
  1. 当前西方金融货币形势及其前景

    The Current Financial and Monetary Situation and Prospects in the West

  2. 相比之下,亚洲的金融货币合作相对滞后。

    However , Asian financial and monetary cooperation is relatively backward .

  3. 实现金融货币资本化的基本思路

    Basic Thinking of Realizing the Capitalization of Financial Currency

  4. 英国的意大利商人,其投资形式主要是商业和金融货币方面。

    Italian merchants mainly invested in commercial and financial monetary aspects in England .

  5. 主权财富基金是金融货币市场上一个较新、同时又富有争议的资本力量。

    Sovereign Wealth Fund is a new and controversial capital strength in financial market .

  6. 全球化与国际金融货币制度:从亚洲危机中吸取教训

    Globalization and the international financial and monetary system : lessons learned from the Asian crisis

  7. 从紧的金融货币政策

    Tight financial and monetary policy

  8. 非阿拉伯的金融货币机构

    Non-Arab financial and monetary institutions

  9. 事实上,这项工作涉及重要而复杂的金融货币事项,必须非常审慎处理。

    Complex issues of notable monetary significance are involved in this work and we must handle them with the greatest care .

  10. 利率渠道和信贷渠道是金融货币政策影响房地产价格的主要途径。

    By controlling the bank interest rate and credit channels , financial and monetary policy plays the role on the real estate price .

  11. 东亚金融货币合作的三大基本元素分别是流动性支持、区域监测监控以及汇率协调。

    The basic elements of East Asian financial and monetary cooperation are liquidity assistance , regional supervision and monitoring , exchange rate coordination .

  12. 从而消除货币信用缺失对实体经济的冲击,促成金融货币体系与经济协同发展的目的。

    It will help us to remove Money missing from the credit impact on the real economy , finance and economic development to achieve synchronization .

  13. 利率政策作为金融货币政策的一个重要组成部分,能否将房地产价格的增长控制在一个相对平稳的范围内。

    As an integral part of monetary policy , whether the real estate prices could be controlled at a relatively stable range by the interest rate policy is a theme which is worth studying .

  14. 本文基于我国目前的经济现状,分析了人民币在进出口贸易、金融货币政策领域给我国带来的收益和风险,探讨了人民币强势时期的升值问题及解决弊端的方案。

    This paper analyzed the benefits and risks in the trade of import and export and financial currency policy according to the present economic condition and studied the revalue problem of Renminbi during the pre-eminent period , which resulted in the relative resolution .

  15. 没有各类教科书中所指定的常见财政、金融与货币工具,欧盟(eu)同样可以运行。

    The European Union can do without the ordinary fiscal , financial and monetary instruments that all textbooks prescribe .

  16. 亚洲国家需要制订金融和货币合作路线图

    Asian countries must formulate the blueprint of finance and currency cooperation

  17. 至此,我已论述了四个至关重要的方面金融、货币体系、贸易和自然资源。

    Here I have discussed four crucial aspects finance , the monetary system , trade and natural resources .

  18. 二是稳定宏观经济环境,建立稳定、健全的金融与货币政策,稳定价格、稳定利率;

    Stabilizing macro-economic environment , establishing steady and perfect finance and money policy , Stabilizing price and interest rate ;

  19. 信用卡作为新兴的金融电子货币,对经济的发展有明显的促进作用。

    As a new electronic financial currency , credit card have significant effects on the development of the economy .

  20. 现在的国家在绞尽脑汁改革国际金融及货币系统以稳定世界经济。

    Now , all countries are mulling ways to reform the international financial and monetary system to stabilize the world economy .

  21. 这也取决于国际一级的善政,并取决于金融、货币和贸易体制的透明度。

    It also depends on good governance at the international level and on transparency in the financial , monetary and trading systems .

  22. 首要的问题是,持续贬值的货币及其对金融和货币体系的影响力。

    The primary issue is and has been the debasement of the currency and its effects on the financial and monetary systems .

  23. 独立后的哈萨克斯坦在进行私有化经济体制改革过程中,采取了一系列立法、行政、金融、货币等改革措施,以挽救陷入困境的国民经济。

    After independence , Kazakhstan took a series of legislative , administrative , financial and monetary methods to save its trapped economy .

  24. 在国际金融和货币领域,整个全球金融体系和制度也有利于金融大国。

    In international financial and monetary fields , the entire global financial system and system is also conducive to the financial powers .

  25. 而实际原因和以前一样:对金融和货币资产“稳固”投资的飞涨。

    And the actual causes are the same as before : a flight from financial and monetary assets in favour of " concrete " investments .

  26. 来自美国的银行家鲍勃·狄龙正与一位日本银行家谈论日本的金融和货币制度。

    Bob Dillon , a banker from the United States , is talking with a Japanese banker about the financial and monetary system in Japan .

  27. 根据格兰杰因果检验和计量经济分析得出,长株潭区域金融的货币化程度与经济增长呈负相关。

    According to the Granger causality test and econometric model test , a negative correlation was found between the monetization of regional finance and economic growth .

  28. 尽管区内贸易融合及互相倚赖程度逐渐提高,金融及货币方面的融合却显然没有相应的发展。

    This high and increasing degree of trade integration and regional interdependence has clearly not been matched by a corresponding degree of financial and monetary integration .

  29. 或许我们应该欢迎对金融及货币体系来一场全面的改革,即使是那些与这场危机无干的环节也不放过?

    Maybe we should welcome a comprehensive overhaul of the financial and monetary system , even of those parts that can hardly be blamed for the meltdown .

  30. 目前的区域经济一体化早已突破贸易合作的层次,正向朝着金融和货币一体化的深层次发展。

    The current regional economic integration has already exceeded the level of trade cooperation , is toward financial and monetary integration in the development of the deep-seated .