
  • 网络FINANCIAL ENGINEER;Quant;quants
  1. 前金融工程师潘迪特先生力图使花旗重拾老本行,从事企业服务和国际零售银行业务。

    Mr Pandit , a former quant , is returning Citi to its roots in corporate services and international retail banking .

  2. 然而,他被迫转型为金融工程师。

    Instead , he was forced to become a financial engineer .

  3. 这是与众多金融工程师和研究人员的默认常识有悖的!我们基于Box-Muller方法的放射层次结构假设了一个替代算法,用以对正态随机变量分类,这对于VAR估计同样是有效的。

    We propose an alternative algorithm , based on radial stratification of Box-Muller method to sample the normal random variables , which is effective in VAR estimation .

  4. 投资银行是资本市场上的高级中介机构,是资本运营的设计师、组织者、金融工程师。

    Investment banks are good medium in the capital market .

  5. 随着企业越来越复杂,它们的管理职位越来越多地由律师和金融工程师担当。

    As businesses grow more complex , their managers are increasingly drawn from the ranks of lawyers and financial engineers .

  6. 金融工程师们宣称,通过地域上的多元化,可以降低风险。而事实上,由于造成了代理人问题,这种做法反而加大了风险。

    Financial engineers claimed they were reducing risks through geographic diversification : in fact they were increasing them by creating an agency problem .

  7. 他们宣称,他们已不再是单纯的金融工程师,而是拥有专长的长期投资者,甚至能够帮助处境最糟糕的公司扭亏为盈。

    They were no longer pure financial engineers , they argued , but long-term investors with the expertise to foster turnrounds at even the most troubled of companies .

  8. 1991年国际金融工程师学会成立,同时以大通曼哈顿银行和美洲银行为代表的一些金融机构创立了金融工程部门,美国麻省理工大学、斯坦福大学、密西根大学等名校也相继设立金融工程博士学位。

    In 1991 , the International Association of Financial Engineers found . At the same time some financial institute set up financial engineering department , many universities open the financial engineering doctor degree .

  9. 第二节,我们以流动收益期权票据这种特殊的可转换债券为例,来了解西方金融工程师对金融产品创新进行构思、包装、定价及上市等一系列过程,从而更好地认识可转换债券。

    The second section takes the liquidity yield option note ( LYON ) as an example to understand the properties of the convertible bond and the entire process of the financial instrument innovation in the western financial market .

  10. 为了追求更多的利润,金融工程师们从基础金融工具上面衍生出了大量的创新金融产品,而且这种所谓的创新会不断地进行下去,这必然会导致虚拟经济的极度膨胀。

    In pursuit of more profit , financial engineers , derived a lot of innovative financial products from basic financial instruments , and this so-called " innovation " will continue to proceed , this will inevitably lead to the virtual economy being greatly inflated .

  11. 让司法会计、律师和金融工程师等有经验的专业人士组成的各团队在众多的调查中定期合作,然后从他们的分析中发现许多新见解、共同线索和关键课题。

    By maintaining teams of experienced professionals - forensic accountants , lawyers , and Financial Engineers - working together on a regular basis over the course of many investigations , a number of new insights , common threads and key issues would emerge from their analysis .

  12. 这些工作包括研究发展经理、金融主管、机械工程师和工程监理。

    Such positions included job titles like manager of research and development , director of finance , mechanical engineer and construction supervisor .