
  • 网络Transaction Demand;transactionary demand for money
  1. 凯恩斯早就指出过,货币需求包括交易、预备需求和投机需求三种形式,以货币供给总量代表货币的交易需求量显然不妥当。

    Recognizing that money demand includes transaction , precautionary , and speculative demand , as Keynes claimed , it is not proper to take aggregate demand for money as the transaction demand .

  2. 农业技术商品交易行为分析,包括改革开放以来农业技术商品交易状况及特征,交易需求、动机与心态分析;

    Agriculture technology commodity action analyzed ( including agriculture technology commodity status and character analyzed since 1980s ), transaction demand , motivation and intention analyzed ;

  3. 西方经典货币交易需求模型述评

    Revision of the Classical Models of the Transaction Demands for Cash MONEY HISTORICAL

  4. 基于机构投资者交易需求的中国股市流动性研究

    Liquidity analysis of China stock markets : based on exchange demand of organization investors

  5. 为此,我们提出了组对冲套期保值模型,希望这一模型的提出能为在外汇期货市场上有套期保值交易需求的企业提供一些新的思路。

    We hope this model could provide some new ideas for enterprises in foreign currency futures market to manage the risk .

  6. 本文认为套期保值功能是期货市场得以存在的基础,期货合约的设计者首先应该最大限度地满足潜在套期保值者的交易需求。

    The hedging performance , however , is the foundation of the futures market , so the contract designer should farthest meet the potential hedgers demand .

  7. 随着实体经济交易需求与产权转换等方面的需要,出现了虚拟经济的范畴。

    With the need of the respect that the trade demand of real economy and property right are changed etc , the category of fictitious economy has appeared .

  8. 所有国家都能受益,如果每个国家专门生产这些商品能产生最佳,满足他们的其他需要和为他们的交易需求。

    All countries can benefit if each country specializes in producing those goods it can produce best and satisfy their other wants and needs by trading for them .

  9. 现在,它则被视为一股文化力量,既可以点燃爱的火花,也可以破坏婚姻,甚至催生“血汗工厂”,以满足虚拟物品的黑市交易需求。

    Now it is seen as a cultural force that sparks love affairs , breaks marriages and creates " sweat shops " to satisfy a black market in virtual goods .

  10. 由后凯恩斯学派创立的货币交易需求模型已成为金融理论中的经典模型理论,并延用至今。

    The models of the transaction demands for cash established by the school of post Keynesians have been the classical models and studied by students in finance for many years .

  11. 开采自页岩层的碳氢化合物刺激了美国油气生产的复苏,伴随着这种复苏,米勒表示,围绕美国能源领域的交易需求将会增加。

    With the Renaissance in US oil and gas production , driven by the unlocking of hydrocarbons from shale rock , there will be a growing need to trade and market around energy in the US , Mr Miller says .

  12. 本文结合我国转轨经济的特殊制度背景,根据1990~2003年期间主要宏观经济数据进行实证分析,结果表明:目前我国居民交易需求持有外币的动机比较突出;

    This paper taking the actual economy of China into account , according to the annual data of our country 's main macroeconomic data during 1990 ~ 2003.The result shows that , at present , individuals of China have more conspicuous motives to convert RMB into foreign currency ;

  13. 结合上述SOA建模分析及设计方法,论文从银行证券交易的需求出发,对系统的现有业务进行了细致的业务流程分析及设计,包括功能分解,流程设计以及服务的设计,并建立了信息模型。

    Based on above approach , together with current business requirement of security brokerage , detailed business flow analysis and design of current business is presented including function decomposition , process design , service design and building information model .

  14. Marlboro是世界上最有价值的品牌,也是在非法交易中需求量最多的品牌。

    Marlboro is the world 's most valuable brand and remains one of the most in demand in the contraband sector .

  15. 但实践不足以解释所有可能的使用状况和交易量需求。

    But that practice just doesn 't scale enough to account for all the possible uses and transaction volumes needed .

  16. 这篇论文系统的估计了重庆市住宅租赁和住宅交易市场需求的各种弹性,其中以收入弹性和价格弹性为主。

    This dissertation estimated housing demand elasticities , mainly the income and price elasticity , separately in rental and dealing market .

  17. 分析表明,新方案满足我们总结的所有电子交易安全需求,更具实用性。

    The security analysis of the proposed scheme show that it meets all security requirements we summarized , it is more practicable .

  18. 市场的一个问题是,阿里巴巴的股票是否会把投资者一股脑吸引过去,降低他们对其他关注程度低的交易的需求。

    One question for the market is whether all of that Alibaba stock will saturate investors to the point of damping appetite for other , less high profile deals .

  19. 如今,投行业只能将希望寄托于竞争对手减少、利润率上升以及客户对外汇、利率与大宗商品交易的需求迅速增加。

    The industry is now pinning its hopes on fewer competitors , higher margins and a surge in client demand for trading foreign exchange , interest rates and commodities .

  20. 随着网络通讯技术的快速发展以及电子商务活动的日益增多,传统的电子商务平台无法满足现代电子商务交易的需求。

    Belong with the rapidly development of the network communication technology and the increasing number of e-commerce activities , the traditional e-commerce platform cannot meet the needs of modern e-commerce transactions .

  21. 随着网络游戏越来越多,网上交易的需求越来越大,于是出现了一些专门的交易平台,如中国网络游戏服务网。

    With more and more online games , online transactions increasing demand , so some trading platform start to provide trading service , such as the China online game service platform .

  22. 我们运用碳排放权交易供给需求曲线作为分析工具,得出了降低交易成本是构建和完善碳市场体系的中心目标。

    We use carbon the supply and demand curves of carbon emissions trading as an analytical tool to reduce transaction costs to build and improve the central target of the carbon market system .

  23. 我想不用我提醒你的绝对保密,这一交易的需求。我会把你的详细资料,这一项目之前,当我听到你。我急切地等待您的衷诚合作。

    I do not need to remind you of the absolute secrecy and confidentiality that this transaction demands . I will send you the detailed information of this pending project when I have heard from you .

  24. 私人IPO的蓬勃发展催生了企业、企业员工和投资者对二级市场交易平台的需求。

    This boom in private primary offerings has translated into demand for secondary trading platforms from companies , their employees and investors .

  25. 另外,鉴于Linux操作系统强大的网络能力,以及针对电子交易平台所需求的稳定、高效率与低成本的天生优势,在本研究中将依据实际模拟来做电子商务应用的可行性评估。

    In addition , this paper is going to do the feasibility assessment of e-commerce according to actual simulation owing to the powerful network capability and the advantages the cater to the needs of e-trading platform of Linux operation system .

  26. 与此同时,将软件工程中的UML创新性地引入电子商务网站建站中来,用UML完成网上交易平台的需求分析与功能建模。

    Meanwhile , I have innovatively introduced UML , the concept of the soft engineering , into the e-commerce website while building a station , using UML to realize the demand analysis and function modeling for the online trading platform .

  27. 目前在我国,这种影响主要表现为股票的交易性货币需求,因而对货币需求的影响主要体现在狭义货币M1上。

    Seen from present actual conditions of our country , this influence mainly reflects on the trading effect of the stock market , so this influence on money demand mainly reflects on M1 of narrow sense .

  28. 佣金对交易性货币需求的影响&库存理论研究

    Commission 's influence on transaction currency & Research on storage theory

  29. 我国商业银行对金融衍生交易的潜在需求

    Latent demand of financial derivative instruments in commercial bank of China

  30. 支付是商品和服务交易中除了需求和供给以外的另一个重要环节。稳定的供求关系下,支付制度是决定成交量的关键因素。

    Payment is a critical factor in any transaction , linking demand and supply .