
  1. 据与该基金打过交道的高管估计,在本世纪景气年份,该基金支付的金额(包括咨询费、交易佣金、借款手续费等)有所提升。

    During the boom years of this decade , its payments which included fees , trading commissions and borrowing charges were higher , according to estimates made by executives who dealt with the fund .

  2. 良好的经济形势在给饭店业带来无限商机的同时也带来了外汇收支管理等问题。尤其是现代饭店业面临着外汇交易、外汇借款、汇率折算等风险。

    Good economic situation brought limitless business opportunity to hotel trade but at the same time also make some problems on foreign currency revenue and expenditure management Modern hotel trade face many kinds of risk from foreign exchange transaction , borrowed money of foreign currency and convert of exchange rate .

  3. 对投机性泡沫的担忧主要集中在个人交易账户的保证金借款(margindebt)水平过高上。

    Worries about speculative froth are focused on high levels of margin debt in retail trading accounts .

  4. 上一季度,房产交易减少与西班牙借款成本大幅上涨同时出现,这表明,投资者甚至连购买困境房地产的兴趣也已消失。

    The drop off in activity during the last quarter , which has coincided with sharp rises in the borrowing costs for Spain , suggests even the appetite for buying distressed real estate has dissipated .

  5. 不管是哪种情况,利差交易泡沫都将恶化:如果不实施外汇干预,并且外币又在升值,那么利差交易的负借款成本将变成一个绝对值更高的负值。

    Either way , the carry trade bubble will get worse : if there is no forex intervention and foreign currencies appreciate , the negative borrowing cost of the carry trade becomes more negative .