了危机。

    CDS contracts provide a form of insurance against default by a borrower and have been blamed by some regulators for exacerbating the crisis .

  14. 福布斯家族和公司的二股东&高地风险投资公司(ElevationPartners)已经启动了一项紧急计划,重塑公司的业务,并与借款人重修旧好。

    The family and the minority owner , elevation partners , began an emergency plan to restructure the business and get back in the good graces of its lenders .

  15. 她拒绝让欧洲央行(ECB)充当最后借款人来停止危机在债券市场的蔓延。

    She refuses to call on the European Central Bank to be the lender of last resort to stop contagion in the bond markets .

  16. 政策制定者希望民营银行能满足这类借款人,经济学家们表示,小型民营企业提供了约60%的国内生产总值(GDP)以及约75%的新就业岗位。

    Policy makers hope that private banks will meet the needs of such borrowers , which economists say provide about 60 per cent of gross domestic product and about 75 per cent of new jobs .

  17. 本文通过引用相关数据研究w银行房地产开发贷款现状,提出其贷后管理工作存在借款人风险、项目风险和贷款管理风险。

    By studying the current situation of W Bank real estate development loans with relevant data , this article points out that there are borrower risk , project risk , and loans to manage risk .

  18. 在很多市场上,公司借款人纷纷准备对辛迪加贷款(syndicated-loanfacilities注11)进行再融资,将给它们的外国银行债权人带来重大考验。

    Corporate borrowers in many markets are about to put their foreign bank creditors to the test , as they prepare to refinance syndicated-loan facilities .

  19. 并指出,我国商业银行利用KMV模型测算上市公司借款人的违约率具有可行性。

    And the paper also points out that , it is feasible for Chinese commercial banks to measure the Probability of Default by using KMV Model .

  20. 艾伦•格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)全然不顾这些迹象,随着数百亿美元抵押贷款的发放,他赢得了喝彩和声誉,而那些借款人却可能永远都不会偿还贷款了。

    Alan Greenspan brushed the evidence aside , courting applause and celebrity as mortgage lenders advanced billions of dollars to people who would never be in a position to repay the loans .

  21. 美联储(Fed)主席本•伯南克(BenBernanke)周二呼吁银行减免发放给陷入困境的借款人的大部分抵押贷款,伯南克表示,美国住宅市场危机远未结束,并要求各方做出有力回应。

    Ben Bernanke on Tuesday called on banks to forgive chunks of mortgage loans issued to troubled borrowers , as the chairman of the Federal Reserve suggested the US housing crisis was far from over and required a vigorous response .

  22. adb和其他国际金融机构经常利用本地货币发行债券,帮助发展中债券市场确立定价,供公司借款人当作基准使用。

    ADB and other international financial institutions have regularly used local currency bond issues to help establish pricing in developing bond markets which can then be used as a benchmark for corporate borrowers .

  23. 国会监督小组(COP)上周发布的一份报告显示,获得Hamp贷款修改的借款人中,预计有40%会在未来5年内再次违约。

    According to a report published last week by the Congressional Oversight Panel , 40 per cent of borrowers who receive a Hamp modification are expected to re-default within the next five years .

  24. 然而,霍诺汉本月在国际货币基金组织(IMF)的一场辩论中透露,爱尔兰一些按揭贷款提供者推出了“无追索权”贷款,让它们有权在出现违约的情况下收回房产,但无权追索借款人个人的偿债责任。

    But this month Mr Honohan revealed during a debate at the International Monetary Fund that some Irish mortgage providers were now offering " non-recourse " loans , which give them the right to repossess property in the event of default but not to pursue borrowers personally .

  25. 住房抵押贷款中借款人的提前还款行为向来是金融机构及MBS投资者所关注的焦点,提前还款行为之所以广受关注,是因为它直接影响住房抵押贷款现金流的变化,从而改变着MBS的价值。

    Advance repay for housing mortgage loan has been all along noted by financial institutions and MBS investors . The reason lies in its influence on cash flow in housing mortgage loan , which , then , changes the value of MBS .

  26. 对于固定利率贷款,在市场利率下降时,贷款的市场价值及LTV将提高,导致借款人主动违约,或者提前还款;

    As for the fixed-rates loan , the market value of the loan and the LTV will increase when the market interest rate falls , leading to the voluntary default or advanced loan repayment of the debtor .

  27. 当然,只要借款人按期付贷款。

    Sure as long as we 'll pay down our debt .

  28. 借款人须于每一付息日当日付息。

    The borrower shall pay interest on each interest payment day .

  29. 关于个人住房贷款中借款人资信评估问题的探讨

    Exploration on Creditworthy Evaluation of a Loanee of Personal Housing Loan

  30. 每一个借款人都有权利获得可承担的还款计划。

    Every borrower has the right to an affordable repayment plan .